package shcm.shsupercm.fabric.citresewn.api;
import shcm.shsupercm.fabric.citresewn.pack.format.PropertyValue;
import blue.endless.jankson.annotation.Nullable;
* @see #globalProperty(String, PropertyValue)
public interface CITGlobalProperties {
* Entrypoint for handlers of global properties.
* @see #globalProperty(String, PropertyValue)
String ENTRYPOINT = "citresewn:global_property";
* Invoked before CIT parsing for any global property name associated with the handler's modid.
* May be called multiple times for a key to overwrite its global property with higher-priority resourcepacks.
* When unloading resourcepacks(usually before reloading), all keys that were invoked in the previous load will get called again with a null value to allow for disposal.
* @param key name of the property key stripped of its modid
* @param value the value it's been set to or null if resetting
void globalProperty(String key, @Nullable PropertyValue value) throws Exception;