{ "config.citresewn.title": "CIT Resewn Configuration", "config.citresewn.enabled.title": "Enabled", "config.citresewn.enabled.tooltip": "Should CIT Resewn load and inject cits from resourcepacks", "config.citresewn.mute_errors.title": "Mute loading errors", "config.citresewn.mute_errors.tooltip": "Should CIT Resewn not log cit errors", "config.citresewn.mute_warns.title": "Mute loading warnings", "config.citresewn.mute_warns.tooltip": "Should CIT Resewn not log cit warnings", "config.citresewn.broken_paths.title": "Allow broken paths in resourcepacks", "config.citresewn.broken_paths.tooltip": "Allows packs with illegal resource paths to load.\nMay cause issues!", "pack.incompatible.broken_paths": "(Contains broken paths)", "pack.incompatible.confirm.broken_paths": "This pack contains broken paths and support for it may be dropped in the future. Contact pack author to remove this warning. (~ CIT Resewn)" }