#!/usr/bin/env bash # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Linnea Gräf <nea@nea.moe> # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # # ARG_OPTIONAL_BOOLEAN([no-check],[n],[Skip checking preconditions, such as a clean git working directory]) # ARG_HELP([Script to help creating releases]) # ARGBASH_GO() # needed because of Argbash --> m4_ignore([ ### START OF CODE GENERATED BY Argbash v2.10.0 one line above ### # Argbash is a bash code generator used to get arguments parsing right. # Argbash is FREE SOFTWARE, see https://argbash.io for more info die() { local _ret="${2:-1}" test "${_PRINT_HELP:-no}" = yes && print_help >&2 echo "$1" >&2 exit "${_ret}" } begins_with_short_option() { local first_option all_short_options='nh' first_option="${1:0:1}" test "$all_short_options" = "${all_short_options/$first_option/}" && return 1 || return 0 } # THE DEFAULTS INITIALIZATION - OPTIONALS _arg_no_check="off" print_help() { printf '%s\n' "Script to help creating releases" printf 'Usage: %s [-n|--(no-)no-check] [-h|--help]\n' "$0" printf '\t%s\n' "-n, --no-check, --no-no-check: Skip checking preconditions, such as a clean git working directory (off by default)" printf '\t%s\n' "-h, --help: Prints help" } parse_commandline() { while test $# -gt 0 do _key="$1" case "$_key" in -n|--no-no-check|--no-check) _arg_no_check="on" test "${1:0:5}" = "--no-" && _arg_no_check="off" ;; -n*) _arg_no_check="on" _next="${_key##-n}" if test -n "$_next" -a "$_next" != "$_key" then { begins_with_short_option "$_next" && shift && set -- "-n" "-${_next}" "$@"; } || die "The short option '$_key' can't be decomposed to ${_key:0:2} and -${_key:2}, because ${_key:0:2} doesn't accept value and '-${_key:2:1}' doesn't correspond to a short option." fi ;; -h|--help) print_help exit 0 ;; -h*) print_help exit 0 ;; *) _PRINT_HELP=yes die "FATAL ERROR: Got an unexpected argument '$1'" 1 ;; esac shift done } parse_commandline "$@" # OTHER STUFF GENERATED BY Argbash ### END OF CODE GENERATED BY Argbash (sortof) ### ]) # [ <-- needed because of Argbash set -euo pipefail REMOTE=origin BRANCH=master basedir="$(dirname "$(dirname "$(realpath "$0")")")" echo "Found base directory at $basedir" if ! [ -d "$basedir/.git" ]; then echo Could not find git directory. exit 1 fi if ! "${JAVA_HOME}"/bin/java -version 2>&1 | grep 'version "21.'>/dev/null && [ "$_arg_no_check" == off ]; then echo Wrong java version exit 1 fi if [ -n "$(git status --porcelain)" ] && [ "$_arg_no_check" == off ]; then echo Unclean git working environment exit 1 fi if ! [[ "$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" = "$BRANCH" ]]; then echo "Not on branch $BRANCH." exit 1 fi git fetch --tags "$REMOTE" git tag --list --sort=taggerdate oldversion="$(git tag --list --sort=taggerdate | tail -n1)" echo "Choosing old version as $oldversion" echo -n "Choosing next version as: " read newversion echo "Confirming new version as $newversion" echo Editing gradle.properties sed -i -E 's/(mod_version *= *).*/\1'"$newversion"'/' "$basedir"/gradle.properties git add gradle.properties echo Committing release commit git commit -m 'Prepare release '"$newversion"' [no changelog]' echo Tagging release commit git tag "$newversion" mkdir -p "$basedir/.gradle" releasenotes="$basedir/.gradle/releasenotes.md" echo Building release notes echo "**Full Changelog**: <https://github.com/nea89o/Firmament/compare/$oldversion...$newversion>" > "$releasenotes" echo >> "$releasenotes" git log --pretty='- %s' --grep '[no changelog]' --invert-grep --fixed-strings "$oldversion..$newversion" | tac >> "$releasenotes" echo >> "$releasenotes" echo Check Release notes: echo ---------------------------------------------- cat "$releasenotes" echo ---------------------------------------------- echo Press Enter to resume read echo Building JAR "$basedir"/gradlew --stop "$basedir"/gradlew clean build echo Release notes: echo ---------------------------------------------- cat "$releasenotes" echo ---------------------------------------------- echo Pushing to github git push "$REMOTE" "$BRANCH" "$newversion" if command -v gh; then echo Creating github release (set -x; gh release create -t "Firmament $newversion" "$newversion" -F "$releasenotes" "$basedir/build/libs/Firmament-$newversion.jar") else echo Could not find github command utility. Opening github releases xdg-open "https://github.com/nea89o/firmament/releases/new" fi echo Opening modrinth releases xdg-open "https://modrinth.com/mod/firmament/versions" echo "Don't forget to upload a discord release as well:" # ] <-- needed because of Argbash