path: root/src/main/kotlin/repo/SBItemStack.kt
diff options
authorLinnea Gräf <nea@nea.moe>2024-12-31 16:52:29 +0100
committerLinnea Gräf <nea@nea.moe>2024-12-31 16:52:29 +0100
commita892a5f90b87b530331a7652dd4eb5bc07bf1c03 (patch)
tree808ac4b59557b2b0a6c8459a2dac13ce272937a6 /src/main/kotlin/repo/SBItemStack.kt
parent533fd68e2be8236c842f53fd0cafa52341226226 (diff)
parent620f1a45ac02b078e95c68a59a45bd4d24ff176b (diff)
Merge branch 'mc-1.21.3'
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/kotlin/repo/SBItemStack.kt')
1 files changed, 184 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/repo/SBItemStack.kt b/src/main/kotlin/repo/SBItemStack.kt
index 75245d1..4d07801 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/repo/SBItemStack.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/repo/SBItemStack.kt
@@ -9,18 +9,31 @@ import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack
import net.minecraft.network.RegistryByteBuf
import net.minecraft.network.codec.PacketCodec
import net.minecraft.network.codec.PacketCodecs
+import net.minecraft.text.Style
import net.minecraft.text.Text
+import net.minecraft.text.TextColor
import net.minecraft.util.Formatting
import moe.nea.firmament.repo.ItemCache.asItemStack
import moe.nea.firmament.repo.ItemCache.withFallback
import moe.nea.firmament.util.FirmFormatters
import moe.nea.firmament.util.LegacyFormattingCode
+import moe.nea.firmament.util.ReforgeId
import moe.nea.firmament.util.SkyblockId
+import moe.nea.firmament.util.directLiteralStringContent
+import moe.nea.firmament.util.extraAttributes
+import moe.nea.firmament.util.getReforgeId
+import moe.nea.firmament.util.getUpgradeStars
+import moe.nea.firmament.util.grey
import moe.nea.firmament.util.mc.appendLore
import moe.nea.firmament.util.mc.displayNameAccordingToNbt
+import moe.nea.firmament.util.mc.loreAccordingToNbt
import moe.nea.firmament.util.petData
+import moe.nea.firmament.util.prepend
import moe.nea.firmament.util.skyBlockId
+import moe.nea.firmament.util.skyblock.ItemType
+import moe.nea.firmament.util.skyblock.Rarity
import moe.nea.firmament.util.skyblockId
+import moe.nea.firmament.util.useMatch
import moe.nea.firmament.util.withColor
data class SBItemStack constructor(
@@ -29,9 +42,9 @@ data class SBItemStack constructor(
private var stackSize: Int,
private var petData: PetData?,
val extraLore: List<Text> = emptyList(),
- // TODO: grab this star data from nbt if possible
val stars: Int = 0,
val fallback: ItemStack? = null,
+ val reforge: ReforgeId? = null,
) {
fun getStackSize() = stackSize
@@ -68,7 +81,9 @@ data class SBItemStack constructor(
- petData = itemStack.petData?.let { PetData.fromHypixel(it) }
+ petData = itemStack.petData?.let { PetData.fromHypixel(it) },
+ stars = itemStack.getUpgradeStars(),
+ reforge = itemStack.getReforgeId()
@@ -83,6 +98,153 @@ data class SBItemStack constructor(
fun passthrough(itemStack: ItemStack): SBItemStack {
return SBItemStack(SkyblockId.NULL, null, itemStack.count, null, fallback = itemStack)
+ fun appendEnhancedStats(
+ itemStack: ItemStack,
+ reforgeStats: Map<String, Double>,
+ buffKind: BuffKind,
+ ) {
+ val namedReforgeStats = reforgeStats
+ .mapKeysTo(mutableMapOf()) { statIdToName(it.key) }
+ val loreMut = itemStack.loreAccordingToNbt.toMutableList()
+ var statBlockLastIndex = -1
+ for (i in loreMut.indices) {
+ val statLine = parseStatLine(loreMut[i])
+ if (statLine == null && statBlockLastIndex >= 0) {
+ break
+ }
+ if (statLine == null) {
+ continue
+ }
+ statBlockLastIndex = i
+ val statBuff = namedReforgeStats.remove(statLine.statName) ?: continue
+ loreMut[i] = statLine.addStat(statBuff, buffKind).reconstitute()
+ }
+ if (namedReforgeStats.isNotEmpty() && statBlockLastIndex == -1) {
+ loreMut.add(0, Text.literal(""))
+ }
+ // If there is no stat block the statBlockLastIndex falls through to -1
+ // TODO: this is good enough for some items. some other items might have their stats at a different place.
