package shcm.shsupercm.fabric.citresewn.cit; import net.fabricmc.loader.api.FabricLoader; import net.minecraft.resource.ResourceManager; import net.minecraft.util.profiler.Profiler; import shcm.shsupercm.fabric.citresewn.api.CITDisposable; import shcm.shsupercm.fabric.citresewn.api.CITTypeContainer; import shcm.shsupercm.fabric.citresewn.config.CITResewnConfig; import shcm.shsupercm.fabric.citresewn.pack.GlobalProperties; import shcm.shsupercm.fabric.citresewn.pack.PackParser; import shcm.shsupercm.fabric.citresewn.mixin.ModelLoaderMixin; import java.util.*; /** * Holds and manages the currently loaded CITs. * @see #getActive() * @see ModelLoaderMixin */ public class ActiveCITs { private ActiveCITs() {} /** * @see #load(ResourceManager, Profiler) * @see #getActive() * @see #isActive() */ private static ActiveCITs active = null; /** * @see #isActive() * @return the current active CITs manager or null if none are loaded */ public static ActiveCITs getActive() { return active; } /** * @see #getActive() * @return whether there are active; loaded CITs */ public static boolean isActive() { return active != null; } /** * Currently effective global properties merged from all loaded packs. */ public final GlobalProperties globalProperties = new GlobalProperties(); /** * All loaded CITs ordered by their type's class and their weight. */ public final Map, List>> cits = new IdentityHashMap<>(); /** * Attempts to load/activate CITs from packs in the given resource manager, disposing of any previously loaded CITs if present. * @see ModelLoaderMixin * @see PackParser#loadGlobalProperties(ResourceManager, GlobalProperties) * @see GlobalProperties#callHandlers() * @see PackParser#parseCITs(ResourceManager) * @param resourceManager manager containing resourcepacks with possible CITs * @param profiler loading profiler that was pushed once into "citresewn:reloading_cits" and would pop after */ public static void load(ResourceManager resourceManager, Profiler profiler) { profiler.push("citresewn:disposing"); for (CITDisposable disposable : FabricLoader.getInstance().getEntrypoints(CITDisposable.ENTRYPOINT, CITDisposable.class)) disposable.dispose(); for (CITTypeContainer typeContainer : CITRegistry.TYPES.values()) typeContainer.unload(); if (active != null) {, value) -> Set.of()); active.globalProperties.callHandlers(); active = null; } if (!CITResewnConfig.INSTANCE.enabled) { profiler.pop(); return; } ActiveCITs active = new ActiveCITs(); profiler.swap("citresewn:load_global_properties"); PackParser.loadGlobalProperties(resourceManager, active.globalProperties).callHandlers(); profiler.swap("citresewn:load_cits"); List> cits = PackParser.parseCITs(resourceManager); for (CIT cit : cits) active.cits.computeIfAbsent(cit.type.getClass(), type -> new ArrayList<>()).add(cit); for (Map.Entry, List>> entry : active.cits.entrySet()) { entry.getValue().sort(Comparator.>comparingInt(cit -> cit.weight).reversed().thenComparing(cit -> cit.propertiesIdentifier.toString())); for (CITTypeContainer typeContainer : CITRegistry.TYPES.values()) if (typeContainer.type == entry.getKey()) { typeContainer.loadUntyped(entry.getValue()); break; } } profiler.pop(); if (!cits.isEmpty()) = active; } }