package de.cowtipper.cowlection.config;
import de.cowtipper.cowlection.Cowlection;
import de.cowtipper.cowlection.command.TabCompletableCommand;
import de.cowtipper.cowlection.config.gui.MooConfigGui;
import de.cowtipper.cowlection.config.gui.MooConfigPreview;
import de.cowtipper.cowlection.util.MooChatComponent;
import de.cowtipper.cowlection.util.Utils;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.command.ICommand;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTBase;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagInt;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagString;
import net.minecraft.util.ChatComponentText;
import net.minecraft.util.EnumChatFormatting;
import net.minecraft.util.IChatComponent;
import net.minecraft.util.Util;
import net.minecraftforge.client.ClientCommandHandler;
import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeModContainer;
import net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge;
import net.minecraftforge.common.config.ConfigCategory;
import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Configuration;
import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Property;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.client.event.ConfigChangedEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.EventPriority;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.format.DateTimeParseException;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* Mod configuration
* Based on TheGreyGhost's MinecraftByExample
* @see ForgeModContainer
public class MooConfig {
// Category: General
private static String configGuiExplanations;
public static String[] tabCompletableNamesCommands;
private static final String CATEGORY_LOGS_SEARCH = "logssearch";
public static String[] logsDirs;
private static String defaultStartDate;
// Category: Notifications
public static boolean doUpdateCheck;
public static boolean showBestFriendNotifications;
public static boolean showFriendNotifications;
public static boolean showGuildNotifications;
public static boolean doBestFriendsOnlineCheck;
// Category: SkyBlock
private static String enableSkyBlockOnlyFeatures;
public static int tooltipToggleKeyBinding;
private static String tooltipAuctionHousePriceEach;
private static String tooltipItemAge;
public static boolean tooltipItemAgeShortened;
private static String tooltipItemTimestamp;
private static String numeralSystem;
// Category: SkyBlock Dungeons
private static String showItemQualityAndFloor;
private static String dungItemQualityPos;
public static int dungItemToolTipToggleKeyBinding;
public static boolean dungOverlayEnabled;
public static int dungOverlayPositionX;
public static int dungOverlayPositionY;
public static int dungOverlayGuiScale;
public static boolean dungOverlayTextShadow;
public static int dungClassMin;
public static boolean dungFilterPartiesWithArcherDupes;
public static boolean dungFilterPartiesWithBerserkDupes;
public static boolean dungFilterPartiesWithHealerDupes;
public static boolean dungFilterPartiesWithMageDupes;
public static boolean dungFilterPartiesWithTankDupes;
private static String dungPartyFinderPlayerLookup;
private static Configuration cfg = null;
private static final List configCategories = new ArrayList<>();
private final Cowlection main;
private Property propTabCompletableNamesCommands;
private List logSearchProperties;
public MooConfig(Cowlection main, Configuration configuration) {
this.main = main;
cfg = configuration;
if (cfg.getLoadedConfigVersion() == null || !cfg.getLoadedConfigVersion().equals(cfg.getDefinedConfigVersion())) {
private void updateConfig(String oldVersion) {
if (oldVersion == null) {
// config of Cowlection v1.8.9-0.10.2 and older
// leave log search settings as is
if (cfg.hasCategory(Configuration.CATEGORY_CLIENT)) {
// copy old 'moo' value to new, separate config
if (cfg.hasKey(Configuration.CATEGORY_CLIENT, "moo")) {
String oldMoo = cfg.getString("moo", Configuration.CATEGORY_CLIENT, "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Temporary config entry, should be deleted automatically.", Utils.VALID_UUID_PATTERN);
