package shcm.shsupercm.fabric.citresewn.cit; import net.fabricmc.loader.api.FabricLoader; import net.fabricmc.loader.api.entrypoint.EntrypointContainer; import net.minecraft.util.Identifier; import shcm.shsupercm.fabric.citresewn.api.CITConditionContainer; import shcm.shsupercm.fabric.citresewn.api.CITTypeContainer; import shcm.shsupercm.fabric.citresewn.cit.builtin.conditions.ConstantCondition; import shcm.shsupercm.fabric.citresewn.pack.PackParser; import shcm.shsupercm.fabric.citresewn.pack.format.PropertyGroup; import shcm.shsupercm.fabric.citresewn.pack.format.PropertyKey; import shcm.shsupercm.fabric.citresewn.pack.format.PropertyValue; import java.util.*; import static; import static shcm.shsupercm.fabric.citresewn.CITResewn.logWarnLoading; /** * Holds a static registry runtime for all types and conditions. * @see PackParser * @see CITTypeContainer * @see CITConditionContainer */ public final class CITRegistry { private CITRegistry(){} /** * Currently registered CIT types. */ public static final Map> TYPES = new HashMap<>(); /** * Currently registered condition types. */ public static final Map> CONDITIONS = new HashMap<>(); /** * Fast id lookup map for types. * @see #idOfType(Class) */ private static final Map, Identifier> TYPE_TO_ID = new IdentityHashMap<>(); /** * Fast id lookup map for conditions. * @see #idOfCondition(Class) */ private static final Map, PropertyKey> CONDITION_TO_ID = new IdentityHashMap<>(); /** * Loads all available CIT and condition types to registry. (internal use only) * @see CITTypeContainer * @see CITConditionContainer */ public static void registerAll() { info("Registering CIT Conditions"); for (var entrypointContainer : FabricLoader.getInstance().getEntrypointContainers(CITConditionContainer.ENTRYPOINT, CITConditionContainer.class)) { String namespace = entrypointContainer.getProvider().getMetadata().getId(); if (namespace.equals("citresewn-defaults")) namespace = "citresewn"; for (String alias : entrypointContainer.getEntrypoint().aliases) { final PropertyKey key = new PropertyKey(namespace, alias); CITConditionContainer container = entrypointContainer.getEntrypoint(); CONDITIONS.put(key, container); CONDITION_TO_ID.putIfAbsent(container.createCondition.get().getClass(), key); } } info("Registering CIT Types"); for (var entrypointContainer : FabricLoader.getInstance().getEntrypointContainers(CITTypeContainer.ENTRYPOINT, CITTypeContainer.class)) { String namespace = entrypointContainer.getProvider().getMetadata().getId(); if (namespace.equals("citresewn-defaults")) namespace = "citresewn"; final Identifier id = new Identifier(namespace, entrypointContainer.getEntrypoint().id); CITTypeContainer container = entrypointContainer.getEntrypoint(); TYPES.put(id, container); TYPE_TO_ID.putIfAbsent(container.createType.get().getClass(), id); } } /** * Parses a condition from the given property.
* * @param key the condition's key in the group * @param value the condition's value * @param properties the containing property group * @return the parsed condition or an always-failing {@link ConstantCondition} if unrecognized * @throws CITParsingException if errored while parsing hte condition */ public static CITCondition parseCondition(PropertyKey key, PropertyValue value, PropertyGroup properties) throws CITParsingException { CITConditionContainer conditionContainer = CONDITIONS.get(key); if (conditionContainer == null) { logWarnLoading(properties.messageWithDescriptorOf("Unknown condition type \"" + key.toString() + "\"", value.position())); return ConstantCondition.FALSE; } CITCondition condition = conditionContainer.createCondition.get(); condition.load(value, properties); return condition; } /** * Parses a CIT type from the given property group.
* If the group does not contain a "citresewn:type" property, defaults to "citresewn:item". * @param properties group of properties to parse the CIT type from * @return a new instance of the group's CIT type * @throws UnknownCITTypeException if the given type is unrecognized in the registry */ public static CITType parseType(PropertyGroup properties) throws UnknownCITTypeException { Identifier type = new Identifier("citresewn", "item"); PropertyValue propertiesType = properties.getLastWithoutMetadata("citresewn", "type"); if (propertiesType != null) { String value = propertiesType.value(); if (!value.contains(":")) value = "citresewn:" + value; type = new Identifier(value); } CITTypeContainer typeContainer = TYPES.get(type); if (typeContainer == null) // assert (propertiesType != null) because the default citresewn:item should always be registered throw new UnknownCITTypeException(properties, propertiesType == null ? -1 : propertiesType.position()); return typeContainer.createType.get(); } /** * @see #TYPE_TO_ID * @return the id of the given CIT type's class. */ public static Identifier idOfType(Class clazz) { return TYPE_TO_ID.get(clazz); } /** * @see #CONDITION_TO_ID * @return the first key of the given condition's class. */ public static PropertyKey idOfCondition(Class clazz) { return CONDITION_TO_ID.get(clazz); } }