path: root/gradle/libs.versions.toml
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-07-21Add jarvisnea
2023-07-11Bulk commitnea
2023-07-04Add text rendering debuggingnea
2023-06-12Add mixin extrasnea
2023-06-11Update a bunch of mods to 1.20 from 1.20-rc versionsnea
2023-06-09Add sodium to modsnea
2023-06-08Update to 1.20nea
2023-06-03Add pet level data to /firm pvnea
2023-06-03Add auto hotswap installernea
2023-06-02Display rank alongside namenea
2023-05-30Auto discover mixinsnea
2023-05-30Bump fabric apinea
2023-05-29Add price checkernea
2023-05-29Bump LibGuinea
2023-05-26Add config gui to mod menunea
2023-05-16Add No Chat Reports to devenv modsnea
2023-05-13Add CIT Resewn to devenv modsnea
2023-05-08Add fishing particle highlighternea
2023-05-04Add version cataloguenea