path: root/src/main/kotlin/features/mining
diff options
authorLinnea Gräf <nea@nea.moe>2024-10-13 17:32:10 +0200
committerLinnea Gräf <nea@nea.moe>2024-10-13 17:32:10 +0200
commite6142bb93619dee768fc18b87ffdd28558d4bcab (patch)
tree03df79712151f7579cd683c8340741ebb3191822 /src/main/kotlin/features/mining
parentdaa63bd914a2f6c5e9b668abb8474884685ee818 (diff)
Make pickaxe ability display use AbilityUtils
[no changelog]
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/kotlin/features/mining')
1 files changed, 126 insertions, 136 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/features/mining/PickaxeAbility.kt b/src/main/kotlin/features/mining/PickaxeAbility.kt
index 192419f..1853d65 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/features/mining/PickaxeAbility.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/features/mining/PickaxeAbility.kt
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
package moe.nea.firmament.features.mining
import java.util.regex.Pattern
@@ -30,155 +29,146 @@ import moe.nea.firmament.util.parseShortNumber
import moe.nea.firmament.util.parseTimePattern
import moe.nea.firmament.util.render.RenderCircleProgress
import moe.nea.firmament.util.render.lerp
+import moe.nea.firmament.util.skyblock.AbilityUtils
import moe.nea.firmament.util.toShedaniel
import moe.nea.firmament.util.unformattedString
import moe.nea.firmament.util.useMatch
object PickaxeAbility : FirmamentFeature {
- override val identifier: String
- get() = "pickaxe-info"
- object TConfig : ManagedConfig(identifier) {
- val cooldownEnabled by toggle("ability-cooldown") { true }
- val cooldownScale by integer("ability-scale", 16, 64) { 16 }
- val drillFuelBar by toggle("fuel-bar") { true }
- }
- var lobbyJoinTime = TimeMark.farPast()
- var lastUsage = mutableMapOf<String, TimeMark>()
- var abilityOverride: String? = null
- var defaultAbilityDurations = mutableMapOf<String, Duration>(
- "Mining Speed Boost" to 120.seconds,
- "Pickobulus" to 110.seconds,
- "Gemstone Infusion" to 140.seconds,
- "Hazardous Miner" to 140.seconds,
- "Maniac Miner" to 59.seconds,
- "Vein Seeker" to 60.seconds
- )
- override val config: ManagedConfig
- get() = TConfig
- fun getCooldownPercentage(name: String, cooldown: Duration): Double {
- val sinceLastUsage = lastUsage[name]?.passedTime() ?: Duration.INFINITE
- val sinceLobbyJoin = lobbyJoinTime.passedTime()
+ override val identifier: String
+ get() = "pickaxe-info"
+ object TConfig : ManagedConfig(identifier) {
+ val cooldownEnabled by toggle("ability-cooldown") { true }
+ val cooldownScale by integer("ability-scale", 16, 64) { 16 }
+ val drillFuelBar by toggle("fuel-bar") { true }
+ }
+ var lobbyJoinTime = TimeMark.farPast()
+ var lastUsage = mutableMapOf<String, TimeMark>()
+ var abilityOverride: String? = null
+ var defaultAbilityDurations = mutableMapOf<String, Duration>(
+ "Mining Speed Boost" to 120.seconds,
+ "Pickobulus" to 110.seconds,
+ "Gemstone Infusion" to 140.seconds,
+ "Hazardous Miner" to 140.seconds,
+ "Maniac Miner" to 59.seconds,
+ "Vein Seeker" to 60.seconds
+ )
+ override val config: ManagedConfig
+ get() = TConfig
+ fun getCooldownPercentage(name: String, cooldown: Duration): Double {
+ val sinceLastUsage = lastUsage[name]?.passedTime() ?: Duration.INFINITE
+ val sinceLobbyJoin = lobbyJoinTime.passedTime()
if (SBData.skyblockLocation == SkyBlockIsland.MINESHAFT) {
