package dulkirmod.config import dulkirmod.DulkirMod import dulkirmod.utils.Utils import gg.essential.vigilance.Vigilant import import import import import object Config : Vigilant(File("./config/dulkirmod/config.toml"), "DulkirMod", sortingBehavior = ConfigSorting) { @Property( type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Hide Enchant Rune Particles", description = "ugly go bye-bye", category = "General" ) var hideEnchantRune = false @Property( type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Abiphone Do-Not-Disturb", description = "Detects incoming calls and mutes ring audio for like 5 seconds. \nWorks as long as u don't lag particularly hard at the same time you're being called.", category = "General" ) var abiDND = false @Property( type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Abiphone Caller ID", description = "If DND is on, still give the player a quick 1 liner to tell them who is calling.", category = "General" ) var abiCallerID = false @Property( type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Hide Healer fairy", description = "Probably disable when not in dungeons for now. Will fix later.", category = "Dungeons" ) var hideHealerFairy = false @Property( type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Hide Heart Particles", description = "Useful for hyperion and healer bullshit", category = "Dungeons" ) var hideHeartParticles = false @Property( type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Throttle Notifier", description = "Making features out of bugs wow", category = "Dungeons" ) var throttleNotifier = true @Property( type = PropertyType.TEXT, name = "Throttle Notifier String", description = "How do you want to tell people you are throttled?", category = "Dungeons", placeholder = "i am being throttled zzz", protectedText = false ) var customMessage: String = "i am being throttled zzz" @Property( type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Throttle Notifier Spam", description = "LET EM KNOW!", category = "Dungeons" ) var throttleNotifierSpam = true @Property( type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Hide Extra Nametags", description = "Prevents some nametags not covered by skytils \"Hide non-starred nametags\" from rendering.", category = "General" ) var hideTags = true // CUSTOM ANIMATIONS @Property( type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Global Toggle", description = "Change the look of your held item", category = "Animations" ) var customAnimations = false @Property( type = PropertyType.DECIMAL_SLIDER, name = "Size", description = "Scales the size of your currently held item. Default: 0", category = "Animations", minF = -1.5f, maxF = 1.5f, decimalPlaces = 2 ) var customSize = 0f @Property( type = PropertyType.CHECKBOX, name = "Scale Swing", description = "Also scale the size of the swing animation.", category = "Animations" ) var doesScaleSwing = true @Property( type = PropertyType.DECIMAL_SLIDER, name = "X", description = "Moves the held item. Default: 0", category = "Animations", minF = -1.5f, maxF = 1.5f, decimalPlaces = 2 ) var customX = 0f @Property( type = PropertyType.DECIMAL_SLIDER, name = "Y", description = "Moves the held item. Default: 0", category = "Animations", minF = -1.5f, maxF = 1.5f, decimalPlaces = 2 ) var customY = 0f @Property( type = PropertyType.DECIMAL_SLIDER, name = "Z", description = "Moves the held item. Default: 0", category = "Animations", minF = -1.5f, maxF = 1.5f, decimalPlaces = 2 ) var customZ = 0f @Property( type = PropertyType.DECIMAL_SLIDER, name = "Yaw", description = "Rotates your held item. Default: 0", category = "Animations", minF = -180f, maxF = 180f, decimalPlaces = 0 ) var customYaw = 0f @Property( type = PropertyType.DECIMAL_SLIDER, name = "Pitch", description = "Rotates your held item. Default: 0", category = "Animations", minF = -180f, maxF = 180f, decimalPlaces = 0 ) var customPitch = 0f @Property( type = PropertyType.DECIMAL_SLIDER, name = "Roll", description = "Rotates your held item. Default: 0", category = "Animations", minF = -180f, maxF = 180f, decimalPlaces = 0 ) var customRoll = 0f @Property( type = PropertyType.DECIMAL_SLIDER, name = "Speed", description = "Speed of the swing animation.", category = "Animations", minF = -2f, maxF = 1f, decimalPlaces = 2 ) var customSpeed = 0f @Property( type = PropertyType.CHECKBOX, name = "Ignore Haste", description = "Makes the chosen speed override haste modifiers.", category = "Animations" ) var ignoreHaste = true @Property( type = PropertyType.SELECTOR, name = "Drinking Fix", description = "Pick how to handle drinking animations.", category = "Animations", options = ["No fix", "Rotationless", "Fixed"] ) var drinkingSelector = 2 @Property( type = PropertyType.BUTTON, name = "Reset Item Values", description = "Vanilla Look! Closes Settings GUI.", category = "Animations" ) fun demoButton() { customSize = 0f customX = 0f customY = 0f customZ = 0f customRoll = 0f customPitch = 0f customYaw = 0f doesScaleSwing = true ignoreHaste = true customSpeed = 0f } @Property( type = PropertyType.BUTTON, name = "Export Preset as String", description = "Base64 representation of your current config - will copy to clipboard when pressed.", category = "Animations", subcategory = "Presets" ) fun presetString() { Utils.animationConfigToString() } @Property( type = PropertyType.BUTTON, name = "Import Preset from Clipboard", description = "Base64 representation of your config accepted from clipboard. Closes gui.", category = "Animations", subcategory = "Presets" ) fun stringToConfig() { Utils.animationStringtoConfig() } @Property( type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "JoinDungeon Command Confirmation", description = "Chat notification when you push the button. Useful if you suck at navigating a numpad.", category = "Dungeons" ) var