package import import import com.raeids.stratus.Stratus import object ChatShortcuts { private val shortcutsFile = File(Stratus.modDir, "chatshortcuts.json") private val PARSER = JsonParser() private var initialized = false val shortcuts = mutableSetOf>() fun initialize() { if (initialized) { return } else { initialized = true } if (!shortcutsFile.exists()) { shortcutsFile.createNewFile() shortcutsFile.writeText( JsonObject().toString() ) } else { val jsonObj = PARSER.parse(shortcutsFile.readText()).asJsonObject for (shortcut in jsonObj.entrySet()) { shortcuts.add(shortcut.key to shortcut.value.asString) } } } fun removeShortcut(key: String) { shortcuts.removeIf { it.first == key } val jsonObj = PARSER.parse(shortcutsFile.readText()).asJsonObject jsonObj.remove(key) shortcutsFile.writeText(jsonObj.toString()) } fun writeShortcut(key: String, value: String) { shortcuts.add(key to value) val jsonObj = PARSER.parse(shortcutsFile.readText()).asJsonObject jsonObj.addProperty(key, value) shortcutsFile.writeText(jsonObj.toString()) } fun handleSentCommand(command: String): String { shortcuts.forEach { if (command == it.first || (command.startsWith(it.first) && command.substringAfter(it.first) .startsWith(" ")) ) { return command.replaceFirst(it.first, it.second) } } return command } }