# AmbientAddons-Forge

A work-in-progress Forge 1.8.9 port of the [AmbientAddons](https://github.com/appable0/AmbientAddons-CT/) ChatTriggers module. 

Currently includes only chest features (block reroll; automatically purchase chests with certain items). 

Full feature parity with the ChatTriggers module is (eventually) planned!

### Credits
* [SkytilsMod/Skytils](https://github.com/Skytils/SkytilsMod): tab list handling, mixins
* [Harry282/Skyblock-Client](https://github.com/Harry282/Skyblock-Client): mixins, location utils, general structure
* Floppa Client: several small QOL features (cancel interactions, carpet hitbox, close chests)