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(oldMoo) && Utils.isValidUuid(oldMoo)) {
// save into new cfg:
main.getMoo().setMooIfValid(oldMoo, false);
// delete client category (no longer used)
ConfigCategory oldClientCategory = cfg.getCategory(Configuration.CATEGORY_CLIENT);
private void initConfig() {
MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new ConfigEventHandler());
* Load the configuration values from the configuration file
private void syncFromFile() {
syncConfig(true, true, true);
* Save the GUI-altered values to disk
public void syncFromGui() {
syncConfig(false, true, true);
* Save the GUI-altered values to the properties; don't save to disk - only memory
public void syncFromGuiWithoutSaving() {
syncConfig(false, true, false);
* Save the Configuration variables (fields) to disk
public void syncFromFields() {
syncConfig(false, false, true);
* Synchronise the three copies of the data
* 1) loadConfigFromFile && readFieldsFromConfig -> initialise everything from the disk file
* 2) !loadConfigFromFile && readFieldsFromConfig -> copy everything from the config file (altered by GUI)
* 3) !loadConfigFromFile && !readFieldsFromConfig -> copy everything from the native fields
* @param loadConfigFromFile if true, load the config field from the configuration file on disk
* @param readFieldsFromConfig if true, reload the member variables from the config field
* @param saveToFile if true, save changes to config file
private void syncConfig(boolean loadConfigFromFile, boolean readFieldsFromConfig, boolean saveToFile) {
if (loadConfigFromFile) {
// reset previous entries
// Category: General
MooConfigCategory configCat = new MooConfigCategory("General", "general");
// Sub-Category: Cowlection config gui
MooConfigCategory.SubCategory subCat = configCat.addSubCategory("Cowlection config gui");
subCat.addExplanations("Display of the explanations for each sub-section:",
" ‣ " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + "as tooltip ①" + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GRAY + "⬛" + EnumChatFormatting.RESET + " = tooltip when hovering over sub-category heading (with darkened background)",
" ‣ " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + "as tooltip ②" + EnumChatFormatting.WHITE + "⬛" + EnumChatFormatting.RESET + " = tooltip when hovering over sub-category heading (no extra background)",
" ‣ " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + "as text" + EnumChatFormatting.RESET + " = below each sub-category heading",
" ‣ " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + "hidden" + EnumChatFormatting.RESET + " = ");
Property propConfigGuiExplanations = subCat.addConfigEntry(cfg.get(configCat.getConfigName(),
"configGuiExplanations", "tooltip ① §0⬛", "Display config settings explanations",
new String[]{"as tooltip ①§0⬛", "as tooltip ②§f⬛", "as text", "hidden"}));
// Sub-Category: API settings
subCat = configCat.addSubCategory("API settings");
subCat.addExplanations("Some features use the official Hypixel API and therefore require your API key.",
"Use " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + "/moo apikey " + EnumChatFormatting.RESET + "to see how to request a new API key from Hypixel",
"The API key is stored " + EnumChatFormatting.ITALIC + "locally " + EnumChatFormatting.ITALIC + "on your computer.");
// Sub-Category: Tab-completable names in commands
subCat = configCat.addSubCategory("Tab-completable usernames");
subCat.addExplanations("For certain commands you can use " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + "TAB " + EnumChatFormatting.RESET + "to autocomplete player names",
EnumChatFormatting.UNDERLINE + "Uses player names from:",
" ‣ Guild and Party chat",
" ‣ Party and game (duels) invites",
" ‣ SkyBlock Dungeon party finder: when a player joins the group",
" ‣ Online best friends (if the best friend online checker is enabled)");
propTabCompletableNamesCommands = subCat.addConfigEntry(cfg.get(configCat.getConfigName(),
"tabCompletableNamesCommands", new String[]{"party", "p", "invite", "visit", "ah", "ignore", "msg", "tell", "w", "boop", "profile", "friend", "friends"}, "List of commands with a Tab-completable username argument.")