dungeonCommandConfirm = true @Property( type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Hide Chests that are already opened at Croesus", description = "Just doesn't render the item if it has the chest opened string", category = "Dungeons" ) var hideOpenedChests = false @Property( type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Highlight custom player for leap in menu", description = "changes texture to green wool!", category = "Dungeons" ) var highlightLeap = false @Property( type = PropertyType.TEXT, name = "Highlighted player name", description = "case-sensitive", category = "Dungeons", placeholder = "Dilkur", protectedText = false ) var highlightLeapName: String = "Dilkur" @Property( type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Remove Selfie Camera", description = "Get rid of pesky reverse third person!", category = "General" ) var noReverse3rdPerson = false @Property( type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Bridge Bot Formatter", description = "Global Toggle", category = "Bridge" ) var bridgeBot = false @Property( type = PropertyType.TEXT, name = "Bridge Bot Name", description = "Not case-sensitive", category = "Bridge", placeholder = "Bweefing", protectedText = false ) var botName: String = "Bweefing" @Property( type = PropertyType.SELECTOR, name = "Bridge Chatter Name Color", description = "Pick how the player name looks.", category = "Bridge", options = ["§0Black", "§1Dark Blue", "§2Dark Green", "§3Dark Aqua", "§4Dark Red", "§5Dark Purple", "§6Gold", "§7Gray", "§8Dark Gray", "§9Blue", "§aGreen", "§bAqua", "§cRed", "§dLight Purple", "§eYellow", "§fWhite", "§zSBA Chroma" ] ) var bridgeColor = 6 @Property( type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Ghast Notification", description = "Shows a title at 9:00pm for bestiary", category = "Bestiary", subcategory = "Notifications" ) var notifyGhast = false @Property( type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Zombie Villager Notification", description = "Shows a title at 8:00pm for bestiary", category = "Bestiary", subcategory = "Notifications" ) var notifyZombieVillager = false @Property( type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Broken Hype Notification", description = "Tells you if you are no longer getting bestiary! Requires champion and book of stats on your item. LEAVE OFF IF FISHING.", category = "Bestiary", subcategory = "Notifications" ) var notifyHype = false @Property( type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Matcho Spawn Alert!", description = "Alerts you if your lobby becomes EXPLOSIVE!", category = "Bestiary", subcategory = "Notifications" ) var notifyMatcho = false @Property( type = PropertyType.SELECTOR, name = "Bestiary Notification Color", description = "Changes color some bestiary features.", category = "Bestiary", subcategory = "Notifications", options = ["§0Black", "§1Dark Blue", "§2Dark Green", "§3Dark Aqua", "§4Dark Red", "§5Dark Purple", "§6Gold", "§7Gray", "§8Dark Gray", "§9Blue", "§aGreen", "§bAqua", "§cRed", "§dLight Purple", "§eYellow", "§fWhite", "§zSBA Chroma" ] ) var bestiaryNotifColor = 15 @Property( type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Text Shadow", description = "Shows text shadow for notification", category = "Bestiary", subcategory = "Notifications" ) var bestiaryTextShadow = false @Property( type = PropertyType.DECIMAL_SLIDER, name = "Scale", description = "Size of notification!", category = "Bestiary", subcategory = "Notifications", minF = 0f, maxF = 1f, decimalPlaces = 1 ) var bestiaryNotifSize = .7f @Property( type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Alert Noises", description = "Uses relevant mob sounds, doesn't override audio/patcher settings", category = "Bestiary", subcategory = "Audio" ) var bestiaryAlertSounds = false @Property( type = PropertyType.DECIMAL_SLIDER, name = "Alert Volume", description = "Volume of notification!", category = "Bestiary", subcategory = "Audio", minF = 0f, maxF = 1f, decimalPlaces = 1 ) var bestiaryNotifVol = .7f @Property( type = PropertyType.BUTTON, name = "Demo Volume Selection", description = "Plays the Ghast Noise as Reference, Might add individual sliders later but this seems like enough", category = "Bestiary", subcategory = "Audio" ) fun demoVolume() {"mob.ghast.scream", 1f * Config.bestiaryNotifVol, 1f) } @Property( type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Hide Arachne Loot Nametags", description = "Useful when killing a lot of them", category = "Bestiary", subcategory = "Arachne" ) var hideArachneTags = false @Property( type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Arachne kill timer", description = "Shows in chat.", category = "Bestiary", subcategory = "Arachne" ) var arachneKillTimer = false @Property( type = PropertyType.SWITCH, name = "Arachne spawn countdown", description = "Shows how long it takes for the arachne to spawn (in world).", category = "Bestiary", subcategory = "Arachne" ) var arachneSpawnTimer = false fun init() { initialize() addDependency("customMessage", "throttleNotifier") addDependency("throttleNotifierSpam", "throttleNotifier") addDependency("bestiaryNotifVol", "bestiaryAlertSounds") addDependency("demoVolume", "bestiaryAlertSounds") addDependency("highlightLeapName", "highlightLeap") addDependency("abiCallerID", "abiDND") setCategoryDescription( "Custom Animations", "All settings that are related to custom animations. Mostly help from Aton." ) setCategoryDescription( "Bridge", "If your bridge format does not work, message me on discord and I can probably add it." ) } private object ConfigSorting : SortingBehavior() { override fun getCategoryComparator(): Comparator = Comparator { o1, o2 -> if ( == "General") return@Comparator -1 if ( == "General") return@Comparator 1 else compareValuesBy(o1, o2) { } } } }