package dulkirmod.features.dungeons import import dulkirmod.config.DulkirConfig import import dulkirmod.utils.TabListUtils import net.minecraft.block.Block import import net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityItem import net.minecraft.init.Blocks import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntitySkull import net.minecraftforge.event.entity.player.PlayerInteractEvent import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent object SecretSounds { private var lastSound: Long = 0L enum class Secrets(val value: String) { SPIRIT_LEAP("Spirit Leap"), DECOY("Decoy"), INFLATABLE_JERRY("Inflatable Jerry"), TREASURE_TALISMAN("Treasure Talisman") } @SubscribeEvent fun onInteract(event: PlayerInteractEvent) { if (!DulkirConfig.secretClickSounds) return if (TabListUtils.area != "Dungeon") return if (event.action != PlayerInteractEvent.Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK) return val blockType: Block = mc.theWorld.getBlockState(event.pos).block ?: return // get the type of block if (blockType != Blocks.chest && blockType != Blocks.trapped_chest && blockType != Blocks.skull && blockType != Blocks.lever) { // check if it's a secret return } if (blockType == Blocks.skull) { // it may be a wither essence skull var skullId: String? = null try { skullId = (mc.theWorld.getTileEntity(event.pos) as TileEntitySkull) } catch (ignored: NullPointerException) {} // it doesn't have a playerID if (skullId == null || skullId != "26bb1a8d-7c66-31c6-82d5-a9c04c94fb02") { // check if it is a wither essence player head return } } playSound() } // Inspiration: AtonAddons - private var drops = listOf( "Health Potion VIII Splash Potion", //"§5Health Potion VIII Splash Potion" "Healing Potion 8 Splash Potion", "Healing Potion VIII Splash Potion", "Decoy", //"§aDecoy" "Inflatable Jerry", // "§fInflatable Jerry" "Spirit Leap", // "§9Spirit Leap" "Trap", // "§aTrap" "Training Weights", // "§aTraining Weights" "Defuse Kit", // "§aDefuse Kit" "Dungeon Chest Key", // "§9Dungeon Chest Key" "Treasure Talisman", // Name: "§9Treasure Talisman" "Revive Stone", ) @SubscribeEvent fun onRemoveEntity(event: EntityRemovedEvent) { if (!DulkirConfig.secretClickSounds) return if (TabListUtils.area != "Dungeon") return if (event.entity !is EntityItem) return if (mc.thePlayer.getDistanceToEntity(event.entity) > 6) return val item: ItemStack = event.entity.entityItem var secretFlag = false for (d in drops) { if (item.displayName.contains(d)) secretFlag = true } if (secretFlag) playSound() } fun playSound() { if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastSound > 50) { // don't kill ears val prevNote = mc.gameSettings.getSoundLevel(SoundCategory.RECORDS) mc.gameSettings.setSoundLevel(SoundCategory.RECORDS, 1f) mc.thePlayer.playSound("note.pling", 1f * DulkirConfig.secretSoundVolume, 1f) lastSound = System.currentTimeMillis() mc.gameSettings.setSoundLevel(SoundCategory.RECORDS, prevNote) } } }