if (sinceLobbyJoin < sinceLastUsage) {
return 1.0
- if (sinceLastUsage < cooldown)
- return sinceLastUsage / cooldown
- return 1.0
- }
- @Subscribe
- fun onSlotClick(it: SlotClickEvent) {
- if (MC.screen?.title?.unformattedString == "Heart of the Mountain") {
- val name = it.stack.displayNameAccordingToNbt?.unformattedString ?: return
- val cooldown = it.stack.loreAccordingToNbt.firstNotNullOfOrNull {
- cooldownPattern.useMatch(it.unformattedString) {
- parseTimePattern(group("cooldown"))
- }
- } ?: return
- defaultAbilityDurations[name] = cooldown
- }
- }
- @Subscribe
- fun onDurabilityBar(it: DurabilityBarEvent) {
- if (!TConfig.drillFuelBar) return
- val lore = it.item.loreAccordingToNbt
- if (lore.lastOrNull()?.unformattedString?.contains("DRILL") != true) return
- val maxFuel = lore.firstNotNullOfOrNull {
- fuelPattern.useMatch(it.unformattedString) {
- parseShortNumber(group("maxFuel"))
- }
- } ?: return
- val extra = it.item.extraAttributes
- if (!extra.contains("drill_fuel")) return
- val fuel = extra.getInt("drill_fuel")
- val percentage = fuel / maxFuel.toFloat()
- it.barOverride = DurabilityBarEvent.DurabilityBar(
- lerp(
- DyeColor.RED.toShedaniel(),
- DyeColor.GREEN.toShedaniel(),
- percentage
- ), percentage
- )
- }
- @Subscribe
- fun onChatMessage(it: ProcessChatEvent) {
- abilityUsePattern.useMatch(it.unformattedString) {
- lastUsage[group("name")] = TimeMark.now()
- }
- abilitySwitchPattern.useMatch(it.unformattedString) {
- abilityOverride = group("ability")
- }
- }
- @Subscribe
- fun onWorldReady(event: WorldReadyEvent) {
- lobbyJoinTime = TimeMark.now()
- abilityOverride = null
- }
+ if (sinceLastUsage < cooldown)
+ return sinceLastUsage / cooldown
+ return 1.0
+ }
+ @Subscribe
+ fun onSlotClick(it: SlotClickEvent) {
+ if (MC.screen?.title?.unformattedString == "Heart of the Mountain") {
+ val name = it.stack.displayNameAccordingToNbt.unformattedString
+ val cooldown = it.stack.loreAccordingToNbt.firstNotNullOfOrNull {
+ cooldownPattern.useMatch(it.unformattedString) {
+ parseTimePattern(group("cooldown"))
+ }
+ } ?: return
+ defaultAbilityDurations[name] = cooldown
+ }
+ }
+ @Subscribe
+ fun onDurabilityBar(it: DurabilityBarEvent) {
+ if (!TConfig.drillFuelBar) return
+ val lore = it.item.loreAccordingToNbt
+ if (lore.lastOrNull()?.unformattedString?.contains("DRILL") != true) return
+ val maxFuel = lore.firstNotNullOfOrNull {
+ fuelPattern.useMatch(it.unformattedString) {
+ parseShortNumber(group("maxFuel"))
+ }
+ } ?: return
+ val extra = it.item.extraAttributes
+ if (!extra.contains("drill_fuel")) return
+ val fuel = extra.getInt("drill_fuel")
+ val percentage = fuel / maxFuel.toFloat()
+ it.barOverride = DurabilityBarEvent.DurabilityBar(
+ lerp(
+ DyeColor.RED.toShedaniel(),
+ DyeColor.GREEN.toShedaniel(),
+ percentage
+ ), percentage
+ )
+ }
+ @Subscribe
+ fun onChatMessage(it: ProcessChatEvent) {
+ abilityUsePattern.useMatch(it.unformattedString) {
+ lastUsage[group("name")] = TimeMark.now()
+ }
+ abilitySwitchPattern.useMatch(it.unformattedString) {
+ abilityOverride = group("ability")
+ }
+ }
+ @Subscribe
+ fun onWorldReady(event: WorldReadyEvent) {
+ lobbyJoinTime = TimeMark.now()
+ abilityOverride = null
+ }
fun onProfileSwitch(event: ProfileSwitchEvent) {
- val abilityUsePattern = Pattern.compile("You used your (?<name>.*) Pickaxe Ability!")