// Sub-Category: Other settings
subCat = configCat.addSubCategory("Other settings");
subCat.addExplanations("Other settings that are located in other GUIs");
Property propLogsDirs = subCat.addConfigEntry(cfg.get(CATEGORY_LOGS_SEARCH,
"logsDirs", resolveDefaultLogsDirs(),
"Directories with Minecraft log files"));
Property propDefaultStartDate = subCat.addConfigEntry(cfg.get(CATEGORY_LOGS_SEARCH,
"defaultStartDate", "3", "Default start date (a number means X months ago, alternatively a fixed date à la yyyy-mm-dd can be used)"))
logSearchProperties = new ArrayList<>();
// Category: Notifications
configCat = new MooConfigCategory("Notifications", "notifications");
// Sub-Category: Mod update checker
subCat = configCat.addSubCategory("Mod update checker");
Property propDoUpdateCheck = subCat.addConfigEntry(cfg.get(configCat.getConfigName(),
"doUpdateCheck", true, "Check for mod updates?"));
// Sub-Category: Login & Logout
subCat = configCat.addSubCategory("Login & Logout");
subCat.addExplanations("Hides selected login/logout notifications ",
"while still showing notifications of best friends (if enabled).",
"Add someone to the best friends list with " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + "/moo add " + EnumChatFormatting.RESET);
Property propShowBestFriendNotifications = subCat.addConfigEntry(cfg.get(configCat.getConfigName(),
"showBestFriendNotifications", true, "Set to true to receive best friends' login/logout messages, set to false hide them."),
new MooConfigPreview(new ChatComponentText("§a§lBest friend §a> §6Cow §r§ejoined.")));
Property propShowFriendNotifications = subCat.addConfigEntry(cfg.get(configCat.getConfigName(),
"showFriendNotifications", true, "Set to true to receive friends' login/logout messages, set to false hide them."),
new MooConfigPreview(new ChatComponentText("§aFriend > §r§aBob §ejoined.")));
Property propShowGuildNotifications = subCat.addConfigEntry(cfg.get(configCat.getConfigName(),
"showGuildNotifications", true, "Set to true to receive guild members' login/logout messages, set to false hide them."),
new MooConfigPreview(new ChatComponentText("§2Guild > §r§7Herobrian §eleft.")));
// Sub-Category: Best friends online status
subCat = configCat.addSubCategory("Best friend online checker");
subCat.addExplanations("Check which best friends are online when you join the server.",
"About once a day, a check for new name changes is also performed automatically.");
IChatComponent spacer = new MooChatComponent(", ").green();
Property propDoBestFriendsOnlineCheck = subCat.addConfigEntry(cfg.get(configCat.getConfigName(),
"doBestFriendsOnlineCheck", true, "Set to true to check best friends' online status when joining a server, set to false to disable."),
new MooConfigPreview(new MooChatComponent("§a⬤ Online best friends (§24§a/§216§a): ")
.appendSibling(MooConfigPreview.createDemoOnline("Alice", "Housing", "1 hour 13 minutes 37 seconds")).appendSibling(spacer)
.appendSibling(MooConfigPreview.createDemoOnline("Bob", "Build Battle", "2 hours 13 minutes 37 seconds")).appendSibling(spacer)
.appendSibling(MooConfigPreview.createDemoOnline("Cow", "SkyBlock", "13 minutes 37 seconds")).appendSibling(spacer)
.appendSibling(MooConfigPreview.createDemoOnline("Herobrian", "Murder Mystery", "13 hours 33 minutes 37 seconds"))));
// Category: SkyBlock
configCat = new MooConfigCategory("SkyBlock", "skyblock");
// Sub-Category: SkyBlock-only features
subCat = configCat.addSubCategory("SkyBlock-only features");
Property propEnableSkyBlockOnlyFeatures = subCat.addConfigEntry(cfg.get(configCat.getConfigName(),
"enableSkyBlockOnlyFeatures", "on SkyBlock", "Enable SkyBlock-only features?", new String[]{"on SkyBlock", "always", "never"}));
// Sub-Category: Tooltip enhancements
subCat = configCat.addSubCategory("Tooltip enhancements");
