/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Linnea Gräf * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later */ package moe.nea.firmament.features.events.carnival import io.github.notenoughupdates.moulconfig.observer.ObservableList import io.github.notenoughupdates.moulconfig.platform.ModernItemStack import io.github.notenoughupdates.moulconfig.xml.Bind import java.util.UUID import net.minecraft.block.Blocks import net.minecraft.item.Item import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack import net.minecraft.item.Items import net.minecraft.text.ClickEvent import net.minecraft.text.Text import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos import net.minecraft.world.WorldAccess import moe.nea.firmament.annotations.Subscribe import moe.nea.firmament.commands.thenExecute import moe.nea.firmament.events.AttackBlockEvent import moe.nea.firmament.events.CommandEvent import moe.nea.firmament.events.EntityUpdateEvent import moe.nea.firmament.events.ProcessChatEvent import moe.nea.firmament.events.WorldReadyEvent import moe.nea.firmament.events.WorldRenderLastEvent import moe.nea.firmament.features.debug.DebugLogger import moe.nea.firmament.util.LegacyFormattingCode import moe.nea.firmament.util.MC import moe.nea.firmament.util.MoulConfigUtils import moe.nea.firmament.util.ScreenUtil import moe.nea.firmament.util.SkyblockId import moe.nea.firmament.util.item.createSkullItem import moe.nea.firmament.util.render.RenderInWorldContext import moe.nea.firmament.util.setSkyBlockFirmamentUiId import moe.nea.firmament.util.skyBlockId import moe.nea.firmament.util.useMatch object MinesweeperHelper { val sandBoxLow = BlockPos(-112, 72, -11) val sandBoxHigh = BlockPos(-106, 72, -5) val boardSize = Pair(sandBoxHigh.x - sandBoxLow.x, sandBoxHigh.z - sandBoxLow.z) val gameStartMessage = "[NPC] Carnival Pirateman: Good luck, matey!" val gameEndMessage = "Fruit Digging" val bombPattern = "MINES! There (are|is) (?[0-8]) bombs? hidden nearby\\.".toPattern() val startGameQuestion = "[NPC] Carnival Pirateman: Would ye like to do some Fruit Digging?" enum class Piece( @get:Bind("fruitName") val fruitName: String, val points: Int, val specialAbility: String, val totalPerBoard: Int, val textureHash: String, val fruitColor: LegacyFormattingCode, ) { COCONUT("Coconut", 200, "Prevents a bomb from exploding next turn", 3, "10ceb1455b471d016a9f06d25f6e468df9fcf223e2c1e4795b16e84fcca264ee", LegacyFormattingCode.DARK_PURPLE), APPLE("Apple", 100, "Gains 100 points for each apple dug up", 8, "17ea278d6225c447c5943d652798d0bbbd1418434ce8c54c54fdac79994ddd6c", LegacyFormattingCode.GREEN), WATERMELON("Watermelon", 100, "Blows up an adjacent fruit for half the points", 4, "efe4ef83baf105e8dee6cf03dfe7407f1911b3b9952c891ae34139560f2931d6", LegacyFormattingCode.DARK_BLUE), DURIAN("Durian", 800, "Halves the points earned in the next turn", 2, "ac268d36c2c6047ffeec00124096376b56dbb4d756a55329363a1b27fcd659cd", LegacyFormattingCode.DARK_PURPLE), MANGO("Mango", 300, "Just an ordinary fruit", 10, "f363a62126a35537f8189343a22660de75e810c6ac004a7d3da65f1c040a839", LegacyFormattingCode.GREEN), DRAGON_FRUIT("Dragonfruit", 1200, "Halves the points earned in the next turn", 1, "3cc761bcb0579763d9b8ab6b7b96fa77eb6d9605a804d838fec39e7b25f95591", LegacyFormattingCode.LIGHT_PURPLE), POMEGRANATE("Pomegranate", 200, "Grants an extra 50% more points in the next turn", 4, "40824d18079042d5769f264f44394b95b9b99ce689688cc10c9eec3f882ccc08", LegacyFormattingCode.DARK_BLUE), CHERRY("Cherry", 200, "The second cherry grants 300 bonus points", 2, "c92b099a62cd2fbf8ada09dec145c75d7fda4dc57b968bea3a8fa11e37aa48b2", LegacyFormattingCode.DARK_PURPLE), BOMB("Bomb", -1, "Destroys nearby fruit", 15, "a76a2811d1e176a07b6d0a657b910f134896ce30850f6e80c7c83732d85381ea", LegacyFormattingCode.DARK_RED), RUM("Rum", -1, "Stops your dowsing ability for one turn", 5, "407b275d28b927b1bf7f6dd9f45fbdad2af8571c54c8f027d1bff6956fbf3c16", LegacyFormattingCode.YELLOW), ; val textureUrl = "http://textures.minecraft.net/texture/$textureHash" val itemStack = createSkullItem(UUID.randomUUID(), textureUrl) .setSkyBlockFirmamentUiId("MINESWEEPER_$name") @Bind fun getIcon() = ModernItemStack.of(itemStack) @Bind fun pieceLabel() = fruitColor.formattingCode + fruitName @Bind fun boardLabel() = "§a$totalPerBoard§7/§rboard" @Bind("description") fun getDescription() = buildString { append(specialAbility) if (points >= 0) { append(" Default points: $points.") } } } object TutorialScreen { @get:Bind("pieces") val pieces = ObservableList(Piece.entries.toList().reversed()) @get:Bind("modes") val modes = ObservableList(DowsingMode.entries.toList()) } enum class DowsingMode( val itemType: Item, @get:Bind("feature") val feature: String, @get:Bind("description") val description: String, ) { MINES(Items.IRON_SHOVEL, "Bomb detection", "Tells you how many bombs are near the block"), ANCHOR(Items.DIAMOND_SHOVEL, "Lowest fruit", "Shows you which block nearby contains the lowest scoring fruit"), TREASURE(Items.GOLDEN_SHOVEL, "Highest fruit", "Tells you which kind of fruit is the highest scoring nearby"), ; @Bind("itemType") fun getItemStack() = ModernItemStack.of(ItemStack(itemType)) companion object { val id = SkyblockId("CARNIVAL_SHOVEL") fun fromItem(itemStack: ItemStack): DowsingMode? { if (itemStack.skyBlockId != id) return null return DowsingMode.entries.find { it.itemType == itemStack.item } } } } data class BoardPosition( val x: Int, val y: Int ) { fun toBlockPos() = BlockPos(sandBoxLow.x + x, sandBoxLow.y, sandBoxLow.z + y) fun getBlock(world: WorldAccess) = world.getBlockState(toBlockPos()).block fun isUnopened(world: WorldAccess) = getBlock(world) == Blocks.SAND fun isOpened(world: WorldAccess) = getBlock(world) == Blocks.SANDSTONE fun isScorched(world: WorldAccess) = getBlock(world) == Blocks.SANDSTONE_STAIRS companion object { fun fromBlockPos(blockPos: BlockPos): BoardPosition? { if (blockPos.y != sandBoxLow.y) return null val x = blockPos.x - sandBoxLow.x val y = blockPos.z - sandBoxLow.z if (x < 0 || x >= boardSize.first) return null if (y < 0 || y >= boardSize.second) return null return BoardPosition(x, y) } } } data class GameState( val nearbyBombs: MutableMap = mutableMapOf(), val knownBombPositions: MutableSet = mutableSetOf(), var lastClickedPosition: BoardPosition? = null, var lastDowsingMode: DowsingMode? = null, ) var gameState: GameState? = null val log = DebugLogger("minesweeper") @Subscribe fun onCommand(event: CommandEvent.SubCommand) { event.subcommand("minesweepertutorial") { thenExecute { ScreenUtil.setScreenLater(MoulConfigUtils.loadScreen("carnival/minesweeper_tutorial", TutorialScreen, null)) } } } @Subscribe fun onWorldChange(event: WorldReadyEvent) { gameState = null } @Subscribe fun onChat(event: ProcessChatEvent) { if (CarnivalFeatures.TConfig.displayTutorials && event.unformattedString == startGameQuestion) { MC.sendChat(Text.translatable("firmament.carnival.tutorial.minesweeper").styled { it.withClickEvent(ClickEvent(ClickEvent.Action.RUN_COMMAND, "/firm minesweepertutorial")) }) } if (!CarnivalFeatures.TConfig.enableBombSolver) { gameState = null // TODO: replace this which a watchable property return } if (event.unformattedString == gameStartMessage) { gameState = GameState() log.log { "Game started" } } if (event.unformattedString.trim() == gameEndMessage) { gameState = null // TODO: add a loot tracker maybe? probably not, i dont think people care log.log { "Finished game" } } val gs = gameState ?: return bombPattern.useMatch(event.unformattedString) { val bombCount = group("bombCount").toInt() log.log { "Marking ${gs.lastClickedPosition} as having $bombCount nearby" } val pos = gs.lastClickedPosition ?: return gs.nearbyBombs[pos] = bombCount } } @Subscribe fun onMobChange(event: EntityUpdateEvent) { val gs = gameState ?: return if (event !is EntityUpdateEvent.TrackedDataUpdate) return // TODO: listen to state } @Subscribe fun onBlockClick(event: AttackBlockEvent) { val gs = gameState ?: return val boardPosition = BoardPosition.fromBlockPos(event.blockPos) log.log { "Breaking block at ${event.blockPos} ($boardPosition)" } gs.lastClickedPosition = boardPosition gs.lastDowsingMode = DowsingMode.fromItem(event.player.inventory.mainHandStack) } @Subscribe fun onRender(event: WorldRenderLastEvent) { val gs = gameState ?: return RenderInWorldContext.renderInWorld(event) { for ((pos, bombCount) in gs.nearbyBombs) { this.text(pos.toBlockPos().up().toCenterPos(), Text.literal("§a$bombCount \uD83D\uDCA3")) } } } }