package com.ambientaddons.features.dungeon.terminals import AmbientAddons.Companion.config import import import com.ambientaddons.utils.Extensions.chest import com.ambientaddons.utils.Extensions.items import com.ambientaddons.utils.Extensions.stripControlCodes import com.ambientaddons.utils.SkyBlock import net.minecraftforge.client.event.ClientChatReceivedEvent import net.minecraftforge.client.event.GuiOpenEvent import import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent object MelodyHelper { private val completedStageRegex = Regex("/^[A-za-z0-9_]{3,16} (?:completed|activated) a (?:lever|terminal|device)! \\((?:[07]\\/7|[08]\\/8)\\)") private var hasSaidMeowlody = false private var hasSaidThrottled = false private var isThrottled = false @SubscribeEvent fun onWorldUnload(event: WorldEvent.Unload) { hasSaidMeowlody = false hasSaidThrottled = false isThrottled = false } @SubscribeEvent fun onChat(event: ClientChatReceivedEvent) { if (SkyBlock.dungeonFloor?.floor != 7) return val unformatted = event.message.unformattedText.stripControlCodes() if (completedStageRegex.matches(unformatted)) { hasSaidMeowlody = false hasSaidThrottled = false isThrottled = false } else if (unformatted.startsWith("This menu has been throttled!")) { isThrottled = true if (!hasSaidThrottled && config.throttledAnnouncement.isNotBlank()) { mc.thePlayer.sendChatMessage("/pc ${config.throttledAnnouncement}") hasSaidThrottled = true } } } @SubscribeEvent fun onGuiOpen(event: GuiOpenEvent) { if (SkyBlock.dungeonFloor?.floor != 7) return if (event.gui == null) return if (event.gui.chest?.lowerChestInventory?.name == "Click the button on time!") { if (!hasSaidMeowlody && config.melodyAnnouncement.isNotBlank()) { mc.thePlayer.sendChatMessage("/pc ${config.melodyAnnouncement}") hasSaidMeowlody = true } } } @SubscribeEvent fun onSlotClick(event: GuiContainerEvent.SlotClickEvent) { if (SkyBlock.dungeonFloor?.floor != 7) return val chest = event.gui.chest?.lowerChestInventory if (chest?.name != "Click the button on time!" || isThrottled) return val colors = { it?.itemDamage } val targetPaneCol = colors.indexOf(10) val movingPaneIndex = colors.indexOf(5) val movingPaneCol = movingPaneIndex % 9 val clickSlot = (movingPaneIndex / 9) * 9 + 7 if (targetPaneCol != movingPaneCol) { event.isCanceled = true mc.thePlayer.playSound("random.pop", 1f, 0f) } else if (clickSlot != event.slot?.slotIndex){ event.isCanceled = true mc.thePlayer.playSound("random.pop", 1f, 10f) } } }