path: root/src/main/kotlin/gui/entity/EntityRenderer.kt
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authorLinnea Gräf <nea@nea.moe>2024-08-28 19:04:24 +0200
committerLinnea Gräf <nea@nea.moe>2024-08-28 19:04:24 +0200
commitd2f240ff0ca0d27f417f837e706c781a98c31311 (patch)
tree0db7aff6cc14deaf36eed83889d59fd6b3a6f599 /src/main/kotlin/gui/entity/EntityRenderer.kt
parenta6906308163aa3b2d18fa1dc1aa71ac9bbcc83ab (diff)
Refactor source layout
Introduce compat source sets and move all kotlin sources to the main directory [no changelog]
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/kotlin/gui/entity/EntityRenderer.kt')
1 files changed, 197 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/gui/entity/EntityRenderer.kt b/src/main/kotlin/gui/entity/EntityRenderer.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c7428d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/gui/entity/EntityRenderer.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+package moe.nea.firmament.gui.entity
+import com.google.gson.Gson
+import com.google.gson.JsonArray
+import com.google.gson.JsonObject
+import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager
+import org.joml.Quaternionf
+import org.joml.Vector3f
+import kotlin.math.atan
+import net.minecraft.client.gui.DrawContext
+import net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ingame.InventoryScreen
+import net.minecraft.entity.Entity
+import net.minecraft.entity.EntityType
+import net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity
+import net.minecraft.util.Identifier
+import moe.nea.firmament.util.MC
+import moe.nea.firmament.util.assertNotNullOr
+import moe.nea.firmament.util.iterate
+import moe.nea.firmament.util.openFirmamentResource
+import moe.nea.firmament.util.render.enableScissorWithTranslation
+object EntityRenderer {
+ val fakeWorld = FakeWorld()
+ private fun <T : Entity> t(entityType: EntityType<T>): () -> T {
+ return { entityType.create(fakeWorld)!! }
+ }
+ val entityIds: Map<String, () -> LivingEntity> = mapOf(
+ "Zombie" to t(EntityType.ZOMBIE),
+ "Chicken" to t(EntityType.CHICKEN),
+ "Slime" to t(EntityType.SLIME),
+ "Wolf" to t(EntityType.WOLF),
+ "Skeleton" to t(EntityType.SKELETON),
+ "Creeper" to t(EntityType.CREEPER),
+ "Ocelot" to t(EntityType.OCELOT),
+ "Blaze" to t(EntityType.BLAZE),
+ "Rabbit" to t(EntityType.RABBIT),
+ "Sheep" to t(EntityType.SHEEP),
+ "Horse" to t(EntityType.HORSE),
+ "Eisengolem" to t(EntityType.IRON_GOLEM),
+ "Silverfish" to t(EntityType.SILVERFISH),
+ "Witch" to t(EntityType.WITCH),
+ "Endermite" to t(EntityType.ENDERMITE),
+ "Snowman" to t(EntityType.SNOW_GOLEM),
+ "Villager" to t(EntityType.VILLAGER),
+ "Guardian" to t(EntityType.GUARDIAN),
+ "ArmorStand" to t(EntityType.ARMOR_STAND),
+ "Squid" to t(EntityType.SQUID),
+ "Bat" to t(EntityType.BAT),
+ "Spider" to t(EntityType.SPIDER),
+ "CaveSpider" to t(EntityType.CAVE_SPIDER),
+ "Pigman" to t(EntityType.ZOMBIFIED_PIGLIN),
+ "Ghast" to t(EntityType.GHAST),
+ "MagmaCube" to t(EntityType.MAGMA_CUBE),
+ "Wither" to t(EntityType.WITHER),
+ "Enderman" to t(EntityType.ENDERMAN),
+ "Mooshroom" to t(EntityType.MOOSHROOM),
+ "WitherSkeleton" to t(EntityType.WITHER_SKELETON),
+ "Cow" to t(EntityType.COW),
+ "Dragon" to t(EntityType.ENDER_DRAGON),
+ "Player" to { makeGuiPlayer(fakeWorld) },
+ "Pig" to t(EntityType.PIG),
+ "Giant" to t(EntityType.GIANT),
+ )
+ val entityModifiers: Map<String, EntityModifier> = mapOf(
+ "playerdata" to ModifyPlayerSkin,
+ "equipment" to ModifyEquipment,
