<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <Root xmlns="http://notenoughupdates.org/moulconfig" > <Center> <Panel background="VANILLA" insets="10"> <Column> <Scale scale="2"> <Text text="§aFruit§7 Digging"/> </Scale> <Text text="The goal of the fruit digging minigame is to find as many§a fruits§r as possible on a §b7x7§e sand§r grid." width="300"/> <Text text="To do so, you break§e sand blocks§r to reveal what is hidden underneath: a §afruit§r, a §cbomb, or §erum§r." width="300"/> <Text text="When you break a block, you can also get some extra information based on your §7dowsing mode§r." width="300"/> <Scale scale="1.5"> <Text text="§7Dowsing Modes"/> </Scale> <Array data="@modes"> <Row> <ItemStack value="@itemType"/> <Text text="@feature" width="80"/> <Text text="@description" width="220"/> </Row> </Array> <Scale scale="1.5"> <Text text="§aTiles"/> </Scale> <ScrollPanel width="300" height="120"> <Array data="@pieces"> <Row> <Center> <ItemStack value="@getIcon"/> </Center> <Text text="@pieceLabel" width="80"/> <Text text="@description" width="145"/> <Spacer width="5"/> <Text text="@boardLabel" width="50"/> </Row> </Array> </ScrollPanel> </Column> </Panel> </Center> </Root>