cowlection.config.isMooValid=API key valid? §d§l⚷ cowlection.config.isMooValid.tooltip=You can use /moo apikey to see how to request a new API key from Hypixel\n§eConfig entries marked with §d§l⚷ §erequire a valid API key. cowlection.config.configGuiExplanations=Show config categories explanations... cowlection.config.configGuiExplanations.tooltip=How should the explanations (introductory words, hints, and tips) of the individual configuration categories be displayed? cowlection.config.mooCmdAlias=Alias for /moo command cowlection.config.mooCmdAlias.tooltip=Alternative command alias for §e/moo§f.\nLeave empty to remove alias. cowlection.config.fixReplyCmd=Auto-replace /r? cowlection.config.fixReplyCmd.tooltip=Auto-replace §e/r §fwith §e/w §fto avoid replying to the wrong person.\n\nUse §e/rr §fto prevent the auto-replacement for a message. cowlection.config.enableCopyInventory=Copy inventories with CTRL + C? cowlection.config.enableCopyInventory.tooltip=If enabled: copy the items in an inventory as JSON with §eCTRL + C cowlection.config.tabCompletableNamesCommands=Commands with Tab-completable usernames cowlection.config.tabCompletableNamesCommands.tooltip=List of commands with a username argument that should be Tab-completable.\n§eRequires game restart to take effect! cowlection.config.gotoLogSearchConfig=Search through your Minecraft logs cowlection.config.gotoLogSearchConfig.tooltip=Settings can be accessed at the top right corner cowlection.config.logsDirs=Directories with Minecraft log files cowlection.config.logsDirs.tooltip=List of directories containing Minecraft log files cowlection.config.defaultStartDate=Start date for log file search §c[see tooltip!] cowlection.config.defaultStartDate.tooltip=§eCan be either a §6number§e (e.g. "§63§e" means "§6start searching 3 months ago§e"),\n§eor alternatively a §6fixed date §e(§6yyyy-mm-dd§e) cowlection.config.gotoKeyBindings=Change key bindings cowlection.config.gotoKeyBindings.tooltip=Some key bindings can be found in the 'Cowlection' sub-category cowlection.config.doUpdateCheck=Check for updates cowlection.config.doUpdateCheck.tooltip=Check for mod updates when launching the game? cowlection.config.showBestFriendNotifications=Show best friend notifications cowlection.config.showBestFriendNotifications.tooltip=Set to true to receive best friends' login/logout messages, set to false hide them. cowlection.config.enableBestFriendNotificationSound=Play sound when best friend joins cowlection.config.enableBestFriendNotificationSound.tooltip=If enabled: plays a notification sound when a best friend comes online. cowlection.config.showFriendNotifications=Show friend notifications cowlection.config.showFriendNotifications.tooltip=Set to true to receive friends' login/logout messages, set to false hide them. cowlection.config.showGuildNotifications=Show guild notifications cowlection.config.showGuildNotifications.tooltip=Set to true to receive guild members' login/logout messages, set to false hide them. cowlection.config.doBestFriendsOnlineCheck=Do best friends online check §d§l⚷ cowlection.config.doBestFriendsOnlineCheck.tooltip=Set to true to check best friends' online status when joining a server, set to false to disable.\n§fDoes §dnot §fwork for staff members and players hiding their online status.\n§aHover over a player name to see their current gamemode.\n§d§l⚷ §eRequires a valid API key! cowlection.config.enableSkyBlockOnlyFeatures=Enable SkyBlock-only features cowlection.config.enableSkyBlockOnlyFeatures.tooltip=§6When should SkyBlock-only features be active?