package shcm.shsupercm.fabric.citresewn.ex; import shcm.shsupercm.fabric.citresewn.pack.format.PropertyGroup; /** * Thrown if errored while parsing the properties of a {@link PropertyGroup}. * @see PropertyGroup#messageWithDescriptorOf(String, int) */ public class CITParsingException extends Exception { public CITParsingException(String message, PropertyGroup propertyGroup, int position, Throwable throwable) { super("Errored while parsing CIT: " + propertyGroup.messageWithDescriptorOf(message, position), throwable); } public CITParsingException(String message, PropertyGroup propertyGroup, int position) { super("Errored while parsing CIT: " + propertyGroup.messageWithDescriptorOf(message, position)); } }