Property propTooltipToggleKeyBinding = subCat.addConfigEntry(cfg.get(configCat.getConfigName(),
"tooltipToggleKeyBinding", Keyboard.KEY_LSHIFT, "Key to toggle tooltip"));
Property propTooltipAuctionHousePriceEach = subCat.addConfigEntry(cfg.get(configCat.getConfigName(),
"tooltipAuctionHousePriceEach", "always", "Add price per item if multiple items are bought or sold", new String[]{"always", "key press", "never"}));
Map demoItemExtraAttributes = new HashMap<>();
demoItemExtraAttributes.put("new_years_cake", new NBTTagInt(1));
demoItemExtraAttributes.put("originTag", new NBTTagString("REWARD_NEW_YEARS_CAKE_NPC"));
demoItemExtraAttributes.put("id", new NBTTagString("NEW_YEAR_CAKE"));
demoItemExtraAttributes.put("uuid", new NBTTagString("64b3a60b-74f2-4ebd-818d-d019c5b7f3e0"));
demoItemExtraAttributes.put("timestamp", new NBTTagString("6/16/19 5:05 PM"));
MooConfigPreview nonStackableItemPreview = new MooConfigPreview(MooConfigPreview.createDemoItem("cake", "§dNew Year Cake", new String[]{"§7Given to every player as a", "§7celebration for the 1st SkyBlock", "§7year!", "", "§d§lSPECIAL"}, demoItemExtraAttributes));
Property propTooltipItemAge = subCat.addConfigEntry(cfg.get(configCat.getConfigName(),
"tooltipItemAge", "always", "Show item age", new String[]{"always", "key press", "never"}),
Property propTooltipItemAgeShortened = subCat.addConfigEntry(cfg.get(configCat.getConfigName(),
"tooltipItemAgeShortened", true, "Shorten item age?"));
Property propTooltipItemTimestamp = subCat.addConfigEntry(cfg.get(configCat.getConfigName(),
"tooltipItemTimestamp", "key press", "Show item creation date", new String[]{"always", "key press", "never"}));
Property propNumeralSystem = subCat.addConfigEntry(cfg.get(configCat.getConfigName(),
"numeralSystem", "Arabic: 1, 4, 10", "Use Roman or Arabic numeral system?", new String[]{"Arabic: 1, 4, 10", "Roman: I, IV, X"}));
// Category: SkyBlock Dungeons
configCat = new MooConfigCategory("SkyBlock Dungeons", "skyblockdungeons");
configCat.setMenuDisplayName("SB Dungeons");
// Sub-Category: Tooltip enhancements
subCat = configCat.addSubCategory("Dungeon item tooltip enhancements");
subCat.addExplanations("Shows " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + "item quality " + EnumChatFormatting.RESET + "and " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + "dungeon floor" + EnumChatFormatting.RESET + " (if enabled)",
"Hold left " + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + "SHIFT " + EnumChatFormatting.RESET + "while hovering over a dungeon item,",
"to remove stats from reforges and essences (✪)",
"which normally makes the comparison of dungeon items difficult.",
"Instead, the tooltip shows...",
" ‣ base/default stats " + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "(outside dungeons; 1st value - usually red or green)",
" ‣ stats inside dungeons " + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "(including dungeon level stat boost, but without essences [₀ₓ✪])",
" ‣ stats inside dungeons with 5x essence upgrades " + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "(₅ₓ✪)");
Property propShowItemQualityAndFloor = subCat.addConfigEntry(cfg.get(configCat.getConfigName(),
"showItemQualityAndFloor", "always", "show item quality + obtained floor?", new String[]{"always", "key press", "never"}));
Property propDungItemQualityPos = subCat.addConfigEntry(cfg.get(configCat.getConfigName(),
"dungItemQualityPos", "top", "Position of item quality in tooltip", new String[]{"top", "bottom"}),
new MooConfigPreview(
