@file:Suppress("PropertyName") pluginManagement { repositories { gradlePluginPortal() mavenCentral() maven("https://repo.polyfrost.org/releases") // Adds the Polyfrost maven repository to get Polyfrost Gradle Toolkit } plugins { val pgtVersion = "0.2.9" // Sets the default versions for Polyfrost Gradle Toolkit id("org.polyfrost.multi-version.root") version pgtVersion } } val mod_name: String by settings // Configures the root project Gradle name based on the value in `gradle.properties` rootProject.name = mod_name rootProject.buildFileName = "root.gradle.kts" // Adds all of our build target versions to the classpath if we need to add version-specific code. listOf( "1.8.9-forge" ).forEach { version -> include(":$version") project(":$version").apply { projectDir = file("versions/$version") buildFileName = "../../build.gradle.kts" } }