<!-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Linnea Gräf <nea@nea.moe> SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 --> # Custom SkyBlock Items Texture Pack Format ## Items by internal id (ExtraAttributes) Find the internal id of the item. This is usually stored in the ExtraAttributes tag (Check the Power User Config for keybinds). Once you found it, create an item model in a resource pack like you would for a vanilla item model, but at the coordinate `firmskyblock:<internalid>`. So for an aspect of the end, this would be `firmskyblock:models/item/aspect_of_the_end.json` (or `assets/firmskyblock/models/item/aspect_of_the_end.json`). Then, just use a normal minecraft item model. See https://github.com/romangraef/BadSkyblockTP/blob/master/assets/firmskyblock/models/item/magma_rod.json as an example. ## (Placed) Skulls by texture id Find the texture id of a skull. This is the hash part of an url like `https://textures.minecraft.net/texture/bc8ea1f51f253ff5142ca11ae45193a4ad8c3ab5e9c6eec8ba7a4fcb7bac40` (so after the /texture/). You can find it in game for placed skulls using the keybinding in the Power User Config. Then place the replacement texture at `firmskyblock:textures/placedskulls/<thathash>.png`. Keep in mind that you will probably replace the texture with another skin texture, meaning that skin texture has it's own hash. Do not mix those up, you need to use the hash of the old skin.