path: root/src/main/kotlin/moe/nea/firmament
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2023-08-25Add better key binding supportnea
2023-08-24Fix REUSEnea
2023-08-24Fix rift collectionsnea
2023-08-24Revive old profile viewernea
2023-08-15Add ursa clientnea
2023-08-15Add slightly more modular optionsnea
2023-08-03Add some more info to event busnea
2023-08-01Make reuse compliantnea
2023-07-31Bigger settings panelnea
2023-07-31Improve config gui handlingnea
2023-07-31Remove partial architectury dependencynea
2023-07-31Disable fishing warningnea
2023-07-31Clickable chat linksnea
2023-07-31add back buttonnea
2023-07-31Add fixes translationsnea
2023-07-31Remove old debug lognea
2023-07-31Add skin fixernea
2023-07-30Add more fishing debug stats. (waiting on admins lol)nea
2023-07-30Fix overlapping config elements in config overviewnea
2023-07-30Fix skill data breaking collectionsnea
2023-07-26Fix storage not saving properlynea
2023-07-25Fix some issues idknea
2023-07-25Add custom texture pack supportnea
2023-07-23Make image preview scalablenea
2023-07-22Add image previewnea
2023-07-21Add jarvisnea
2023-07-13Add screen rendering events for buttonsnea
2023-07-12Save storage overlay data properlynea
2023-07-11Bulk commitnea
2023-07-04Add text rendering debuggingnea
2023-06-12Add crafting overlaynea
2023-06-12Fix repo settings being saved wrongnea
2023-06-12Add mixin extrasnea
2023-06-12Fix config resetsnea
2023-06-12Add lines to world renderernea
2023-06-11Rename world renderer eventsnea
2023-06-11Make copies of items with replacement datanea
2023-06-11Add more info to the pets pagenea
2023-06-11Fix name being lowercased by HyPixelnea
2023-06-11Add collection info to skill pagenea
2023-06-11Fix item stack sizes overlapping tooltipsnea
2023-06-11Refactor commandsnea
2023-06-11Remove vanilla items from the item listnea
2023-06-10Add world keyboard eventnea
2023-06-09Fix profile idnea
2023-06-09Add support for other mods using /locrawnea
2023-06-08Update to 1.20nea
- Remove some devenv mods that are not updated yet - Replace lib39 with fletchingtable for automixins - Use non kotlin entrypoints - Make use of DrawContext in a bunch of places
2023-06-05Add more decimals to pet numbersnea
2023-06-03Dont suggest NPCs for pv lookupnea
2023-06-03Add pet level data to /firm pvnea