Prio 0 (Bugs):
- WorldReadyEvent buggy? -> out of date locraw

Priority 1:
- recipes
    - more recipe categories
- dfu cache
- PV
- NEU buttons
- Pet/Equipment hud in inventory
- Pet Overlay
- Price Graphs
- Minion Helper
- Fishing
- Highlighters
- Metal Detector
- Dwarven Mines
- Experimentation Solver
- Capes

Priority 2:
- missing talismans / pets in pv
- renameable storage pages
- storage overlay slot handling (instead of shortcut page)
- item overlays
    - tree capitator
    - builders wand
    - builders ruler
    - biome wands
    - dirt wand
    - block zapper
- slot binding
- uuid locking (allow items with that uuid to be moved around but not dropped/sold)

Priority 3:
- Item rarity halo
- Zealot Counter using Combat XP popups
- client sided stat tracker that does not need the api
    - skills
    - coins
    - bits?
    - collection?
    - pretty graphs!

 - and much more that i will add as i go along

Dungeons (planned in another mod):
- Dungeon Profit
- Dungeon Map
- Dungeon waypoints
- Dungeon puzzle solvers
- Talk with the big D