MooConfigPreview.createDungeonItem("light", "7/17/20 7:22 PM", "§7Gear Score: §d336 §8(526)", "§7Crit Chance: §c+5% §9(Light +2%)", "§7Crit Damage: §c+30% §9(Light +4%) §8(+48.9%)", "§7Bonus Attack Speed: §c+4% §9(Light +4%)", "", "§7Health: §a+126 HP §9(Light +15 HP) §8(+205.38 HP)", "§7Defense: §a+76 §9(Light +4) §8(+123.88)", "§7Speed: §a+4 §9(Light +4) §8(+6.52)", "", "§9Growth V, §9Protection V", "§9Thorns III", "", "§7Increase the damage you deal", "§7with arrows by §c5%§7.", "", "§6Full Set Bonus: Skeleton Soldier", "§7Increase the damage you deal", "§7with arrows by an extra §c25%§7.", "", "§aPerfect 52500 / 52500", "§5§lEPIC DUNGEON LEGGINGS"),
MooConfigPreview.createDungeonItem("clean", "7/11/20 12:27 PM", "§7Gear Score: §d359 §8(561)", "§7Crit Chance: §c+11% §9(Clean +8%)", "§7Crit Damage: §c+26% §8(+42.38%)", "", "§7Health: §a+126 HP §9(Clean +15 HP) §8(+205.38 HP)", "§7Defense: §a+87 §9(Clean +15) §8(+141.81)", "", "§9Growth V, §9Protection V", "§9Thorns III", "", "§7Increase the damage you deal", "§7with arrows by §c5%§7.", "", "§6Full Set Bonus: Skeleton Soldier", "§7Increase the damage you deal", "§7with arrows by an extra §c25%§7.", "", "§aPerfect 52500 / 52500", "§5§lEPIC DUNGEON LEGGINGS")));
Property propDungItemToolTipToggleKeyBinding = subCat.addConfigEntry(cfg.get(configCat.getConfigName(),
"dungItemToolTipToggleKeyBinding", Keyboard.KEY_LSHIFT, "Key to toggle dungeon item tooltip"));
// Sub-Category: Performance Overlay
subCat = configCat.addSubCategory("Performance Overlay");
subCat.addExplanations(EnumChatFormatting.UNDERLINE + "Keeps track of:",
" ‣ skill score " + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "(reduced by deaths and failed puzzles)",
" ‣ speed score " + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "(-2.2 points when over 20 minutes)",
" ‣ bonus score " + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "(+1 [max 5] for each destroyed crypt; can only be detected up to ~50 blocks away from the player)",
"Does " + EnumChatFormatting.ITALIC + "not" + EnumChatFormatting.RESET + " track explorer score " + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + "(explored rooms, secrets, ...)");
Property propDungOverlayEnabled = subCat.addConfigEntry(cfg.get(configCat.getConfigName(),
"dungOverlayEnabled", true, "Enable Dungeon performance overlay?"));
Property propDungOverlayPositionX = subCat.addConfigEntry(cfg.get(configCat.getConfigName(),
"dungOverlayPositionX", 1, "Dungeon performance overlay position: x value", 0, 1000),
null, "‰", // per mille
(slider) -> {
MooConfig.dungOverlayPositionX = slider.getValueInt();
MooConfigGui.showDungeonPerformanceOverlayUntil = System.currentTimeMillis() + 500;
Property propDungOverlayPositionY = subCat.addConfigEntry(cfg.get(configCat.getConfigName(),
"dungOverlayPositionY", 1, "Dungeon performance overlay position: y value", 0, 1000),
null, "‰", // per mille
(slider) -> {
MooConfig.dungOverlayPositionY = slider.getValueInt();
MooConfigGui.showDungeonPerformanceOverlayUntil = System.currentTimeMillis() + 500;
Property propDungOverlayGuiScale = subCat.addConfigEntry(cfg.get(configCat.getConfigName(),
"dungOverlayGuiScale", 100, "Dungeon performance overlay GUI scale", 50, 200),
null, "%",
(slider) -> {
MooConfig.dungOverlayGuiScale = slider.getValueInt();
MooConfigGui.showDungeonPerformanceOverlayUntil = System.currentTimeMillis() + 500;
Property propDungOverlayTextShadow = subCat.addConfigEntry(cfg.get(configCat.getConfigName(),
"dungOverlayTextShadow", true, "Dungeon performance overlay GUI scale"));
// Sub-Category: Party Finder
subCat = configCat.addSubCategory("Dungeon Party Finder");
subCat.addExplanations("Adds various indicators to the dungeon party finder",
"to make it easier to find the perfect party:",
"Marks parties...",
" ‣ you cannot join: " + EnumChatFormatting.RED + "⬛" + EnumChatFormatting.RESET + " (red carpet)",
" ‣ with someone below a certain class level: " + EnumChatFormatting.RED + EnumChatFormatting.BOLD + "ᐯ" + EnumChatFormatting.RESET,
" ‣ with duplicated roles you specify below: " + EnumChatFormatting.GOLD + "²⁺",
