SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Linnea Gräf <nea@nea.moe>

SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0

# Custom SkyBlock Items Texture Pack Format

## Items by internal id (ExtraAttributes)

Find the internal id of the item. This is usually stored in the ExtraAttributes tag (i will soon-ish add a command for
finding the texture pack id specifically). Once you found it, create an item model in a resource pack like you would for
a vanilla item model, but at the coordinate `firmskyblock:<internalid>`. So for an aspect of the end, this would be 
`firmskyblock:models/item/aspect_of_the_end.json` (or `assets/firmskyblock/models/item/aspect_of_the_end.json`). Then,
just use a normal minecraft item model. See https://github.com/romangraef/BadSkyblockTP/blob/master/assets/firmskyblock/models/item/magma_rod.json
as an example.