package cc.woverflow.chatting.config import cc.woverflow.chatting.Chatting import import import import cc.woverflow.chatting.gui.ChatShortcutViewGui import cc.woverflow.chatting.gui.components.TabButton import cc.woverflow.onecore.utils.openScreen import gg.essential.api.EssentialAPI import gg.essential.vigilance.Vigilant import import import import import java.awt.Color import object ChattingConfig : Vigilant( File(Chatting.modDir, "${Chatting.ID}.toml"), Chatting.NAME, sortingBehavior = ConfigSorting ) { @Property( type = PropertyType.SELECTOR, name = "Text Render Type", description = "Choose the type of rendering for the text.", category = "General", options = ["No Shadow", "Shadow", "Full Shadow"] ) var textRenderType = 1 @Property( type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Remove Tooltip Background", description = "Remove the tooltip background.", category = "General" ) var removeTooltipBackground = false @Property( type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Remove Scroll Bar", description = "Remove the scroll bar.", category = "General" ) var removeScrollBar = false @Property( type = PropertyType.COLOR, name = "Chat Background Color", description = "Change the color of the chat background.", category = "General", allowAlpha = false ) var chatBackgroundColor = Color(0, 0, 0, 128) @Property( type = PropertyType.COLOR, name = "Copy Chat Message Background Color", description = "Change the color of chat messages that are ready to copy.", category = "General", allowAlpha = false ) var hoveredChatBackgroundColor = Color(80, 80, 80, 128) @Property( type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Compact Input Box", description = "Make the width of the input box the same size as the chat box.", category = "General" ) var compactInputBox = false @Property( type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Inform for Alternatives", description = "Inform the user if a mod they are using can be replaced by a feature in Chatting.", category = "General" ) var informForAlternatives = true /*/ @Property( type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Show Timestamp", description = "Show message timestamp.", category = "General" ) var showTimestamp = false @Property( type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Timestamp Only On Hover", description = "Show timestamp only on mouse hover.", category = "General" ) var showTimestampHover = true */ @Property( type = PropertyType.SLIDER, min = 80, max = 100, name = "Spam Blocker Threshold", description = "If Chatting detects a public chat message that seems like spam, and the probability is higher than this, it will hide it.\n" + "Made for Hypixel Skyblock. Set to 100% to disable. 95% is a reasonable threshold to use it at.\n" + "Note that this is not and never will be 100% accurate; however, it's pretty much guaranteed to block most spam.", category = "Player Chats" ) var spamThreshold = 100 @Property( type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Custom Chat Formatting", description = "Reformat all Skyblock chat messages. Example:\n" + "§a[VIP] Person§f: Message\n§7Person2: Message\n" + "§eBecomes:\n" + "§aPerson§f: Message\n§7Person2§f: Message", category = "Player Chats" ) var customChatFormatting = false @Property( type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Hide Spam", description = "When Chatting detects spam (if it's enabled), hide it instead of just graying it out.", category = "Player Chats" ) var hideSpam = false @Property( type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Custom Chat Height", description = "Allows you to change the height of chat to heights greater than before.", category = "Chat Window" ) var customChatHeight = true @Property( type = PropertyType.SLIDER, min = 180, max = 2160, name = "Focused Height", description = "Height in pixels.", category = "Chat Window" ) var focusedHeight = 180 @Property( type = PropertyType.SLIDER, min = 180, max = 2160, name = "Unfocused Height", description = "Height in pixels.", category = "Chat Window" ) var unfocusedHeight = 180 @Property( type = PropertyType.SELECTOR, name = "Screenshot Mode", description = "The mode in which screenshotting will work.", category = "Screenshotting", options = ["Save To System", "Add To Clipboard", "Both"] ) var copyMode = 0 @Property( type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Chat Searching", description = "Add a chat search bar.", category = "Searching" ) var chatSearch = true @Property( type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Chat Tabs", description = "Add chat tabs.", category = "Tabs" ) var chatTabs = true get() { if (!field) return false return if (hypixelOnlyChatTabs) { EssentialAPI.getMinecraftUtil().isHypixel() } else { true } } @Property( type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Enable Tabs Only on Hypixel", description = "Enable chat tabs only in Hypixel.", category = "Tabs" ) var hypixelOnlyChatTabs = true @Property( type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Chat Shortcuts", description = "Add chat shortcuts.", category = "Shortcuts" ) var chatShortcuts = false get() { if (!field) return false return if (hypixelOnlyChatShortcuts) { EssentialAPI.getMinecraftUtil().isHypixel() } else { true } } @Property( type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Enable Shortcuts Only on Hypixel", description = "Enable chat shortcuts only in Hypixel.", category = "Shortcuts" ) var hypixelOnlyChatShortcuts = true @Property( type = PropertyType.BUTTON, name = "Edit Chat Shortcuts", description = "Edit chat shortcuts.", category = "Shortcuts" ) fun openChatShortcutsGUI() = ChatShortcutViewGui().openScreen() init { initialize() registerListener("chatTabs") { funny: Boolean -> chatTabs = funny ChatTabs.initialize() if (!funny) { val dummy = ChatTab( true, "ALL", false, false, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, TabButton.color, TabButton.hoveredColor, TabButton.selectedColor, "" ) dummy.initialize() ChatTabs.currentTab = dummy } else { ChatTabs.currentTab = ChatTabs.tabs[0] } } registerListener("chatShortcuts") { funny: Boolean -> chatShortcuts = funny ChatShortcuts.initialize() } // addDependency("showTimestampHover", "showTimestamp") } private object ConfigSorting : SortingBehavior() { override fun getCategoryComparator(): Comparator = Comparator { o1, o2 -> if ( == "General") return@Comparator -1 if ( == "General") return@Comparator 1 else compareValuesBy(o1, o2) { } } } }