" ‣ that match your criteria: " + EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + "⬛" + EnumChatFormatting.RESET + " (green carpet)");
Property propDungClassMin = subCat.addConfigEntry(cfg.get(configCat.getConfigName(),
"dungClassMin", 0, "Marks parties with members with lower class level than this value")
new MooConfigPreview(new MooChatComponent("Marked with: " + EnumChatFormatting.RED + EnumChatFormatting.BOLD + "ᐯ").gray()));
Property propDungFilterPartiesWithArcherDupes = subCat.addConfigEntry(cfg.get(configCat.getConfigName(),
"dungFilterPartiesWithArcherDupes", true, "Mark parties with duplicated Archer class?"),
new MooConfigPreview(new MooChatComponent("Marked with: " + EnumChatFormatting.GOLD + "²⁺A").gray()));
Property propDungFilterPartiesWithBerserkDupes = subCat.addConfigEntry(cfg.get(configCat.getConfigName(),
"dungFilterPartiesWithBerserkDupes", false, "Mark parties with duplicated Berserk class?"),
new MooConfigPreview(new MooChatComponent("Marked with: " + EnumChatFormatting.GOLD + "²⁺B").gray()));
Property propDungFilterPartiesWithHealerDupes = subCat.addConfigEntry(cfg.get(configCat.getConfigName(),
"dungFilterPartiesWithHealerDupes", false, "Mark parties with duplicated Healer class?"),
new MooConfigPreview(new MooChatComponent("Marked with: " + EnumChatFormatting.GOLD + "²⁺H").gray()));
Property propDungFilterPartiesWithMageDupes = subCat.addConfigEntry(cfg.get(configCat.getConfigName(),
"dungFilterPartiesWithMageDupes", false, "Mark parties with duplicated Mage class?"),
new MooConfigPreview(new MooChatComponent("Marked with: " + EnumChatFormatting.GOLD + "²⁺M").gray()));
Property propDungFilterPartiesWithTankDupes = subCat.addConfigEntry(cfg.get(configCat.getConfigName(),
"dungFilterPartiesWithTankDupes", false, "Mark parties with duplicated Tank class?"),
new MooConfigPreview(new MooChatComponent("Marked with: " + EnumChatFormatting.GOLD + "²⁺T").gray()));
Property propDungPartyFinderPlayerLookup = subCat.addConfigEntry(cfg.get(configCat.getConfigName(),
"dungPartyFinderPlayerLookup", "as a tooltip", "Show armor + dungeons stats of player joining via party finder as a tooltip or in chat?", new String[]{"as a tooltip", "in chat", "disabled"}));
boolean modifiedTabCompletableCommandsList = false;
String[] tabCompletableCommandsPreChange = tabCompletableNamesCommands != null ? tabCompletableNamesCommands.clone() : null;
if (readFieldsFromConfig) {
// Category: General
configGuiExplanations = propConfigGuiExplanations.getString();
tabCompletableNamesCommands = propTabCompletableNamesCommands.getStringList();
logsDirs = propLogsDirs.getStringList();
defaultStartDate = propDefaultStartDate.getString().trim();
// Category: Notifications
doUpdateCheck = propDoUpdateCheck.getBoolean();
showBestFriendNotifications = propShowBestFriendNotifications.getBoolean();
showFriendNotifications = propShowFriendNotifications.getBoolean();
showGuildNotifications = propShowGuildNotifications.getBoolean();
doBestFriendsOnlineCheck = propDoBestFriendsOnlineCheck.getBoolean();
// Category: SkyBlock
enableSkyBlockOnlyFeatures = propEnableSkyBlockOnlyFeatures.getString();
tooltipToggleKeyBinding = propTooltipToggleKeyBinding.getInt();
tooltipAuctionHousePriceEach = propTooltipAuctionHousePriceEach.getString();
tooltipItemAge = propTooltipItemAge.getString();
tooltipItemAgeShortened = propTooltipItemAgeShortened.getBoolean();
tooltipItemTimestamp = propTooltipItemTimestamp.getString();
numeralSystem = propNumeralSystem.getString();
// Category: SkyBlock Dungeons
showItemQualityAndFloor = propShowItemQualityAndFloor.getString();
dungItemQualityPos = propDungItemQualityPos.getString();
dungItemToolTipToggleKeyBinding = propDungItemToolTipToggleKeyBinding.getInt();
dungOverlayEnabled = propDungOverlayEnabled.getBoolean();
