# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/). ## [1.8.9-0.14.0] - unreleased ### Added - New command: `/commandslist` to list all client-side commands added by all installed mods - Chest Tracker & Analyzer: - added support for 'lowest BIN' prices - double clicking an analysis row now highlights chests that contain the clicked item - Bazaar: display items left on a buy order/sell order (toggleable) - (Dungeons) player lookups: - added ironman icon ♲ - added average secrets per completion - Dungeon Party Finder: customizable Party Notes filters (`/moo dungeon rules` or `/moo dr`) - Add and edit additional rules to mark Dungeon parties based on their Party notes - Added data for Enderman slayer, Voidling minions, and Hard Stone minions - New keybindings to... 1) run `/moo waila` command (disabled by default; MC Options > Controls > `Cowlection`) 2) copy a single item to clipboard as JSON with CTRL + C - must be enabled in `/moo config > General > Copy inventories with CTRL + C` first - changed 'copy whole inventory' keybinding to CTRL + SHIFT + C (with SHIFT) - New config options for older features: - Output of `/moo waila` and copied inventory data can now also be saved to files, instead of being copied to clipboard - Bazaar: order 'Sell Inventory/Sacks Now' tooltips ascending or descending - MC Log file search (`/moo search`): maximum log file size to analyze - Toggle: display dungeon performance summary at the end of a dungeon - Toggle: send warning when queued and entered dungeon floors are different - Toggle: shorten item quality info for non-randomized items ### Changed - Disabled `M` keybinding in MC Options > Controls > Cowlection by default to avoid conflicts - `/moo config` sub-category explanations now default to "tooltip *without* darkened background", as the darkened background was more irritating than helpful - MC Log file search now skips large files to prevent huge log files from blocking the search - Dungeon Party Finder: Each dungeon class can now also be blocked or blocked if duplicated (= red party background) ### Fixed - 'Show Dungeon item base stats' feature now works with HPB'd items and master stars - Fixed Mythic pets level in player lookup - Parsing of item tooltips should no longer be affected by other mods ## [1.8.9-0.13.0] - 25.04.2021 ### Added - Bestiary Overview: enhances tooltips of `/bestiary` ⬌ `/be` - hover over one of the area/location-items in a *sub*-category of the Bestiary to see an overview of the tiers upgrades you are closest to - can be ordered by fewest kills or lowest % to next tier by clicking on the area/location item - `/moo whatAmILookingAt` (or: `/m waila`) - copy info of "the thing" you're looking at (NPC or mob + nearby "text-only" armor stands; armor stand, placed skull, banner, sign, dropped item, item in item frame, map on wall) - automatically decodes base64 data (e.g. skin details) and unix timestamps - Chest Tracker & Analyzer: Evaluate Bazaar value of your chests - Select chests on your island, then get an overview of all items in the selected chests and the Bazaar value of the items - command: `/moo analyzeChests` - Auction house: Mark sold/ended/expired auctions - either one letter (S, E, E) or the full word - Auction house: show price for each lvl 1 enchantment book required to craft a higher tier book - only works on enchanted books with *one* enchantment - enabled for all ultimate and Turbo-crop enchantments - additional enchantments can be added via `/moo config` *(Keep in mind that not all high-level enchantments can be created by combining lower level books!)* - Bazaar: Added order (sort) functionality to 'Sell Inventory/Sacks Now' tooltips - SkyBlock Dungeon Party Finder additions: - new `/moo config` option: `Minimum "Dungeon level required"` - Added new minions to `/m analyzeIslands` (Mining + Farming) - `/moo stalkskyblock` additions: - Added 'last profile save' (= last time user played SkyBlock) - Added Enchanting, Farming, Mining, and Combat 51-60 - Added missing Runecrafting 25 - Added Dungeons: Catacombs Master Mode support - `/moo stalk`: Added "Game Master" rank - Added mini-"tutorial" on how to open the config gui (to move the dungeon overlay) - Added a search to `/moo config` ### Changed - Refined the comma representation of large numbers abbreviated with k, m, b - "Copy inventories to clipboard"-feature now automatically decodes base64 data (e.g. skin details) and unix timestamps - Dungeon Party Finder: - Parties with specific classes can now *always* be marked as 'unideal' (additionally to the already existing option to mark a party when 2+ members use the same specific class) - colored overlay is now also disable-able via config - Player lookup now shows - in addition to the active pet - a spirit pet - Dungeon Performance Overlay: added an alternative text border option - Dungeon item tooltips: Gear Score can now be hidden separately (instead of getting replaced by Item Quality) ### Fixed - Fixed issue with 'no dung class selected' - Unexpected API-related exceptions no longer void all chat output - Greatly increased speed of the Log Search (`/moo search`) ## [1.8.9-0.12.0] - 03.01.2021 ### Added - New config options to change/adjust/deactivate some features: - Auto-replacement of `/r ` with `/w ` - Short alias `/m` for `/moo` command - Copy inventories to clipboard as JSON with CTRL + C - (and several more - simply look through `/moo config`) - Added sound when a best friend comes online (deactivated by default) - Check how long current world has been loaded - ≈ when server was last restarted - via command `/moo worldage` - notification when joining a recently loaded or a very old server (toggleable via config) - SkyBlock Bazaar graphs improvements: - make graphs easier to read by connecting graphs' nodes - Fix graphs when using the mc unicode font - Added quick lookup for item prices and wiki: - wiki: hypixel-skyblock.fandom.com (default key: I = info) - item prices: stonks.gg (default key: P = price) - Display pet exp in pet tooltips ### Changed - Item age: show timestamp in the local timezone instead of "SkyBlock"-timezone (Eastern Time; also fixed the incorrect 12h ↔ 24h clock conversion) - Improved 'being on SkyBlock' detection - gave scoreboard more time to get detected - also added config option to always (or never) enable SkyBlock event listeners - Dungeon Party Finder (overlay): - Made party indicators clearer (current, suitable, unideal, unjoinable party) - Show sizes of parties - Mark parties with 'carry' or 'hyperion' in their notes (disabled by default) - Lookup info when dungeon party is full - Lookup info when joining another party via Dungeon Party Finder - Added active pet + found dungeon secrets + dungeon types (currently only Catacombs) level to dungeon player lookup ### Fixed - Fixed some possible problems with bad server connection - Fixed sending 'offline' messages (new version notification and online best friends) - Fixed rare occurrence of repeated triggering of server join and leave events - Fixed other mods interfering with detection of specific chat messages - SkyBlock Dungeons related: - Fixed deaths sometimes being counted multiple times - Read destroyed crypts from tab list (if available) for more accurate numbers - Fixed rarely occurring infinite message loop - MC log search: now ignores corrupted/broken files instead of displaying an error ## [1.8.9-0.11.0] - 28.09.2020 ### Added - SkyBlock Dungeons Party: new command `/moo dungeon party` - short alias: `/m dp`): - displays current `/party` members' selected class, armor and dungeons floor completions ### Changed - Completely re-done the config gui (`/moo config`) - now separated into sections and sub-sections - added moar configurable things - some config settings have a live-preview next to them - Improved SkyBlock dungeon party finder - more config options - marks (non-)joinable parties even better than before - When a new player joins the party, it shows not only armor, but also completed dungeons stats - Improved SkyBlock dungeon performance overlay - Overlay can be moved more precisely - Dungeons can be "joined" and "left" manually (if the automatic detection fails): `/moo dungeon ` - Improved handling of invalid/missing Hypixel API key - Dungeon item quality: - Show item quality + obtained floor by default (can be changed in config) - `/moo stalkskyblock`: - Switched from sky.lea.moe (discontinued) to sky.shiiyu.moe - Added dungeons stats ### Fixed - Fixed crash caused by another, outdated and buggy mod which sadly too many people still use - various smaller fixes here and there, e.g.: - 'Create Auction' and 'Create BIN Auction' now show the price per item if multiple items are sold - Dungeon party finder: entered vs queued floor wasn't detected correctly - A dead player was counted as another death when they left the SkyBlock dungeon ## [1.8.9-0.10.2] - 15.09.2020 ### Added - Added keybinding (default `M`) to open chat with `/moo ` pre-typed - New sub-command: `/m cmd [arguments]` to fix command conflicts with server-side commands with the same name `/m` - e.g. `/m cmd hello world` executes the server command `/m hello world` - Added `/ say [optional text]`: You can e.g. say `f` again without triggering the server-side command `/f` by typing `/f say` - Dungeon party finder: Added a warning message if you enter a floor other than the one you have queued for ### Fixed - Fixed crash when entering a dungeon (caused by a small change in the scoreboard formatting) ## [1.8.9-0.10.1] - 06.08.2020 ### Added - Dungeon performance tracker: added Class Milestones ### Changed - Reorganized `/moo` command (internally and `/moo help`) - Added optional parameter: `/moo search [initial query]` to set the initial search query before opening the Log search ### Fixed - Added another way to detect entering a SkyBlock dungeon - Some very small not mention-worthy fixes ## [1.8.9-0.10.0] - 31.07.2020 ### Added - Best friends online check: - check if one of your best friends is currently online - checked automatically after joining a server (can be disabled via `/moo config`) - also, manually with `/moo online` - names of online best friends can be tab-completed as well - SkyBlock Dungeon performance tracker: - Features: Skill score calculation (death counter and failed puzzle counter), destroyed crypts tracker (only detects up to ~50 blocks away from the player), and elapsed time indicator - Overlay + chat output - Chat output: runs automatically; or manually with `/moo dungeon` - Overlay can be modified with `/moo dungeonGui` - (replaces Dungeon deaths tracker) - SkyBlock Dungeon Party Finder: Lookup of joined players' armor - can be disabled or changed with `/moo config` ### Changed - renamed package to match [cowtipper.de](https://cowtipper.de) - `/moo stalk`: - Replaced 3rd party with official API - new, shorter alias: `/moo s` - new, gentler alias: `/moo askPolitelyWhereTheyAre` (stalking = bad) - `/moo stalkskyblock`: - added new stats: skill average, slayer levels, pets - new, shorter alias: `/moo ss` - new, gentler alias: `/moo askPolitelyAboutTheirSkyBlockProgress` ### Fixed - Remove ": " when copying chat messages - Fix dungeon tooltip cleaner cleaning a little bit too much - Temporary work-around to fix crash with other mods which are not able to handle offline messages - Prevent adding client-side commands to commands with Tab-completable usernames - This would either overwrite the existing command, or wouldn't do anything at all. Only *one* client-side command can be registered for a command name. ## [1.8.9-0.9.0] - 23.07.2020 ### Added - Added SkyBlock Dungeon deaths counter - sends current deaths automatically; or manually with `/moo deaths` - New alias for `/moo` command: `/m` - New command `/rr`: alias for `/r` without the auto-replacement to `/msg ` - useful when someone has direct messages disabled and can only be messaged back with `/r` - Added `/moo say [optional text]`: You can say `moo` again without triggering the command `/moo` 🎉 - Config option: Change position of item quality in tooltip of dungeon items ### Changed - SkyBlock related event listeners now only run while on SkyBlock, otherwise they are disabled - Fixes e.g. removal of enchantments in non-SkyBlock gamemodes - Tab-completable player names now include names from: - party or game (duels) invites - Dungeon party finder: player joins group - Some smaller improvements to Dungeon party finder (highlighting) ### Fixed - Fixed more special case dungeon item tooltips - more special reforge names for specific armor items - now includes dungeon items without reforges - `/moo stalk`: Fix players appearing offline when apiSession is set to `false` ## [1.8.9-0.8.1] - 20.07.2020 ### Added - Added (default) tooltip cleanup - hide "Dyed" for colored leather armor - hide enchantments (already added via lore) ### Fixed - Fixed some special case dungeon item tooltips for specific armor with specific reforges ## [1.8.9-0.8.0] - 20.07.2020 ### Added - Copy inventories to clipboard as JSON with CTRL + C - Dungeon update (part 1) - Added Dungeon item stats tooltip cleaner - goal: normalize stats to make comparing dungeon items much easier - hold shift while viewing the tooltip of a dungeon item: this will normalize stats (remove stats from reforging and essences ✪), recalculate the item stats inside dungeons, and display the item stats inside dungeons if it had been enhanced 5x with essences (✪) - Added Dungeon Party Finder improvements - indicate parties that (don't) meet certain criteria: "no duped roles", "class levels have to be lvl >X" - adjustable via `/moo config` ### Changed - Replaced `/moo nameChangeCheck` with `/moo nameChangeCheck ` - Instead of triggering a manual check for name changes of *all* best friends, you can now only trigger a manual check for a single name ### Fixed - Various smaller command fixed (including error messages, handling of invalid arguments, ...) ## [1.8.9-0.7.1] - 05.07.2020 ### Fixed - Fixed Nullpointer on 2nd+ game launch with empty friends file ## [1.8.9-0.7.0] - 05.07.2020 ### Changed - Renamed