package com.raeids.stratus.config import com.raeids.stratus.Stratus import import import import com.raeids.stratus.gui.ChatShortcutViewGui import com.raeids.stratus.updater.DownloadGui import com.raeids.stratus.updater.Updater import gg.essential.api.EssentialAPI import gg.essential.vigilance.Vigilant import import import object StratusConfig : Vigilant(File(Stratus.modDir, "${Stratus.ID}.toml"), Stratus.NAME) { @Property( type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Custom Chat Height", description = "Allows you to change the height of chat to heights greater than before.", category = "Chat Window" ) var customChatHeight = true @Property( type = PropertyType.SLIDER, min = 180, max = 10000, name = "Focused Height", description = "Height in pixels.", category = "Chat Window" ) var focusedHeight = 180 @Property( type = PropertyType.SLIDER, min = 180, max = 10000, name = "Unfocused Height", description = "Height in pixels.", category = "Chat Window" ) var unfocusedHeight = 180 @Property( type = PropertyType.SELECTOR, name = "Screenshot Mode", description = "The mode in which screenshotting will work.", category = "Screenshotting", options = [ "Save To System", "Add To Clipboard", "Both" ] ) var copyMode = 0 @Property( type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Chat Searching", description = "Add a chat search bar.", category = "Searching" ) var chatSearch = true @Property( type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Chat Tabs", description = "Add chat tabs.", category = "Tabs" ) var chatTabs = true get() { if (!field) return false return if (hypixelOnlyChatTabs) { EssentialAPI.getMinecraftUtil().isHypixel() } else { true } } @Property( type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Enable Tabs Only on Hypixel", description = "Enable chat tabs only in Hypixel.", category = "Tabs" ) var hypixelOnlyChatTabs = true @Property( type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Chat Shortcuts", description = "Add chat shortcuts.", category = "Shortcuts" ) var chatShortcuts = false get() { if (!field) return false return if (hypixelOnlyChatShortcuts) { EssentialAPI.getMinecraftUtil().isHypixel() } else { true } } @Property( type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Enable Shortcuts Only on Hypixel", description = "Enable chat shortcuts only in Hypixel.", category = "Shortcuts" ) var hypixelOnlyChatShortcuts = true @Property( type = PropertyType.BUTTON, name = "Edit Chat Shortcuts", description = "Edit chat shortcuts.", category = "Shortcuts" ) fun openChatShortcutsGUI() { EssentialAPI.getGuiUtil().openScreen(ChatShortcutViewGui()) } @Property( type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Show Update Notification", description = "Show a notification when you start Minecraft informing you of new updates.", category = "Updater" ) var showUpdate = true @Property( type = PropertyType.BUTTON, name = "Update Now", description = "Update by clicking the button.", category = "Updater" ) fun update() { if (Updater.shouldUpdate) EssentialAPI.getGuiUtil() .openScreen(DownloadGui()) else EssentialAPI.getNotifications() .push( Stratus.NAME, "No update had been detected at startup, and thus the update GUI has not been shown." ) } init { initialize() registerListener("chatTabs") { funny: Boolean -> chatTabs = funny ChatTabs.initialize() if (!funny) { val dummy = ChatTab(true, "ALL", false, null, null, null, null, null, "") dummy.initialize() ChatTabs.currentTab = dummy } else { ChatTabs.currentTab = ChatTabs.tabs[0] } } registerListener("chatShortcuts") { funny: Boolean -> chatShortcuts = funny ChatShortcuts.initialize() } } }