dungOverlayPositionX = propDungOverlayPositionX.getInt();
dungOverlayPositionY = propDungOverlayPositionY.getInt();
dungOverlayGuiScale = propDungOverlayGuiScale.getInt();
dungOverlayTextShadow = propDungOverlayTextShadow.getBoolean();
dungClassMin = propDungClassMin.getInt();
dungFilterPartiesWithArcherDupes = propDungFilterPartiesWithArcherDupes.getBoolean();
dungFilterPartiesWithBerserkDupes = propDungFilterPartiesWithBerserkDupes.getBoolean();
dungFilterPartiesWithHealerDupes = propDungFilterPartiesWithHealerDupes.getBoolean();
dungFilterPartiesWithMageDupes = propDungFilterPartiesWithMageDupes.getBoolean();
dungFilterPartiesWithTankDupes = propDungFilterPartiesWithTankDupes.getBoolean();
dungPartyFinderPlayerLookup = propDungPartyFinderPlayerLookup.getString();
if (!Arrays.equals(tabCompletableCommandsPreChange, tabCompletableNamesCommands)) {
modifiedTabCompletableCommandsList = true;
// Category: General
// Category: Notifications
// Category: SkyBlock
// Category: SkyBlock Dungeons
if (saveToFile && cfg.hasChanged()) {
boolean isPlayerIngame = Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer != null;
if (modifiedTabCompletableCommandsList) {
if (isPlayerIngame) {
main.getChatHelper().sendMessage(EnumChatFormatting.RED, "Added or removed commands with tab-completable usernames take effect after a game restart! If player names cannot be tab-completed for a command after a game restart, check the capitalization of the command name.");
Map clientCommandsMap = ClientCommandHandler.instance.getCommands();
List removedCommands = new ArrayList<>();
for (String tabCompletableCommandName : tabCompletableNamesCommands) {
ICommand possibleClientCommand = clientCommandsMap.get(tabCompletableCommandName);
if (possibleClientCommand != null && !(possibleClientCommand instanceof TabCompletableCommand)) {
// tried to add a client side command to tab-completable commands; however, this would overwrite the original command
if (removedCommands.size() > 0) {
if (isPlayerIngame) {
main.getChatHelper().sendMessage(EnumChatFormatting.GOLD, " ⚠ " + EnumChatFormatting.GOLD + "Client-side commands from other mods cannot be added to commands with tab-completable usernames. " + EnumChatFormatting.RED + "This would overwrite the other command! Therefore the following commands have been removed from the list of commands with tab-completable usernames: " + EnumChatFormatting.GOLD + String.join(EnumChatFormatting.RED + ", " + EnumChatFormatting.GOLD, removedCommands));
tabCompletableNamesCommands = (String[]) ArrayUtils.removeElements(tabCompletableNamesCommands, removedCommands.toArray());
* Tries to find/resolve default directories containing minecraft logfiles (in .log.gz format)
* @return list of /logs/ directories
private String[] resolveDefaultLogsDirs() {
List logsDirs = new ArrayList<>();
File currentMcLogsDirFile = new File(Minecraft.getMinecraft().mcDataDir, "logs");
if (currentMcLogsDirFile.exists() && currentMcLogsDirFile.isDirectory()) {
String currentMcLogsDir = Utils.toRealPath(currentMcLogsDirFile);
String defaultMcLogsDir = System.getProperty("user.home");
Util.EnumOS osType = Util.getOSType();
// default directories for .minecraft:
switch (osType) {
defaultMcLogsDir += "\\AppData\\Roaming\\.minecraft\\logs";
case OSX:
defaultMcLogsDir += "/Library/Application Support/minecraft/logs";
defaultMcLogsDir += "/.minecraft/logs";
File defaultMcLogsDirFile = new File(defaultMcLogsDir);
if (defaultMcLogsDirFile.exists() && defaultMcLogsDirFile.isDirectory() && !currentMcLogsDirFile.equals(defaultMcLogsDirFile)) {
return logsDirs.toArray(new String[]{});
// Category: General
public static Setting getConfigGuiExplanationsDisplay() {
return Setting.get(configGuiExplanations);
// Category: Notifications
* Should login/logout notifications be modified and thus monitored?