\n§7§o(relog or change worlds after changing this option)\n §d➊ §fonly while being on SkyBlock §e(= disabled on other servers and in other gamemodes\n §d➋ §falways §e(= including other servers and gamemodes)\n §d➌ §fnever §e(§cNone §eof the SkyBlock-only features will work!) cowlection.config.notifyFreshServer=Notify when world is loaded cowlection.config.tooltipToggleKeyBinding=Key binding: toggle tooltip cowlection.config.tooltipToggleKeyBinding.tooltip=Hold down this key to toggle tooltip if one of the following settings is set to 'key press'\n\n§7§odisable key binding: §e§oset key binding to §lESC cowlection.config.tooltipItemAge=§7Items: §rShow item age cowlection.config.tooltipItemAge.tooltip=Show item age? Only works for non-stackable items cowlection.config.tooltipItemAgeShortened=§7Items: §rShorten item age? cowlection.config.tooltipItemAgeShortened.tooltip=Show shortened (5.8 months) or detailed item age (5 months 24 days)? cowlection.config.tooltipItemTimestamp=§7Items: §rShow item creation date cowlection.config.tooltipItemTimestamp.tooltip=Show item creation date? Only works for non-stackable items cowlection.config.showPetExp=§7Pets: §rShow pet exp cowlection.config.showPetExp.tooltip=Show pet exp?\n§7§oExp for max level pets §f§odon't §7§owork inside the pets menu (but in every other GUI)! cowlection.config.numeralSystem=Numeral system cowlection.config.numeralSystem.tooltip=Use Roman or Arabic numeral system?\nThis is currently used to display numbers in the commands /moo stalkSkyBlock and /moo analyzeIsland cowlection.config.tooltipAuctionHousePriceEach=§7Auction house: §rprice per item cowlection.config.tooltipAuctionHousePriceEach.tooltip=Add price per item if multiple items are bought or sold? cowlection.config.bazaarConnectGraphsNodes=§7Bazaar: §rconnect the graph nodes cowlection.config.bazaarConnectGraphsNodes.tooltip=Draw a line through the nodes of the bazaar graphs?\n§7§oThis also (tries to) fix the graphs when using the MC unicode font. cowlection.config.bazaarConnectGraphsLineWidth=§7Bazaar: §rline width cowlection.config.bazaarConnectGraphsLineWidth.tooltip=Width of the line drawn through the nodes of the bazaar graphs? cowlection.config.bestiaryOverviewOrder=§7Bestiary: §roverview order by... cowlection.config.bestiaryOverviewOrder.tooltip=Add §6§lBestiary Overview§r to the SkyBlock Bestiary (§e/bestiary§7 or §e/be§r).\nThis setting changes the order of the Bestiary Overview entries, §7which can also be changed by left-clicking the area/location icon in the Bestiary GUI §7(§e/be§7). cowlection.config.lookupWikiKeyBinding=Key binding: lookup item wiki cowlection.config.lookupWikiKeyBinding.tooltip=Hover over an item in any inventory and press keybinding to open the item's wiki article.\n§7§oAccesses §e§\n§7§odefault key: §e§oI = info\n\n§7§odisable key binding: §e§oset key binding to §lESC cowlection.config.lookupPriceKeyBinding=Key binding: lookup item price cowlection.config.lookupPriceKeyBinding.tooltip=Hover over an item in any inventory and press keybinding to open the item's price details.\n§7§oAccesses §e§\n§7§odefault key: §e§oP = price\n\n§7§odisable key binding: §e§oset key binding to §lESC cowlection.config.lookupItemDirectly=Open website directly? cowlection.config.lookupItemDirectly.tooltip=Should the corresponding website be opened immediately (§a✔§r) or sent as a chat message (§c✘§r)? cowlection.config.showItemQualityAndFloor=Show item quality + obtained floor cowlection.config.showItemQualityAndFloor.tooltip=Should the item quality (in %%) and the obtained floor be added to the dungeon items' tooltips? cowlection.config.dungItemQualityPos=Item quality + obtained floor position cowlection.config.dungItemQualityPos.tooltip=Position of item quality and obtained floor in dungeon item tooltips\n§e'top' replaces the default 'gear score' entry §rwhich normally includes reforges and essence upgrades. cowlection.config.dungItemToolTipToggleKeyBinding=Key binding: Show dungeon item base stats cowlection.config.dungItemToolTipToggleKeyBinding.tooltip=Hold down this key to toggle dungeon item tooltip.