package com.ambientaddons.utils import import com.ambientaddons.utils.DungeonFloor.Companion.toDungeonFloor import com.ambientaddons.utils.Extensions.cleanSB import com.ambientaddons.utils.Extensions.stripControlCodes import com.ambientaddons.utils.Extensions.substringBetween import com.ambientaddons.utils.TabListUtils.fetchTabEntries import net.minecraft.scoreboard.Score import net.minecraft.scoreboard.ScorePlayerTeam import net.minecraftforge.client.event.ClientChatReceivedEvent import import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.gameevent.TickEvent import object SBLocation { private var areaRegex = Regex("^(?:Area|Dungeon): ([\\w ].+)\$") var onHypixel = false var inSkyblock = false var area: Area? = null private var areaString: String? = null var dungeonFloor: DungeonFloor? = null var ticks = 0 private val entryMessages = listOf( "[BOSS] Bonzo: Gratz for making it this far, but I'm basically unbeatable.", "[BOSS] Scarf: This is where the journey ends for you, Adventurers.", "[BOSS] The Professor: I was burdened with terrible news recently...", "[BOSS] Thorn: Welcome Adventurers! I am Thorn, the Spirit! And host of the Vegan Trials!", "[BOSS] Livid: Welcome, you arrive right on time. I am Livid, the Master of Shadows.", "[BOSS] Sadan: So you made it all the way here... Now you wish to defy me? Sadan?!", "[BOSS] Maxor: WELL WELL WELL LOOK WHO'S HERE!" ) @SubscribeEvent fun onWorldUnload(event: WorldEvent.Unload) { inSkyblock = false dungeonFloor = null area = null } @SubscribeEvent(receiveCanceled = true) fun onChatReceived(event: ClientChatReceivedEvent) { if (dungeonFloor == null) return if (entryMessages.any { it == event.message.unformattedText.stripControlCodes() }) { dungeonFloor?.enteredBoss = true } } @SubscribeEvent fun onConnect(event: FMLNetworkEvent.ClientConnectedToServerEvent) { onHypixel = mc.runCatching { !event.isLocal && ((thePlayer?.clientBrand?.lowercase()?.contains("hypixel") ?: currentServerData?.serverIP?.lowercase()?.contains("hypixel")) == true) }.getOrDefault(false) } @SubscribeEvent fun onDisconnect(event: FMLNetworkEvent.ClientDisconnectionFromServerEvent) { onHypixel = false } // from Skytils, under AGPL 3.0 fun fetchScoreboardLines(): List { val scoreboard = mc.theWorld?.scoreboard ?: return emptyList() val objective = scoreboard.getObjectiveInDisplaySlot(1) ?: return emptyList() val scores = scoreboard.getSortedScores(objective).filter { input: Score? -> input != null && input.playerName != null && !input.playerName .startsWith("#") }.take(15) return { ScorePlayerTeam.formatPlayerName(scoreboard.getPlayersTeam(it.playerName), it.playerName).cleanSB() }.asReversed() } // modified from Harry282/Skyblock-Client, under AGPL 3.0 @SubscribeEvent fun onTick(event: TickEvent.ClientTickEvent) { if (!onHypixel || event.phase != TickEvent.Phase.START) return if (ticks % 10 == 0) { val title = mc.theWorld?.scoreboard?.getObjectiveInDisplaySlot(1)?.displayName?.cleanSB() if (!inSkyblock) { inSkyblock = title?.contains("SKYBLOCK") == true } if (inSkyblock) { if (areaString == null) { val tab = fetchTabEntries() val areaString = tab.firstNotNullOfOrNull { areaRegex.find(it.text.stripControlCodes()) }?.let { it.groupValues.getOrNull(1) } area = Area.fromString(areaString) } if (area == Area.Dungeon && dungeonFloor == null) { val dungeonLine = fetchScoreboardLines().find { { contains("The Catacombs (") && !contains("Queue") } } dungeonFloor = dungeonLine?.substringBetween("(", ")")?.toDungeonFloor() } } } ticks++ } override fun toString(): String = "onHypixel: $onHypixel, inSkyblock: $inSkyblock, location: $area, floor: $dungeonFloor" }