* @return true if notifications should be monitored
public static boolean doMonitorNotifications() {
return showBestFriendNotifications || !showFriendNotifications || !showGuildNotifications;
// Category: SkyBlock
public static Setting getEnableSkyBlockOnlyFeatures() {
return Setting.get(MooConfig.enableSkyBlockOnlyFeatures);
public static Setting getTooltipAuctionHousePriceEachDisplay() {
return Setting.get(tooltipAuctionHousePriceEach);
public static Setting getTooltipItemAgeDisplay() {
return Setting.get(tooltipItemAge);
public static Setting getTooltipItemTimestampDisplay() {
return Setting.get(tooltipItemTimestamp);
public static boolean useRomanNumerals() {
return numeralSystem.startsWith("Roman");
public static boolean isTooltipToggleKeyBindingPressed() {
return tooltipToggleKeyBinding > 0 && Keyboard.isKeyDown(MooConfig.tooltipToggleKeyBinding);
public static boolean isDungeonItemTooltipToggleKeyBindingPressed() {
return dungItemToolTipToggleKeyBinding > 0 && Keyboard.isKeyDown(MooConfig.dungItemToolTipToggleKeyBinding);
// Category: SkyBlock Dungeons
public static Setting getShowItemQualityAndFloorDisplay() {
return Setting.get(showItemQualityAndFloor);
public static boolean isDungItemQualityAtTop() {
return dungItemQualityPos.equals("top");
public static Setting getDungPartyFinderPlayerLookupDisplay() {
return Setting.get(dungPartyFinderPlayerLookup);
public static boolean filterDungPartiesWithDupes(DataHelper.DungeonClass dungeonClass) {
switch (dungeonClass) {
case ARCHER:
return dungFilterPartiesWithArcherDupes;
return dungFilterPartiesWithBerserkDupes;
case HEALER:
return dungFilterPartiesWithHealerDupes;
case MAGE:
return dungFilterPartiesWithMageDupes;
case TANK:
return dungFilterPartiesWithTankDupes;
return false;
// MC Log Search:
public static LocalDate calculateStartDate() {
try {
// date format: yyyy-mm-dd
return LocalDate.parse(defaultStartDate);
} catch (DateTimeParseException e) {
// fall-through
try {
int months = Integer.parseInt(defaultStartDate);
return, ChronoUnit.MONTHS);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// default: 1 month
return, ChronoUnit.MONTHS);
// other stuff
public static List getConfigCategories() {
return configCategories;
public Property getTabCompletableNamesCommandsProperty() {
return propTabCompletableNamesCommands;
public List getLogSearchProperties() {
return logSearchProperties;
public class ConfigEventHandler {
@SubscribeEvent(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void onEvent(ConfigChangedEvent.OnConfigChangedEvent e) {
if (Cowlection.MODID.equals(e.modID)) {
public enum Setting {
public static Setting get(String configValue) {
switch (configValue) {
case "always":
return ALWAYS;
case "as a tooltip":
case "as tooltip ②§f⬛":
return TOOLTIP;
case "in chat":
case "as text":
return TEXT;
case "hidden":
case "never":
case "disabled":
return DISABLED;
case "on SkyBlock":
case "key press":
case "as tooltip ①§0⬛":
return SPECIAL;
return UNKNOWN;