package com.dulkirfabric.features import import com.dulkirfabric.config.DulkirConfig import import import import com.dulkirfabric.util.TextUtils import com.dulkirfabric.util.render.WorldRenderUtils import meteordevelopment.orbit.EventHandler import net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient import net.minecraft.client.util.InputUtil import net.minecraft.entity.Entity import net.minecraft.util.hit.BlockHitResult import net.minecraft.util.hit.HitResult import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos import net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3d import import org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW import java.awt.Color object AotvHighlight { private var heldItemID = "" @EventHandler fun onTick(event: ClientTickEvent) { heldItemID = getHeldItemID() } fun getHeldItemID(): String { val stack = mc.player?.mainHandStack ?: return "" val tag = stack.nbt ?: return "" val id = tag.getCompound("ExtraAttributes").get("id") ?: return "" return id.toString().trim('"') } @EventHandler fun onLong(event: LongUpdateEvent) { //println(heldItemID) } @EventHandler fun onWorldRenderLast(event: WorldRenderLastEvent) { if (!DulkirConfig.configOptions.showEtherwarpPreview) return // check that holding aotv if (heldItemID != "ASPECT_OF_THE_VOID") return val handle = MinecraftClient.getInstance().window.handle if (!InputUtil.isKeyPressed(handle, GLFW.GLFW_KEY_LEFT_SHIFT) || mc.currentScreen != null) return // Find the targeted block with a range of 60.9 val entity = mc.cameraEntity if (mc.player == null) return val blockHit = raycast(entity!!, 60.9, mc.tickDelta) if (blockHit.type != HitResult.Type.BLOCK) return val pos: BlockPos = (blockHit as BlockHitResult).blockPos if (!isValidTeleportLocation(pos)) return // if found display box WorldRenderUtils.drawBox(event.context, pos.x.toDouble(), pos.y.toDouble(), pos.z.toDouble(), 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, Color(DulkirConfig.configOptions.etherwarpPreviewColor, true), false) } private fun isValidTeleportLocation(pos: BlockPos): Boolean { // TODO: Implement this (LOTS OF CASES, seems annoying) return true } private fun raycast(entity: Entity, maxDistance: Double, tickDelta: Float): HitResult { // 1.7 if not crouch, 1.54 if crouch val crouching = mc.player!!.isSneaking val vec3d: Vec3d = mc.player!!.pos.add(0.0, if (crouching) 1.54 else 1.7, 0.0) val vec3d2: Vec3d = entity.getRotationVec(tickDelta) val vec3d3 = vec3d.add(vec3d2.x * maxDistance, vec3d2.y * maxDistance, vec3d2.z * maxDistance) return!! .raycast( RaycastContext( vec3d, vec3d3, RaycastContext.ShapeType.OUTLINE, RaycastContext.FluidHandling.ANY, entity ) ) } private fun err(): Boolean {"ยง6Error in getting block info for AOTV highlight, please report.") return true } }