- val fuelPattern = Pattern.compile("Fuel: .*/(?<maxFuel>$SHORT_NUMBER_FORMAT)")
- data class PickaxeAbilityData(
- val name: String,
- val cooldown: Duration,
- )
- fun getCooldownFromLore(itemStack: ItemStack): PickaxeAbilityData? {
- val lore = itemStack.loreAccordingToNbt
- if (!lore.any { it.unformattedString.contains("Breaking Power") })
- return null
- val cooldown = lore.firstNotNullOfOrNull {
- cooldownPattern.useMatch(it.unformattedString) {
- parseTimePattern(group("cooldown"))
- }
- } ?: return null
- val name = lore.firstNotNullOfOrNull {
- abilityPattern.useMatch(it.unformattedString) {
- group("name")
- }
- } ?: return null
- return PickaxeAbilityData(name, cooldown)
- }
- val cooldownPattern = Pattern.compile("Cooldown: (?<cooldown>$TIME_PATTERN)")
- val abilityPattern = Pattern.compile("(⦾ )?Ability: (?<name>.*) {2}RIGHT CLICK")
- val abilitySwitchPattern =
- Pattern.compile("You selected (?<ability>.*) as your Pickaxe Ability\\. This ability will apply to all of your pickaxes!")
- @Subscribe
- fun renderHud(event: HudRenderEvent) {
- if (!TConfig.cooldownEnabled) return
- var ability = getCooldownFromLore(MC.player?.getStackInHand(Hand.MAIN_HAND) ?: return) ?: return
- defaultAbilityDurations[ability.name] = ability.cooldown
- val ao = abilityOverride
- if (ao != ability.name && ao != null) {
- ability = PickaxeAbilityData(ao, defaultAbilityDurations[ao] ?: 120.seconds)
- }
- event.context.matrices.push()
- event.context.matrices.translate(MC.window.scaledWidth / 2F, MC.window.scaledHeight / 2F, 0F)
- event.context.matrices.scale(TConfig.cooldownScale.toFloat(), TConfig.cooldownScale.toFloat(), 1F)
- RenderCircleProgress.renderCircle(
- event.context, Identifier.of("firmament", "textures/gui/circle.png"),
- getCooldownPercentage(ability.name, ability.cooldown).toFloat(),
- 0f, 1f, 0f, 1f
- )
- event.context.matrices.pop()
- }
+ val abilityUsePattern = Pattern.compile("You used your (?<name>.*) Pickaxe Ability!")
+ val fuelPattern = Pattern.compile("Fuel: .*/(?<maxFuel>$SHORT_NUMBER_FORMAT)")
+ val pickaxeAbilityCooldownPattern = Pattern.compile("Your pickaxe ability is on cooldown for (?<remainingCooldown>$TIME_PATTERN)\\.")
+ data class PickaxeAbilityData(
+ val name: String,
+ val cooldown: Duration,
+ )
+ fun getCooldownFromLore(itemStack: ItemStack): PickaxeAbilityData? {
+ val lore = itemStack.loreAccordingToNbt
+ if (!lore.any { it.unformattedString.contains("Breaking Power") })
+ return null
+ val ability = AbilityUtils.getAbilities(itemStack).firstOrNull() ?: return null
+ return PickaxeAbilityData(ability.name, ability.cooldown ?: return null)
+ }
+ val cooldownPattern = Pattern.compile("Cooldown: (?<cooldown>$TIME_PATTERN)")
+ val abilitySwitchPattern =
+ Pattern.compile("You selected (?<ability>.*) as your Pickaxe Ability\\. This ability will apply to all of your pickaxes!")
+ @Subscribe
+ fun renderHud(event: HudRenderEvent) {
+ if (!TConfig.cooldownEnabled) return
+ if (!event.isRenderingCursor) return
+ var ability = getCooldownFromLore(MC.player?.getStackInHand(Hand.MAIN_HAND) ?: return) ?: return
+ defaultAbilityDurations[ability.name] = ability.cooldown
+ val ao = abilityOverride
+ if (ao != ability.name && ao != null) {
+ ability = PickaxeAbilityData(ao, defaultAbilityDurations[ao] ?: 120.seconds)
+ }
+ event.context.matrices.push()
+ event.context.matrices.translate(MC.window.scaledWidth / 2F, MC.window.scaledHeight / 2F, 0F)
+ event.context.matrices.scale(TConfig.cooldownScale.toFloat(), TConfig.cooldownScale.toFloat(), 1F)
+ RenderCircleProgress.renderCircle(
+ event.context, Identifier.of("firmament", "textures/gui/circle.png"),
+ getCooldownPercentage(ability.name, ability.cooldown).toFloat(),
+ 0f, 1f, 0f, 1f
+ )
+ event.context.matrices.pop()
+ }