path: root/src/main/kotlin/dulkirmod/config/Config.kt
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/kotlin/dulkirmod/config/Config.kt')
1 files changed, 96 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/dulkirmod/config/Config.kt b/src/main/kotlin/dulkirmod/config/Config.kt
index da017c0..b554bbb 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/dulkirmod/config/Config.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/dulkirmod/config/Config.kt
@@ -283,7 +283,103 @@ object Config : Vigilant(File("./config/dulkirmod/config.toml"), "DulkirMod", so
var bridgeColor = 6
+ @Property(
+ type = PropertyType.SWITCH,
+ name = "Ghast Notification",
+ description = "Shows a title at 9:00pm for bestiary",
+ category = "Bestiary"
+ )
+ var notifyGhast = false
+ @Property(
+ type = PropertyType.SWITCH,
+ name = "Zombie Villager Notification",
+ description = "Shows a title at 8:00pm for bestiary",
+ category = "Bestiary"
+ )
+ var notifyZombieVillager = false
+ @Property(
+ type = PropertyType.SWITCH,
+ name = "Broken Hype Notification",
+ description = "Tells you if you are no longer getting bestiary! Requires champion and book of stats on your item. LEAVE OFF IF FISHING.",
+ category = "Bestiary"
+ )
+ var notifyHype = false
+ @Property(
+ type = PropertyType.SELECTOR,
+ name = "Bestiary Notification Color",
+ description = "Changes color of title notification",
+ category = "Bestiary",
+ options = ["§0Black",
+ "§1Dark Blue",
+ "§2Dark Green",
+ "§3Dark Aqua",
+ "§4Dark Red",
+ "§5Dark Purple",
+ "§6Gold",
+ "§7Gray",
+ "§8Dark Gray",
+ "§9Blue",
+ "§aGreen",
+ "§bAqua",
+ "§cRed",
+ "§dLight Purple",
+ "§eYellow",
+ "§fWhite",
+ "§zSBA Chroma"
+ ]
+ )
+ var bestiaryNotifColor = 15
+ @Property(
+ type = PropertyType.SWITCH,
+ name = "Text Shadow",
+ description = "Shows text shadow for notification",
+ category = "Bestiary"
+ )
+ var bestiaryTextShadow = false
+ @Property(
+ type = PropertyType.DECIMAL_SLIDER,
+ name = "Scale",
+ description = "Size of notification!",
+ category = "Bestiary",
+ minF = 0f,
+ maxF = 1f,
+ decimalPlaces = 1
+ )
+ var bestiaryNotifSize = .7f
+ @Property(
+ type = PropertyType.SWITCH,
+ name = "Alert Noises",
+ description = "Uses relevant mob sounds, doesn't override audio/patcher settings",
+ category = "Bestiary"
+ )
+ var bestiaryAlertSounds = false
+ @Property(
+ type = PropertyType.DECIMAL_SLIDER,
+ name = "Alert Volume",
+ description = "Volume of notification!",
+ category = "Bestiary",
+ minF = 0f,
+ maxF = 1f,
+ decimalPlaces = 1
+ )
+ var bestiaryNotifVol = .7f
+ @Property(
+ type = PropertyType.BUTTON,
+ name = "Demo Volume Selection",
+ description = "Plays the Ghast Noise as Reference, Might add individual sliders later but this seems like enough",
+ category = "Bestiary"
+ )
+ fun demoVolume() {
+ DulkirMod.mc.thePlayer.playSound("mob.ghast.scream", 1f * Config.bestiaryNotifVol, 1f)
+ }
fun init() {
addDependency("customMessage", "throttleNotifier")