path: root/src/main/resources/assets
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1 files changed, 6 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/cowlection/lang/en_US.lang b/src/main/resources/assets/cowlection/lang/en_US.lang
index 30b15d7..2c6480b 100644
--- a/src/main/resources/assets/cowlection/lang/en_US.lang
+++ b/src/main/resources/assets/cowlection/lang/en_US.lang
@@ -130,10 +130,6 @@ cowlection.config.dungDungeonReqMin=Minimum "Dungeon level required"
cowlection.config.dungDungeonReqMin.tooltip=Marks parties with lower "Dungeon level required" set than this value
cowlection.config.dungClassMin=Minimum preferred class level
cowlection.config.dungClassMin.tooltip=Marks parties with members with lower class level than this value
-cowlection.config.dungMarkPartiesWithCarry=Mark 'carry' parties?
-cowlection.config.dungMarkPartiesWithCarry.tooltip=Mark parties that have 'carry' in their notes?
-cowlection.config.dungMarkPartiesWithHyperion=Mark 'hyperion' parties?
-cowlection.config.dungMarkPartiesWithHyperion.tooltip=Mark parties that have 'hyperion' in their notes?
cowlection.config.dungMarkPartiesWithArcher=Mark parties with Archer class …
cowlection.config.dungMarkPartiesWithArcher.tooltip=Mark parties with Archer class either:\n ‣ always, or if duplicated: §c⬛ (blocked)\n ‣ always, or if duplicated: §6⬛ §e (unideal)\n ‣ do not mark
cowlection.config.dungMarkPartiesWithBerserk=Mark parties with Berserk class …
@@ -144,6 +140,12 @@ cowlection.config.dungMarkPartiesWithMage=Mark parties with Mage class …
cowlection.config.dungMarkPartiesWithMage.tooltip=Mark parties with Mage class either:\n ‣ always, or if duplicated: §c⬛ (blocked)\n ‣ always, or if duplicated: §6⬛ §e (unideal)\n ‣ do not mark
cowlection.config.dungMarkPartiesWithTank=Mark parties with Tank class …
cowlection.config.dungMarkPartiesWithTank.tooltip=Mark parties with Tank class either:\n ‣ always, or if duplicated: §c⬛ (blocked)\n ‣ always, or if duplicated: §6⬛ §e (unideal)\n ‣ do not mark
+cowlection.config.gotoPartyFinderRulesEditor=Open Party Finder Notes Rules Editor
+cowlection.config.gotoPartyFinderRulesEditor.tooltip=Add and edit additional rules to mark Dungeon parties based on their Party notes
+cowlection.config.dungPartyFinderRuleEditorSimplified=Use simplified Party Finder Notes Rules Editor
+cowlection.config.dungPartyFinderRuleEditorSimplified.tooltip=Use the simplified variant? Only deactivate this if you know what Regular Expressions are and how to use them!
+cowlection.config.dungPartyFinderRuleEditorShowOpenButton=Show '§8Rule editor ↗§r' button in Party Finder?
+cowlection.config.dungPartyFinderRuleEditorShowOpenButton.tooltip=If enabled, displays a button to open the Rules editor from the Dungeon Party Finder
cowlection.config.dungSendWrongFloorWarning=Warn if queued & entered floor are different
cowlection.config.dungSendWrongFloorWarning.tooltip=Send a warning when entering a dungeons floor which is different from the originally queued floor?