path: root/forge/build.gradle.kts
diff options
authornea <romangraef@gmail.com>2022-07-26 23:12:13 +0200
committernea <romangraef@gmail.com>2022-07-26 23:12:13 +0200
commit386ee78026801bf50d9cba24de541ed087f145d6 (patch)
tree3f85f2595141802d3d7f9828d440cfd50aee9a7c /forge/build.gradle.kts
parentcc9c23914b8a928026a457b259e44bc4bb2fe655 (diff)
1.19 and no more forge
Diffstat (limited to 'forge/build.gradle.kts')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 108 deletions
diff --git a/forge/build.gradle.kts b/forge/build.gradle.kts
deleted file mode 100644
index 47a56db..0000000
--- a/forge/build.gradle.kts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-plugins {
- id("com.github.johnrengelman.shadow") version "7.1.2"
-architectury {
- platformSetupLoomIde()
- forge()
-loom {
- accessWidenerPath.set(project(":common").loom.accessWidenerPath)
- forge {
- convertAccessWideners.set(true)
- extraAccessWideners.add(loom.accessWidenerPath.get().asFile.name)
- }
- * @see: https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/migrating_from_groovy_to_kotlin_dsl.html
- * */
-val common: Configuration by configurations.creating
-val shadowCommon: Configuration by configurations.creating // Don't use shadow from the shadow plugin because we don't want IDEA to index this.
-val developmentForge: Configuration = configurations.getByName("developmentForge")
-configurations {
- compileClasspath.get().extendsFrom(configurations["common"])
- runtimeClasspath.get().extendsFrom(configurations["common"])
- developmentForge.extendsFrom(configurations["common"])
-dependencies {
- forge("net.minecraftforge:forge:${rootProject.property("forge_version")}")
- // Remove the next line if you don't want to depend on the API
- modApi("dev.architectury:architectury-forge:${rootProject.property("architectury_version")}")
- common(project(":common", configuration = "namedElements")) { isTransitive = false }
- shadowCommon(project(":common", configuration = "transformProductionForge")) { isTransitive = false }
- common(kotlin("stdlib-jdk8"))
- modRuntimeOnly("me.shedaniel:RoughlyEnoughItems-forge:${rootProject.property("rei_version")}")
-val javaComponent = components["java"] as AdhocComponentWithVariants
-javaComponent.withVariantsFromConfiguration(configurations["sourcesElements"]) {
- skip()
-tasks {
- processResources {
- inputs.property("version", project.version)
- filesMatching("META-INF/mods.toml") {
- expand("version" to project.version)
- }
- }
- shadowJar {
- exclude("fabric.mod.json")
- exclude("architectury.common.json")
- /**
- * magic!
- * groovy -> kotlin dsl
- * [project.configurations.shadowCommon] -> listOf(project.configurations["shadowCommon"])
- * */
- configurations = listOf(project.configurations["shadowCommon"])
- archiveClassifier.set("dev-shadow")
- }
- remapJar {
- /**
- * magic!
- * groovy -> kotlin dsl
- * shadowJar.archiveFile -> shadowJar.flatMap { it.archiveFile }
- * */
- inputFile.set(shadowJar.flatMap { it.archiveFile })
- dependsOn(shadowJar)
- /**
- * affect suffix of build jar name
- * if { archiveClassifier.set("forge") }
- * name will be examplemod-1.0.0-forge.jar
- */
- archiveClassifier.set("forge")
- }
- jar {
- archiveClassifier.set("dev")
- }
- sourcesJar {
- val commonSources = project(":common").tasks.getByName("sourcesJar", Jar::class)
- dependsOn(commonSources)
- from(commonSources.archiveFile.map { zipTree(it) })
- }
- publishing {
- publications {
- create<MavenPublication>("mavenForge") {
- artifactId = "${rootProject.property("archives_base_name")}-${project.name}"
- from(javaComponent)
- }
- }
- // See https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/publishing_maven.html for information on how to set up publishing.
- repositories {
- // Add repositories to publish to here.
- }
- }