package de.cowtipper.cowlection.chesttracker; import de.cowtipper.cowlection.Cowlection; import; import; import de.cowtipper.cowlection.util.ApiUtils; import de.cowtipper.cowlection.util.GsonUtils; import de.cowtipper.cowlection.util.MooChatComponent; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagString; import net.minecraft.util.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.EnumChatFormatting; import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing; import net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge; import net.minecraftforge.common.util.Constants; import java.util.*; public class ChestTracker { public static long lastBazaarUpdate; public static long lastLowestBinsUpdate; private final Map> chestCache = new HashMap<>(); private final Map doubleChestCache = new HashMap<>(); private final Set chestsWithWantedItem = new HashSet<>(); private Map analysisResult = new HashMap<>(); private ChestInteractionListener chestInteractionListener; private HyBazaarData bazaarCache; private LowestBinsCache lowestBinsCache; private final Cowlection main; public ChestTracker(Cowlection main) { this.main = main; refreshPriceCache(); chestInteractionListener = new ChestInteractionListener(main); MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(chestInteractionListener); } public void analyzeResults() { Map itemCounts = new HashMap<>(); for (List chestContents : chestCache.values()) { for (ItemStack item : chestContents) { String key = item.hasDisplayName() ? item.getDisplayName() : item.getUnlocalizedName(); boolean isAmbiguousItem = false; if (item.hasTagCompound()) { key = item.getTagCompound().getCompoundTag("ExtraAttributes").getString("id"); } if ("PET".equals(key)) { HySkyBlockStats.Profile.Pet petInfo = GsonUtils.fromJson(item.getTagCompound().getCompoundTag("ExtraAttributes").getString("petInfo"), HySkyBlockStats.Profile.Pet.class); key = petInfo.getType() + ";" + petInfo.getRarity().ordinal(); // remove pet lvl from name, as lowest BINs also disregard it String petName = item.getDisplayName(); int endOfPetLevel = petName.indexOf(']'); if (petName.startsWith(EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "[Lvl ") && endOfPetLevel > 0) { item.setStackDisplayName(EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "[Lvl " + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GRAY + "?" + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + petName.substring(endOfPetLevel)); } } else if (DataHelper.AMBIGUOUS_ITEM_IDS.contains(key)) { isAmbiguousItem = true; key += "_ambiguous"; } ItemData itemData = itemCounts.get(key); if (itemData == null) { // item hasn't been cached yet if (isAmbiguousItem) { convertToDummyItem(item, key); } itemData = new ItemData(key, item.copy()); } itemCounts.put(key, itemData.addAmount(item.stackSize)); } } this.analysisResult = itemCounts; } private void convertToDummyItem(ItemStack item, String key) { NBTTagCompound itemNbtDisplay = item.getSubCompound("display", true); NBTTagList loreList = new NBTTagList(); loreList.appendTag(new NBTTagString("" + EnumChatFormatting.RED + EnumChatFormatting.ITALIC + "This ambiguous item type")); loreList.appendTag(new NBTTagString("" + EnumChatFormatting.RED + EnumChatFormatting.ITALIC + "is not listed separately.")); itemNbtDisplay.setTag("Lore", loreList); String itemName = null; switch (key) { case "ENCHANTED_BOOK_ambiguous": itemName = "Enchanted Book"; break; case "POTION_ambiguous": itemName = "Potion"; break; case "RUNE_ambiguous": itemName = "Rune"; NBTTagCompound skullNbtTextureData = item.getSubCompound("SkullOwner", false); if (skullNbtTextureData != null) { skullNbtTextureData.setString("Id", UUID.randomUUID().toString()); NBTTagCompound