package eu.olli.cowmoonication.config; import eu.olli.cowmoonication.Cowmoonication; import eu.olli.cowmoonication.util.Utils; import net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge; import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Configuration; import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Property; import net.minecraftforge.fml.client.event.ConfigChangedEvent; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.EventPriority; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class MooConfig { public static boolean doUpdateCheck; public static boolean filterFriendNotifications; public static String moo; private static Configuration cfg = null; public MooConfig(Configuration configuration) { cfg = configuration; initConfig(); } static Configuration getConfig() { return cfg; } private void initConfig() { syncFromFile(); MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new ConfigEventHandler()); } /** * Load the configuration values from the configuration file */ private void syncFromFile() { syncConfig(true, true); } /** * Save the GUI-altered values to disk */ private void syncFromGUI() { syncConfig(false, true); } /** * Save the Configuration variables (fields) to disk */ public void syncFromFields() { syncConfig(false, false); } /** * Synchronise the three copies of the data * 1) loadConfigFromFile && readFieldsFromConfig -> initialise everything from the disk file * 2) !loadConfigFromFile && readFieldsFromConfig -> copy everything from the config file (altered by GUI) * 3) !loadConfigFromFile && !readFieldsFromConfig -> copy everything from the native fields * * @param loadConfigFromFile if true, load the config field from the configuration file on disk * @param readFieldsFromConfig if true, reload the member variables from the config field */ private void syncConfig(boolean loadConfigFromFile, boolean readFieldsFromConfig) { if (loadConfigFromFile) { cfg.load(); } final boolean DO_UPDATE_CHECK = true; Property propDoUpdateCheck = cfg.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_CLIENT, "doUpdateCheck", DO_UPDATE_CHECK, "Check for mod updates?"); final boolean FILTER_FRIEND_NOTIFICATIONS = true; Property propFilterFriendNotify = cfg.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_CLIENT, "filterFriendNotifications", FILTER_FRIEND_NOTIFICATIONS, "Set to false to receive all login/logout messages, set to true to only get notifications of 'best friends' joining/leaving"); final String MOO = ""; Property propMoo = cfg.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_CLIENT, "moo", MOO, "The answer to life the universe and everything. Don't edit this entry manually!", Utils.VALID_UUID_PATTERN); propMoo.setShowInGui(false); List propOrderGeneral = new ArrayList<>(); propOrderGeneral.add(propDoUpdateCheck.getName()); propOrderGeneral.add(propFilterFriendNotify.getName()); propOrderGeneral.add(propMoo.getName()); cfg.setCategoryPropertyOrder(Configuration.CATEGORY_CLIENT, propOrderGeneral); if (readFieldsFromConfig) { doUpdateCheck = propDoUpdateCheck.getBoolean(DO_UPDATE_CHECK); filterFriendNotifications = propFilterFriendNotify.getBoolean(FILTER_FRIEND_NOTIFICATIONS); moo = propMoo.getString(); } propDoUpdateCheck.set(doUpdateCheck); propFilterFriendNotify.set(filterFriendNotifications); propMoo.set(moo); if (cfg.hasChanged()) {; } } public void toggleNotifications() { filterFriendNotifications = !filterFriendNotifications; syncFromFields(); } public class ConfigEventHandler { @SubscribeEvent(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL) public void onEvent(ConfigChangedEvent.OnConfigChangedEvent e) { if (Cowmoonication.MODID.equals(e.modID)) { syncFromGUI(); } } } }