package dulkirmod.features import import dulkirmod.config.Config import dulkirmod.utils.ContainerNameUtil import net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiChest import net.minecraft.inventory.Slot import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.gameevent.TickEvent object Croesus { var lastGuiOpenEvent: Long = 0 var lastPageNumber = 1 @SubscribeEvent fun onTick(event: TickEvent.ClientTickEvent) { val lastInCroesus = inCroesusBool var pageNumber = 1 if (!Config.hideOpenedChests) return if (mc.currentScreen == null || !(mc.currentScreen is GuiChest)) { inCroesusBool = false return } inCroesusBool = (ContainerNameUtil.currentGuiChestName == "Croesus") if (inCroesusBool) { pageNumber = findPageNumber() } // weird way of detecting page turn if (lastPageNumber != pageNumber) lastGuiOpenEvent = System.currentTimeMillis() if (inCroesusBool && !lastInCroesus) { lastGuiOpenEvent = System.currentTimeMillis() } if (inCroesusBool && System.currentTimeMillis() - lastGuiOpenEvent < 300) { for (i in 9..44) { boolArray[i - 9] = false val slotIn = mc.thePlayer.openContainer.getSlot(i) if (slotIn.stack == null) continue val stack = slotIn.stack val tagList: NBTTagList = stack.getSubCompound("display", false)?.getTagList("Lore", 8) ?: continue for (j in 0 until tagList.tagCount()) { if (tagList.getStringTagAt(j) == "§aChests have been opened!") boolArray[i - 9] = true } } } } private fun findPageNumber(): Int { val stackPrev = mc.thePlayer.openContainer.getSlot(45).stack ?: return lastPageNumber val stackPrevLore = stackPrev.getSubCompound("display", false)?.getTagList("Lore", 8) ?: return 1 if (stackPrevLore.getStringTagAt(0).contains("1")) return 2 return 3 } var inCroesusBool: Boolean = false var boolArray = BooleanArray(36) { false } @JvmStatic fun inCroesus(): Boolean { return inCroesusBool } @JvmStatic fun isChestOpened(slotIn: Slot): Boolean { if (!inCroesusBool) return false if (slotIn.inventory == mc.thePlayer.inventory) return false val slotindex = slotIn.slotIndex if (slotindex !in 9..44) return false return boolArray[slotindex - 9] } }