/** * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * If it is not possible or desirable to put the notice in a particular * file, then You may include the notice in a location (such as a LICENSE * file in a relevant directory) where a recipient would be likely to look * for such a notice. * * You may add additional accurate notices of copyright ownership. */ package com.dulkirfabric.config import com.dulkirfabric.DulkirModFabric.mc import com.dulkirfabric.config.ListHelper.mkKeyField import com.dulkirfabric.config.ListHelper.mkStringField import com.google.gson.Gson import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable import me.shedaniel.cloth.clothconfig.shadowed.blue.endless.jankson.annotation.SerializedName import me.shedaniel.clothconfig2.api.ConfigBuilder import net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.Screen import net.minecraft.client.util.InputUtil import net.minecraft.text.LiteralTextContent import net.minecraft.text.MutableText import net.minecraft.text.Text import net.minecraft.util.Formatting import net.minecraft.util.Identifier import java.io.File import java.util.* class DulkirConfig { private val buttonText: Text = MutableText.of(LiteralTextContent("Dulkir")).formatted(Formatting.BOLD, Formatting.YELLOW) var screen: Screen init { val builder = ConfigBuilder.create().setTitle(buttonText) builder.setDefaultBackgroundTexture(Identifier("minecraft:textures/block/oak_planks.png")) builder.setGlobalized(true) builder.setGlobalizedExpanded(true) builder.setParentScreen(mc.currentScreen) builder.setSavingRunnable(::saveConfig) val entryBuilder = builder.entryBuilder() val general = builder.getOrCreateCategory(Text.literal("General")) general.addEntry( entryBuilder.startBooleanToggle(Text.literal("Custom Inventory Scale Toggle"), invScaleBool) .setTooltip(Text.literal("WAHOO!")) .setSaveConsumer { newValue -> invScaleBool = newValue } .build() ) general.addEntry( entryBuilder.startIntSlider(Text.literal("Inventory Scale"), inventoryScale, 1, 5) .setTooltip(Text.literal("Size of GUI whenever you're in an inventory screen")) .setSaveConsumer { newValue -> inventoryScale = newValue } .build() ) val shortcuts = builder.getOrCreateCategory(Text.literal("Shortcuts")) shortcuts.addEntry( ListHelper.mkConfigList( Text.literal("Macros"), ListHelper.Holder::macros, { Macro(InputUtil.UNKNOWN_KEY, "") }, Text.literal("Macro"), { value -> listOf( entryBuilder.mkStringField(Text.literal("Command"), value::command), entryBuilder.mkKeyField(Text.literal("KeyBinding"), value::keyBinding) ) } ) ) builder.transparentBackground() screen = builder.build() } data class ConfigOptions( @SerializedName("testOption") val invScaleBool: Boolean, @SerializedName("inventoryScale") val inventoryScale: Int ) @Serializable data class Macro( var keyBinding: InputUtil.Key, var command: String, ) /** * Object for storing all the actual config values that will be used in doing useful stuff with the config */ companion object ConfigVars { var invScaleBool: Boolean = true var inventoryScale: Int = 1 var value: List> = listOf(Pair(1, 2), Pair(3, 4)) private fun saveConfig() { val gson = Gson() val configOptions = ConfigOptions( invScaleBool, inventoryScale) val json = gson.toJson(configOptions) val configDirectory = File(mc.runDirectory, "config") if (!configDirectory.exists()) { configDirectory.mkdir() } val configFile = File(configDirectory, "dulkirConfig.json") configFile.writeText(json) } fun loadConfig() { val gson = Gson() val configDir = File(mc.runDirectory, "config") if (!configDir.exists()) return val configFile = File(configDir, "dulkirConfig.json") if (configFile.exists()) { val json = configFile.readText() val configOptions = gson.fromJson(json, ConfigOptions::class.java) invScaleBool = configOptions.invScaleBool inventoryScale = configOptions.inventoryScale } } } }