mod from `Cowmoonication` to `Cowlection` 🐮 - `Cowmoonication` originally focused on **communication**-related features - `Cowlection` is a **collection** of various features ## [1.8.9-0.6.0] - 05.07.2020 ### Added - Minecraft log file search `/moo search` - Analyze minions on a private island `/moo analyzeIsland` - List SkyBlock info of a player `/moo stalkskyblock ` - Config option to toggle between Arabic and Roman numerals - used for skill levels and minion tiers currently - Added info to auctions' tooltips: price per item - Added item age tooltips (works for most non-stackable items) ### Changed - Improved handling of command error messages ## [1.8.9-0.5.0] - 04.05.2020 ### Added - Added Tab-completable usernames for several commands (e.g. party, msg, boop, ...) - the list of supported commands can be modified via `/moo config` → `Commands with Tab-completable usernames` - Tab-completable usernames consist of: the last 50 players that typed in private/friends, Guild or Party chat; up to 50 best friends that are currently logged in ### Changed - Improved player stalking feature: - now includes 'offline for <duration>' - better handling of special cases (e.g. nicked players, players who haven't joined in years) - Various code refactorings ## [1.8.9-0.4.0] - 18.04.2020 ### Added - `¯\_(ツ)_/¯` ### Changed - Adapted to new login/logout notifications of Hypixel - added options to suppress friends' and guild members' notifications separately - Improved copying of chat components - `ALT` + `right click` now copies just the text without any formatting - `SHIFT` + `ALT` + `right click` copies full chat component including all formatting, hover and click actions (original behavior) ### Fixed - Fixed encoding ## [1.8.9-0.3.1] - 29.03.2020 ### Fixed - Fixed NullPointer in `/moo stalk` and improved mode output to be more human-readable ## [1.8.9-0.3.0] - 28.03.2020 ### Added - Added first iteration of Hypixel API integration: - `/moo stalk `: Get info about player's status - `/moo nameChangeCheck`: Force a scan for changed names of best friends ### Changed - Moved best friends add/remove functionality from config GUI back to commands (`/moo `) - Saving best friends' UUIDs now (instead of just the name), also checking for name changes periodically to keep best friends list up to date ## [1.8.9-0.2.0] - 08.03.2020 ### Added - Mod update notification (opt-out via config) ### Changed - *Mod versioning now includes Minecraft version*: `-` instead of just `` - Manage 'best friends' list via GUI instead of add/remove commands ### Fixed - Reduced greediness of login/logout notification detection ## [0.1] - 01.03.2020 ### Added - Toggle to hide all join/leave notifications (`/moo toggle`) - 'Best friends' list to limit the amount of join and leave notifications (see below) - Auto-replace `/r` with `/msg ` - Copy chat components via ALT + right click - Change guiScale to any value (`/moo guiscale [newValue]`) *Note:* The 'best friends' list is currently available via ESC > Mod Options > Cowlection > Config > bestFriends. [1.8.9-0.14.0]: https://github.com/cow-mc/Cowlection/compare/v1.8.9-0.13.0...master [1.8.9-0.13.0]: https://github.com/cow-mc/Cowlection/compare/v1.8.9-0.12.0...v1.8.9-0.13.0 [1.8.9-0.12.0]: https://github.com/cow-mc/Cowlection/compare/v1.8.9-0.11.0...v1.8.9-0.12.0 [1.8.9-0.11.0]: https://github.com/cow-mc/Cowlection/compare/v1.8.9-0.10.2...v1.8.9-0.11.0 [1.8.9-0.10.2]: https://github.com/cow-mc/Cowlection/compare/v1.8.9-0.10.1...v1.8.9-0.10.2 [1.8.9-0.10.1]: https://github.com/cow-mc/Cowlection/compare/v1.8.9-0.10.0...v1.8.9-0.10.1 [1.8.9-0.10.0]: https://github.com/cow-mc/Cowlection/compare/v1.8.9-0.9.0...v1.8.9-0.10.0 [1.8.9-0.9.0]: https://github.com/cow-mc/Cowlection/compare/v1.8.9-0.8.1...v1.8.9-0.9.0 [1.8.9-0.8.1]: https://github.com/cow-mc/Cowlection/compare/v1.8.9-0.8.0...v1.8.9-0.8.1 [1.8.9-0.8.0]: https://github.com/cow-mc/Cowlection/compare/v1.8.9-0.7.1...v1.8.9-0.8.0 [1.8.9-0.7.1]: https://github.com/cow-mc/Cowlection/compare/v1.8.9-0.7.0...v1.8.9-0.7.1 [1.8.9-0.7.0]: https://github.com/cow-mc/Cowlection/compare/v1.8.9-0.6.0...v1.8.9-0.7.0 [1.8.9-0.6.0]: https://github.com/cow-mc/Cowlection/compare/v1.8.9-0.5.0...v1.8.9-0.6.0 [1.8.9-0.5.0]: https://github.com/cow-mc/Cowlection/compare/v1.8.9-0.4.0...v1.8.9-0.5.0 [1.8.9-0.4.0]: https://github.com/cow-mc/Cowlection/compare/v1.8.9-0.3.1...v1.8.9-0.4.0 [1.8.9-0.3.1]: https://github.com/cow-mc/Cowlection/compare/v1.8.9-0.3.0...v1.8.9-0.3.1 [1.8.9-0.3.0]: https://github.com/cow-mc/Cowlection/compare/v1.8.9-0.2.0...v1.8.9-0.3.0 [1.8.9-0.2.0]: https://github.com/cow-mc/Cowlection/compare/v0.1...v1.8.9-0.2.0 [0.1]: https://github.com/cow-mc/Cowlection/releases/tag/v0.1