package com.dulkirfabric.features import import com.dulkirfabric.config.DulkirConfig import import com.dulkirfabric.util.TablistUtils import com.dulkirfabric.util.render.HudRenderUtil import meteordevelopment.orbit.EventHandler import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack import net.minecraft.text.Style import net.minecraft.text.Text import net.minecraft.util.Formatting import java.time.Duration object BrokenHyp { private var oldKill = -1 private var oldChampionXp = -1.0 private var oldID = "" private var kill = -1 private var championXp = -1.0 private var id = "" @EventHandler fun onLong(event: LongUpdateEvent) { if (!DulkirConfig.configOptions.brokenHypNotif) return val stack: ItemStack = mc.player?.mainHandStack ?: return // get info about held item val tag = stack.nbt ?: return id = tag.getCompound("ExtraAttributes")?.getString("id") ?: "" kill = tag.getCompound("ExtraAttributes")?.getInt("stats_book") ?: -1 championXp = tag.getCompound("ExtraAttributes")?.getDouble("champion_combat_xp") ?: -1.0 // check if a wither blade, then check if same id if (!(id matches "(HYPERION|ASTRAEA|SCYLLA|VALKYRIE)".toRegex())) { return } else if (id != oldID) { // Check if this is a valid item for testing whether bestiary is broken. // That is, to be specific, check that it has champion and book of stats. // If it doesn't, don't reset because it can't be used anyway. if (kill == -1 || championXp == -1.0) { return } // If we get here this is a new item that is legitimate for testing bugged xp, in theory. oldID = id oldKill = kill oldChampionXp = championXp return } // If this section of the code is reached, then we have the same item, and we can check for updated stats if (oldKill != kill && oldChampionXp == championXp && TablistUtils.persistentInfo.area != "Private Island") { HudRenderUtil.drawTitle(Text.literal("Hype Broken").setStyle(Style.EMPTY.withColor(Formatting.RED)), Duration.ofSeconds(2)) } // update item regardless of whether it is bugged or not oldKill = kill oldChampionXp = championXp } }