nbtSkin = new NBTTagCompound(); // set texture to Empty Rune nbtSkin.setString("Value", "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODJiODIwN2E1ZmUxOTJjZDQ3N2U5MjE0NjYxOTdjOGFmNzQ5YWYxOGRkMWVmMzg5ZTI3MzNhMmY3NGQwOTI4YiJ9fX0="); skullNbtTextureData.getCompoundTag("Properties").getTagList("textures", Constants.NBT.TAG_COMPOUND).set(0, nbtSkin); } break; case "NEW_YEAR_CAKE_ambiguous": itemName = "New Year Cake"; break; case "SPOOKY_PIE_ambiguous": itemName = "Spooky Pie"; break; case "CAKE_SOUL_ambiguous": itemName = "Cake Soul"; break; } if (itemName != null) { item.setStackDisplayName(EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + itemName); } } /** * Returns ordered analysis result with prices */ public List getAnalysisResult(ChestOverviewGui.Column orderBy, boolean orderDesc, boolean useInstantSellPrices) { List orderedAnalysisResult = new ArrayList<>(); // sort by bazaar value (most value first) for (Map.Entry itemEntry : analysisResult.entrySet()) { boolean foundPriceForItem = false; if (bazaarCache != null && bazaarCache.isSuccess()) { String productKey = itemEntry.getKey(); HyBazaarData.Product product = bazaarCache.getProduct(productKey); if (product != null) { // item is sold on bazaar! itemEntry.getValue().setBazaarInstantSellPrice(product.getInstantSellPrice()); itemEntry.getValue().setBazaarSellOfferPrice(product.getSellOfferPrice()); foundPriceForItem = true; } } if (!foundPriceForItem && lowestBinsCache != null && lowestBinsCache.size() > 0) { String productKey = itemEntry.getKey().replace(':', '-'); Integer lowestBin = lowestBinsCache.get(productKey); if (lowestBin != null) { // item is sold via BIN itemEntry.getValue().setLowestBin(lowestBin); } } orderedAnalysisResult.add(itemEntry.getValue()); } Comparator comparator; switch (orderBy) { case ITEM_NAME: comparator = Comparator.comparing(ItemData::getName); break; case ITEM_AMOUNT: comparator = Comparator.comparing(ItemData::getAmount); break; case PRICE_EACH: comparator = Comparator.comparing(itemData -> itemData.getPrice(useInstantSellPrices)); break; default: // case PRICE_SUM: comparator = Comparator.comparing(itemData -> itemData.getPriceSum(useInstantSellPrices)); break; } orderedAnalysisResult.sort((orderDesc ? comparator.reversed() : comparator).thenComparing(ItemData::getName)); return orderedAnalysisResult; } public Set getCachedPositions() { return chestCache.keySet(); } public Set getChestsWithWantedItem() { return chestsWithWantedItem; } public void clear() { MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.unregister(chestInteractionListener); chestInteractionListener = null; bazaarCache = null; lowestBinsCache = null; chestCache.clear(); doubleChestCache.clear(); chestsWithWantedItem.clear(); analysisResult.clear(); } public void addChest(BlockPos chestPos, List chestContents, EnumFacing otherChestFacing) { if (chestContents.size() > 0) { // check if the chest is a chest we want to cache/analyze ItemStack firstItem = chestContents.get(0); if (firstItem != null && firstItem.hasDisplayName() && firstItem.getDisplayName().equals(" ") && firstItem.getItem() == Item.getItemFromBlock(Blocks.stained_glass_pane)) { // item in first slot of chest is a glass pane with the display name " ", indicating e.g. a minion chest which we don't want to track return; } } BlockPos mainChestPos = chestPos; if (otherChestFacing != EnumFacing.UP) { // we have a double chest! if (isOtherChestCached(chestPos, otherChestFacing)) { // other chest is cached already, update that one instead mainChestPos = chestPos.offset(otherChestFacing); } if (chestPos.equals(mainChestPos)) { doubleChestCache.put(chestPos, otherChestFacing); } else { doubleChestCache.put(mainChestPos, otherChestFacing.getOpposite()); } } chestCache.put(mainChestPos, chestContents); } public void removeChest(BlockPos chestPos, EnumFacing otherChestFacing) { BlockPos mainChestPos = chestPos; if (otherChestFacing != EnumFacing.UP) { // we have a double chest! if (isOtherChestCached(chestPos, otherChestFacing)) { // other chest is cached already, update that one instead mainChestPos = chestPos.offset(otherChestFacing); } if (chestPos.equals(mainChestPos)) { doubleChestCache.remove(chestPos); } else { doubleChestCache.remove(mainChestPos); } } chestCache.remove(mainChestPos); chestsWithWantedItem.remove(mainChestPos); } private boolean isOtherChestCached(BlockPos chestPos, EnumFacing otherChestFacing) { BlockPos otherChestPos = chestPos.offset(otherChestFacing); return chestCache.containsKey(otherChestPos); } public EnumFacing getOtherChestFacing(BlockPos pos) { return doubleChestCache.getOrDefault(pos, EnumFacing.UP); } public EnumSet refreshPriceCache() { EnumSet updating = EnumSet.of(Updating.UNDEFINED); if (allowUpdateBazaar()) { updating.add(Updating.BAZAAR); ApiUtils.fetchBazaarData(bazaarData -> { if (bazaarData == null || !bazaarData.isSuccess()) { main.getChatHelper().sendMessage(new MooChatComponent("Error: Couldn't get Bazaar data from Hypixel API! API might be down: check").red().setUrl("")); } this.bazaarCache = bazaarData; lastBazaarUpdate = System.currentTimeMillis(); }); } if (allowUpdateLowestBins()) { updating.add(Updating.LOWEST_BINS); ApiUtils.fetchLowestBins(lowestBins -> { if (!lowestBins.hasData()) { main.getChatHelper().sendMessage(new MooChatComponent("Error: Couldn't get lowest BINs from Moulberry's API! API might be down: check if " + ApiUtils.LOWEST_BINS + " is reachable.").red().setUrl(ApiUtils.LOWEST_BINS)); } this.lowestBinsCache = lowestBins; lastLowestBinsUpdate = System.currentTimeMillis(); }); } return updating; } /** * Allow bazaar update once per minute */ public boolean allowUpdateBazaar() { return bazaarCache == null || bazaarCache.allowRefreshData(); } /** * Allow lowest bins update once every 5 minutes */ public boolean allowUpdateLowestBins() { return lowestBinsCache == null || (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastLowestBinsUpdate) > 300000; } public void markChestsWithWantedItem(String sbKey, int amount, String itemName) { // clear old search results chestsWithWantedItem.clear(); if (sbKey.endsWith("_ambiguous")) { sbKey = sbKey.substring(0, sbKey.length() - 10); } int relevantChests = 0; for (Map.Entry> chestCache : chestCache.entrySet()) { boolean hasItemBeenFoundInChest = false; for (ItemStack item : chestCache.getValue()) { String key = item.hasDisplayName() ? item.getDisplayName() : item.getUnlocalizedName(); if (item.hasTagCompound()) { key = item.getTagCompound().getCompoundTag("ExtraAttributes").getString("id"); } if (sbKey.equals(key)) { if (!hasItemBeenFoundInChest) { chestsWithWantedItem.add(chestCache.getKey()); hasItemBeenFoundInChest = true; ++relevantChests; } amount -= item.stackSize; } } if (amount <= 0) { // already found all relevant chests break; } } main.getChatHelper().sendMessage(EnumChatFormatting.GREEN, "Chest Tracker & Analyzer is now highlighting " + EnumChatFormatting.LIGHT_PURPLE + relevantChests + EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + " chest" + (relevantChests > 1 ? "s" : "") + " with " + itemName + EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + ". Re-opening the chest analysis results with " + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "/moo analyzeChests " + EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + "clears the current search."); } public enum Updating { UNDEFINED, BAZAAR, LOWEST_BINS } }