package com.ambientaddons.config import gg.essential.vigilance.Vigilant import java.awt.Color import object Config : Vigilant( File(AmbientAddons.configDirectory, "config.toml"), ) { var kuudraReady = false var autoTrapper = false var trapperEsp = false var batHighlight = 0 var batColor = Color.CYAN var saHighlight = 0 var saColor = Color.CYAN var starredHighlight = 0 var starredColor = Color.CYAN var bestiaryHighlight = 0 var bestiaryColor = Color.MAGENTA var blockLowReroll = false var autoBuyChest = 0 var autoReady = 0 var maskWarning = false var witherShieldDisplay = 0 var terminatorCps = 0 var cancelInteractions = false var closeSecretChests = false var ignoreCarpet = false var melodyBlockMisclicks = false var melodyAnnouncement = "Meowlody on me!" var throttledAnnouncement = "Hi! This is Hypixel Support. We noticed that your runs are actually efficient so we’re throttling this menu. Enjoy slower runs, dipshit. Hope Goldor kills you. Meow." init { category("Misc") { subcategory("Kuudra") { switch( ::kuudraReady, name = "Automatically ready in Kuudra", description = "Automatically clicks the ready pane when the ready GUI is opened." ) } subcategory("Trevor the Trapper") { switch( ::autoTrapper, name = "Automatically start trapper quests", description = "Automatically performs the useless chat message click. This is analogous to SBE's crystal hollows renew feature." ) switch( ::trapperEsp, name = "Highlight trapper animals", description = "Highlights trapper quests with a beacon beam and box. Legal, as Hypixel uses the glowing status effect for clients that support it." ) } } category("Highlights") { subcategory("Bat highlight") { selector( ::batHighlight, name = "Bat highlight", description = "Show bat secrets", options = listOf("Off", "Highlight", "ESP") ) color( ::batColor, name = "Bat highlight color", description = "Color of bat secrets", ) } subcategory("Shadow assassin highlight") { selector( ::saHighlight, name = "Shadow assassin highlight", description = "Show shadow assassins (without this, they will not be highlighted even when starred.)", options = listOf("Off", "Highlight", "ESP") ) color( ::saColor, name = "Shadow assassin highlight color", description = "Color of shadow assassins", ) } subcategory("Starred mob highlight") { selector( ::starredHighlight, name = "Starred mob highlight", description = "Show bat secrets", options = listOf("Off", "Highlight", "ESP") ) color( ::starredColor, name = "Starred mob highlight color", description = "Color of starred mobs", ) } subcategory("Bestiary highlight") { selector( ::bestiaryHighlight, name = "Bestiary highlight", description = "Show cave spiders and snipers. Disabled automatically when idkmansry is nearby.", options = listOf("Off", "Highlight", "ESP") ) color( ::bestiaryColor, name = "Bestiary highlight color", description = "Color of bestiary mobs.", ) } } category("Pre/Post Dungeon") { subcategory("Chest QOL") { switch( ::blockLowReroll, name = "Block rerolling low chests", description = "Prevents rerolling non-Bedrock chests (or Obsidian on M4)." ) selector( ::autoBuyChest, name = "Dungeon Reward Chests", description = "Either blocks rerolls or automatically buys dungeon reward chests containing certain items.", options = listOf("Off", "Block Reroll", "Autobuy") ) } selector( ::autoReady, name = "Ready at the start of a dungeon", description = "Can be enabled always or only when 5 players are in the dungeon.", options = listOf("Off", "5 Players", "All") ) } category("Notifications") { switch( ::maskWarning, name = "Mask proc warning", description = "Displays a title when a spirit mask or bonzo mask procs." ) } category("Displays") { selector( ::witherShieldDisplay, name = "Wither shield display", description = "Displays remaining wither shield duration", options = listOf("Off", "Default", "Shadow", "Outline") ) } category("Dungeon") { subcategory("Miscellaneous QOL") { slider( ::terminatorCps, name = "Set terminator autoclick CPS", description = "Set to 0 to disable the feature", min = 0, max = 50 ) switch( ::cancelInteractions, name = "Cancel block interactions", description = "Cancels interactions with hoppers that prevent using item abilities." ) switch( ::closeSecretChests, name = "Block opening secret chests", description = "Cancels opening chests containing secrets." ) switch( ::ignoreCarpet, name = "Ignore carpet hitboxes", description = "Removes all carpet hitboxes" ) switch( ::melodyBlockMisclicks, name = "Block misclicks on Melody terminal", description = "Prevents clicking Melody terminal when not aligned." ) text( ::melodyAnnouncement, name = "Melody terminal announcement", description = "Announces that Melody terminal was opened in party chat; leave empty to disable." ) text( ::throttledAnnouncement, name = "Throttled terminal announcement", description = "Announces that a terminal was throttled in party chat; leave empty to disable." ) } } } }