+ for ((statName, statBuff) in namedReforgeStats) {
+ val statLine = StatLine(statName, null).addStat(statBuff, buffKind)
+ loreMut.add(statBlockLastIndex + 1, statLine.reconstitute())
+ }
+ itemStack.loreAccordingToNbt = loreMut
+ }
+ data class StatFormatting(
+ val postFix: String,
+ val color: Formatting,
+ )
+ val formattingOverrides = mapOf(
+ "Sea Creature Chance" to StatFormatting("%", Formatting.RED),
+ "Strength" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.RED),
+ "Damage" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.RED),
+ "Bonus Attack Speed" to StatFormatting("%", Formatting.RED),
+ "Shot Cooldown" to StatFormatting("s", Formatting.RED),
+ "Ability Damage" to StatFormatting("%", Formatting.RED),
+ "Crit Damage" to StatFormatting("%", Formatting.RED),
+ "Crit Chance" to StatFormatting("%", Formatting.RED),
+ "Ability Damage" to StatFormatting("%", Formatting.RED),
+ "Trophy Fish Chance" to StatFormatting("%", Formatting.GREEN),
+ "Health" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN),
+ "Defense" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN),
+ "Fishing Speed" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN),
+ "Double Hook Chance" to StatFormatting("%", Formatting.GREEN),
+ "Mining Speed" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN),
+ "Mining Fortune" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN),
+ "Heat Resistance" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN),
+ "Swing Range" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN),
+ "Rift Time" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN),
+ "Speed" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN),
+ "Farming Fortune" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN),
+ "True Defense" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN),
+ "Mending" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN),
+ "Foraging Wisdom" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN),
+ "Farming Wisdom" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN),
+ "Foraging Fortune" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN),
+ "Magic Find" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN),
+ "Ferocity" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN),
+ "Bonus Pest Chance" to StatFormatting("%", Formatting.GREEN),
+ "Cold Resistance" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN),
+ "Pet Luck" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN),
+ "Fear" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN),
+ "Mana Regen" to StatFormatting("%", Formatting.GREEN),
+ "Rift Damage" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN),
+ "Hearts" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN),
+ "Vitality" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN),
+ // TODO: make this a repo json
+ )
+ private val statLabelRegex = "(?<statName>.*): ".toPattern()
+ enum class BuffKind(
+ val color: Formatting,
+ val prefix: String,
+ val postFix: String,
+ ) {
+ REFORGE(Formatting.BLUE, "(", ")"),
+ ;
+ }
+ data class StatLine(
+ val statName: String,
+ val value: Text?,
+ val rest: List<Text> = listOf(),
+ val valueNum: Double? = value?.directLiteralStringContent?.trim(' ', '%', '+')?.toDoubleOrNull()
+ ) {
+ fun addStat(amount: Double, buffKind: BuffKind): StatLine {
+ val formattedAmount = FirmFormatters.formatCommas(amount, 1, includeSign = true)
+ return copy(
+ valueNum = (valueNum ?: 0.0) + amount,
+ value = null,
+ rest = rest +
+ listOf(
+ Text.literal(
+ buffKind.prefix + formattedAmount +
+ statFormatting.postFix +
+ buffKind.postFix + " ")
+ .withColor(buffKind.color)))
+ }
+ fun formatValue() =
+ Text.literal(FirmFormatters.formatCommas(valueNum ?: 0.0,
+ 1,
+ includeSign = true) + statFormatting.postFix + " ")
+ .setStyle(Style.EMPTY.withColor(statFormatting.color))
+ val statFormatting = formattingOverrides[statName] ?: StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN)
+ private fun abbreviate(abbreviateTo: Int): String {
+ if (abbreviateTo >= statName.length) return statName
+ val segments = statName.split(" ")
+ return segments.joinToString(" ") {
+ it.substring(0, maxOf(1, abbreviateTo / segments.size))
+ }
+ }
+ fun reconstitute(abbreviateTo: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE): Text =
+ Text.literal("").setStyle(Style.EMPTY.withItalic(false))
+ .append(Text.literal("${abbreviate(abbreviateTo)}: ").grey())
+ .append(value ?: formatValue())
+ .also { rest.forEach(it::append) }
+ }
+ fun statIdToName(statId: String): String {
+ val segments = statId.split("_")
+ return segments.joinToString(" ") { it.replaceFirstChar { it.uppercaseChar() } }
+ }
+ private fun parseStatLine(line: Text): StatLine? {
+ val sibs = line.siblings
+ val stat = sibs.firstOrNull() ?: return null
+ if (stat.style.color != TextColor.fromFormatting(Formatting.GRAY)) return null
+ val statLabel = stat.directLiteralStringContent ?: return null
+ val statName = statLabelRegex.useMatch(statLabel) { group("statName") } ?: return null
+ return StatLine(statName, sibs[1], sibs.subList(2, sibs.size))
+ }
constructor(skyblockId: SkyblockId, petData: PetData) : this(
@@ -133,6 +295,25 @@ data class SBItemStack constructor(
+ private fun appendReforgeInfo(
+ itemStack: ItemStack,
+ ) {
+ val rarity = Rarity.fromItem(itemStack) ?: return
+ val reforgeId = this.reforge ?: return
+ val reforge = ReforgeStore.modifierLut[reforgeId] ?: return
+ val reforgeStats = reforge.reforgeStats?.get(rarity) ?: mapOf()
+ itemStack.displayNameAccordingToNbt = itemStack.displayNameAccordingToNbt.copy()
+ .prepend(Text.literal(reforge.reforgeName + " ").formatted(Rarity.colourMap[rarity] ?: Formatting.WHITE))
+ val data = itemStack.extraAttributes.copy()
+ data.putString("modifier", reforgeId.id)
+ itemStack.extraAttributes = data
+ appendEnhancedStats(itemStack, reforgeStats, BuffKind.REFORGE)
+ }
+ // TODO: avoid instantiating the item stack here
+ val itemType: ItemType? get() = ItemType.fromItemStack(asImmutableItemStack())
+ val rarity: Rarity? get() = Rarity.fromItem(asImmutableItemStack())
private var itemStack_: ItemStack? = null
private val itemStack: ItemStack
@@ -147,6 +328,7 @@ data class SBItemStack constructor(
return@run neuItem.asItemStack(idHint = skyblockId, replacementData)
+ .also { appendReforgeInfo(it) }
.also { it.appendLore(extraLore) }
.also { enhanceStatsByStars(it, stars) }