+ "riding" to ModifyRiding,
+ "charged" to ModifyCharged,
+ "witherdata" to ModifyWither,
+ "invisible" to ModifyInvisible,
+ "age" to ModifyAge,
+ "horse" to ModifyHorse,
+ "name" to ModifyName,
+ )
+ val logger = LogManager.getLogger("Firmament.Entity")
+ fun applyModifiers(entityId: String, modifiers: List<JsonObject>): LivingEntity? {
+ val entityType = assertNotNullOr(entityIds[entityId]) {
+ logger.error("Could not create entity with id $entityId")
+ return null
+ }
+ var entity = entityType()
+ for (modifierJson in modifiers) {
+ val modifier = assertNotNullOr(modifierJson["type"]?.asString?.let(entityModifiers::get)) {
+ logger.error("Unknown modifier $modifierJson")
+ return null
+ }
+ entity = modifier.apply(entity, modifierJson)
+ }
+ return entity
+ }
+ fun constructEntity(info: JsonObject): LivingEntity? {
+ val modifiers = (info["modifiers"] as JsonArray?)?.map { it.asJsonObject } ?: emptyList()
+ val entityType = assertNotNullOr(info["entity"]?.asString) {
+ logger.error("Missing entity type on entity object")
+ return null
+ }
+ return applyModifiers(entityType, modifiers)
+ }
+ private val gson = Gson()
+ fun constructEntity(location: Identifier): LivingEntity? {
+ return constructEntity(
+ gson.fromJson(
+ location.openFirmamentResource().bufferedReader(), JsonObject::class.java
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ fun renderEntity(
+ entity: LivingEntity,
+ renderContext: DrawContext,
+ posX: Int,
+ posY: Int,
+ mouseX: Float,
+ mouseY: Float
+ ) {
+ var bottomOffset = 0.0F
+ var currentEntity = entity
+ val maxSize = entity.iterate { it.firstPassenger as? LivingEntity }
+ .map { it.height }
+ .sum()
+ while (true) {
+ currentEntity.age = MC.player?.age ?: 0
+ drawEntity(
+ renderContext,
+ posX,
+ posY,
+ posX + 50,
+ posY + 80,
+ minOf(2F / maxSize, 1F) * 30,
+ -bottomOffset,
+ mouseX,
+ mouseY,
+ currentEntity
+ )
+ val next = currentEntity.firstPassenger as? LivingEntity ?: break
+ bottomOffset += currentEntity.getPassengerRidingPos(next).y.toFloat() * 0.75F
+ currentEntity = next
+ }
+ }
+ fun drawEntity(
+ context: DrawContext,
+ x1: Int,
+ y1: Int,
+ x2: Int,
+ y2: Int,
+ size: Float,
+ bottomOffset: Float,
+ mouseX: Float,
+ mouseY: Float,
+ entity: LivingEntity
+ ) {
+ context.enableScissorWithTranslation(x1.toFloat(), y1.toFloat(), x2.toFloat(), y2.toFloat())
+ val centerX = (x1 + x2) / 2f
+ val centerY = (y1 + y2) / 2f
+ val targetYaw = atan(((centerX - mouseX) / 40.0f).toDouble()).toFloat()
+ val targetPitch = atan(((centerY - mouseY) / 40.0f).toDouble()).toFloat()
+ val rotateToFaceTheFront = Quaternionf().rotateZ(Math.PI.toFloat())
+ val rotateToFaceTheCamera = Quaternionf().rotateX(targetPitch * 20.0f * (Math.PI.toFloat() / 180))
+ rotateToFaceTheFront.mul(rotateToFaceTheCamera)
+ val oldBodyYaw = entity.bodyYaw
+ val oldYaw = entity.yaw
+ val oldPitch = entity.pitch
+ val oldPrevHeadYaw = entity.prevHeadYaw
+ val oldHeadYaw = entity.headYaw
+ entity.bodyYaw = 180.0f + targetYaw * 20.0f
+ entity.yaw = 180.0f + targetYaw * 40.0f
+ entity.pitch = -targetPitch * 20.0f
+ entity.headYaw = entity.yaw
+ entity.prevHeadYaw = entity.yaw
+ val vector3f = Vector3f(0.0f, entity.height / 2.0f + bottomOffset, 0.0f)
+ InventoryScreen.drawEntity(
+ context,
+ centerX,
+ centerY,
+ size,
+ vector3f,
+ rotateToFaceTheFront,
+ rotateToFaceTheCamera,
+ entity
+ )
+ entity.bodyYaw = oldBodyYaw
+ entity.yaw = oldYaw
+ entity.pitch = oldPitch
+ entity.prevHeadYaw = oldPrevHeadYaw
+ entity.headYaw = oldHeadYaw
+ context.disableScissor()
+ }