## Firmament
<small><i>Powered by NEU</i></small>

> Note: This is still very much more of a tech demo, than an actual usable project. Please do not confuse it for one.
> Please do not ask for [features to be added](TODO.txt) (although bug reports are welcome).

[This project is currently being renamed.](#renaming)

### Currently working features

 - Item List of all SkyBlock Items
 - Grouping Items that belong together like minions
 - Recipe Viewer for Crafting Recipes
 - Recipe Viewer for Forge Recipes
 - Fishing Helper for Fishing particles (currently not working if you sneak because of 1.19 messing up positioning)
 - Fairy soul highlighter

Not working features:

 - A config gui, lol. All features are sort of on all the time. There is a config gui, but it is quite barren and not well documented.

### Building your own 

Use Java 17.

Running `./gradlew build` will create a mod jar in `build/libs`

You will need the fabric api mod, the fabric kotlin language mod, the architectury mod and REI in your mods folder in order for this mod to work.

### Licensing and contribution policy

Currently, this is under an All Rights Reserved sort of policy. There is currently no license im giving to anyone to make
use of this software. All the code in this repository I wrote myself, and I am planning to make it available under some
license pretty soon, but right now I am unsure of how some of the libraries I use will affect under what license i need
to publish this, so this is just a preliminary preview for now.

I will not accept contributions until I am sure of under which license I want to publish this mod and some of the
infrastructure is more defined.

### Renaming

This method is in the process of being renamed to Firmament from NotEnoughUpdates1.19. As such some of the branding and
code references may still refer to NEU or NotEnoughUpdates. This mod is not related to NEU (although I am at this point
the most active and (by line count) second most prolific NEU dev (after only Moulberry himself)). This mod is also using
NEU data and as such can be referred to as "Firmament powered by NEU". This mod exists outside the Moulberryverse of
mods and is not integrated into the Moulberryverse of quality control and bureaucracy. Any references to Moulberry and
most references to NEU are due to be removed. This mod is not representing NEU in 1.19, although it does have some of
its features.