\nDisplays the base stats of an item without reforges and without essence upgrades.\n\n§7§odisable key binding: §e§oset key binding to §lESC cowlection.config.dungSendPerformanceOnDeath=Send player deaths overview after each death? cowlection.config.dungSendPerformanceOnDeath.tooltip=Send an overview of the §enumber of deaths of each player §rand minus points due to failed puzzles §eeach time a player dies? cowlection.config.dungOverlayEnabled=Show overlay inside dungeons? cowlection.config.dungOverlayEnabled.tooltip=Show the performance overlay while inside a dungeon? cowlection.config.dungOverlayPositionX=Overlay x position (⇦/⇨ keys to fine-tune) cowlection.config.dungOverlayPositionX.tooltip=Use left and right arrow key to increment/decrement the x position by 1 cowlection.config.dungOverlayPositionY=Overlay y position (⇦/⇨ keys to fine-tune) cowlection.config.dungOverlayPositionY.tooltip=Use left and right arrow key to increment/decrement the y position by 1 cowlection.config.dungOverlayGuiScale=Overlay Gui Scale cowlection.config.dungOverlayGuiScale.tooltip=Adjust the size of the dungeon performance overlay (50%%-200%%) cowlection.config.dungOverlayTextBorder=Text border/shadow cowlection.config.dungOverlayTextBorder.tooltip=Change or disable text border/shadow cowlection.config.dungPartyFinderPlayerLookup=Show info of joining players §d§l⚷ cowlection.config.dungPartyFinderPlayerLookup.tooltip=Show armor and dungeons stats of player joining via party finder as a tooltip or in chat?\n§d§l⚷ §eRequires a valid API key! cowlection.config.dungPartyFullLookup=Lookup info when party full? §d§l⚷ cowlection.config.dungPartyFullLookup.tooltip=Lookup armor and dungeons stats of each party member when your party is full?\n§7Alternatively: §e/moo dungeon party §7or §e/m dp\n§d§l⚷ §eRequires a valid API key! cowlection.config.dungPartyFinderPartyLookup=Lookup info when joining another party? §d§l⚷ cowlection.config.dungPartyFinderPartyLookup.tooltip=Lookup armor and dungeons stats of each party member when joining via party finder?\n§7Alternatively: §e/moo dungeon party §7or §e/m dp\n§d§l⚷ §eRequires a valid API key! cowlection.config.dungPartiesSize=Show party sizes? cowlection.config.dungPartiesSize.tooltip=Show sizes of parties? cowlection.config.dungClassMin=Minimum preferred class level cowlection.config.dungClassMin.tooltip=Marks parties with members with lower class level than this value cowlection.config.dungMarkPartiesWithCarry=Mark 'carry' parties? cowlection.config.dungMarkPartiesWithCarry.tooltip=Mark parties that have 'carry' in their notes? cowlection.config.dungMarkPartiesWithHyperion=Mark 'hyperion' parties? cowlection.config.dungMarkPartiesWithHyperion.tooltip=Mark parties that have 'hyperion' in their notes? cowlection.config.dungMarkPartiesWithArcher=Mark parties with Archer class as unideal? cowlection.config.dungMarkPartiesWithArcher.tooltip=Mark parties with Archer class as unideal (orange background)? cowlection.config.dungMarkPartiesWithBerserk=Mark parties with Berserk class as unideal? cowlection.config.dungMarkPartiesWithBerserk.tooltip=Mark parties with Berserk class as unideal (orange background)? cowlection.config.dungMarkPartiesWithHealer=Mark parties with Healer class as unideal? cowlection.config.dungMarkPartiesWithHealer.tooltip=Mark parties with Healer class as unideal (orange background)? cowlection.config.dungMarkPartiesWithMage=Mark parties with Mage class as unideal? cowlection.config.dungMarkPartiesWithMage.tooltip=Mark parties with Mage class as unideal (orange background)? cowlection.config.dungMarkPartiesWithTank=Mark parties with Tank class as unideal? cowlection.config.dungMarkPartiesWithTank.tooltip=Mark parties with Tank class as unideal (orange background)? cowlection.commands.generic.exception=%s key.cowlection.category=Cowlection key.cowlection.moo=Open Command