package moe.nea.firmament.features.inventory.buttons import io.github.notenoughupdates.moulconfig.common.IItemStack import io.github.notenoughupdates.moulconfig.platform.ModernItemStack import io.github.notenoughupdates.moulconfig.xml.Bind import me.shedaniel.math.Point import me.shedaniel.math.Rectangle import org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW import net.minecraft.client.gui.DrawContext import net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.ButtonWidget import net.minecraft.client.util.InputUtil import net.minecraft.text.Text import net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper import net.minecraft.util.math.Vec2f import moe.nea.firmament.util.ClipboardUtils import moe.nea.firmament.util.FragmentGuiScreen import moe.nea.firmament.util.MC import moe.nea.firmament.util.MoulConfigUtils import class InventoryButtonEditor( val lastGuiRect: Rectangle, ) : FragmentGuiScreen() { inner class Editor(val originalButton: InventoryButton) { @field:Bind var command: String = originalButton.command ?: "" @field:Bind var icon: String = originalButton.icon ?: "" @Bind fun getItemIcon(): IItemStack { save() return ModernItemStack.of(InventoryButton.getItemForName(icon)) } @Bind fun delete() { buttons.removeIf { it === originalButton } popup = null } fun save() { originalButton.icon = icon originalButton.command = command } } var buttons: MutableList = { it.copy() }.toMutableList() override fun close() { = buttons InventoryButtons.DConfig.markDirty() super.close() } override fun init() { super.init() addDrawableChild( ButtonWidget.builder(Text.translatable("firmament.inventory-buttons.load-preset")) { val t = ClipboardUtils.getTextContents() val newButtons = InventoryButtonTemplates.loadTemplate(t) if (newButtons != null) buttons = moveButtons( { it.copy(command = it.command?.removePrefix("/")) }) } .position(lastGuiRect.minX + 10, lastGuiRect.minY + 35) .width(lastGuiRect.width - 20) .build() ) addDrawableChild( ButtonWidget.builder(Text.translatable("")) { ClipboardUtils.setTextContent(InventoryButtonTemplates.saveTemplate(buttons)) } .position(lastGuiRect.minX + 10, lastGuiRect.minY + 60) .width(lastGuiRect.width - 20) .build() ) } private fun moveButtons(buttons: List): MutableList { val newButtons: MutableList = ArrayList(buttons.size) val movedButtons = mutableListOf() for (button in buttons) { if ((!button.anchorBottom && !button.anchorRight && button.x > 0 && button.y > 0)) { MC.sendChat(tr("firmament.inventory-buttons.button-moved", "One of your imported buttons intersects with the inventory and has been moved to the top left.")) movedButtons.add(button.copy( x = 0, y = -InventoryButton.dimensions.width, anchorRight = false, anchorBottom = false )) } else { newButtons.add(button) } } var i = 0 val zeroRect = Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1) for (movedButton in movedButtons) { fun getPosition(button: InventoryButton, index: Int) = button.copy(x = (index % 10) * InventoryButton.dimensions.width, y = (index / 10) * -InventoryButton.dimensions.height, anchorRight = false, anchorBottom = false) while (true) { val newPos = getPosition(movedButton, i++) val newBounds = newPos.getBounds(zeroRect) if (newButtons.none { it.getBounds(zeroRect).intersects(newBounds) }) { newButtons.add(newPos) break } } } return newButtons } override fun render(context: DrawContext, mouseX: Int, mouseY: Int, delta: Float) { super.render(context, mouseX, mouseY, delta) context.matrices.push() context.matrices.translate(0f, 0f, -10f) context.fill(lastGuiRect.minX, lastGuiRect.minY, lastGuiRect.maxX, lastGuiRect.maxY, -1) context.matrices.pop() for (button in buttons) { val buttonPosition = button.getBounds(lastGuiRect) context.matrices.push() context.matrices.translate(buttonPosition.minX.toFloat(), buttonPosition.minY.toFloat(), 0F) button.render(context) context.matrices.pop() } } override fun keyPressed(keyCode: Int, scanCode: Int, modifiers: Int): Boolean { if (super.keyPressed(keyCode, scanCode, modifiers)) return true if (keyCode == GLFW.GLFW_KEY_ESCAPE) { close() return true } return false } override fun mouseReleased(mouseX: Double, mouseY: Double, button: Int): Boolean { if (super.mouseReleased(mouseX, mouseY, button)) return true val clickedButton = buttons.firstOrNull { it.getBounds(lastGuiRect).contains(Point(mouseX, mouseY)) } if (clickedButton != null && !justPerformedAClickAction) { createPopup(MoulConfigUtils.loadGui("button_editor_fragment", Editor(clickedButton)), Point(mouseX, mouseY)) return true } justPerformedAClickAction = false lastDraggedButton = null return false } override fun mouseDragged(mouseX: Double, mouseY: Double, button: Int, deltaX: Double, deltaY: Double): Boolean { if (super.mouseDragged(mouseX, mouseY, button, deltaX, deltaY)) return true if (initialDragMousePosition.distanceSquared(Vec2f(mouseX.toFloat(), mouseY.toFloat())) >= 4 * 4) { initialDragMousePosition = Vec2f(-10F, -10F) lastDraggedButton?.let { dragging -> justPerformedAClickAction = true val (anchorRight, anchorBottom, offsetX, offsetY) = getCoordsForMouse(mouseX.toInt(), mouseY.toInt()) ?: return true dragging.x = offsetX dragging.y = offsetY dragging.anchorRight = anchorRight dragging.anchorBottom = anchorBottom } } return false } var lastDraggedButton: InventoryButton? = null var justPerformedAClickAction = false var initialDragMousePosition = Vec2f(-10F, -10F) data class AnchoredCoords( val anchorRight: Boolean, val anchorBottom: Boolean, val offsetX: Int, val offsetY: Int, ) fun getCoordsForMouse(mx: Int, my: Int): AnchoredCoords? { if (lastGuiRect.contains(mx, my) || lastGuiRect.contains( Point( mx + InventoryButton.dimensions.width, my + InventoryButton.dimensions.height, ) ) ) return null val anchorRight = mx > lastGuiRect.maxX val anchorBottom = my > lastGuiRect.maxY var offsetX = mx - if (anchorRight) lastGuiRect.maxX else lastGuiRect.minX var offsetY = my - if (anchorBottom) lastGuiRect.maxY else lastGuiRect.minY if (InputUtil.isKeyPressed(MC.window.handle, InputUtil.GLFW_KEY_LEFT_SHIFT)) { offsetX = MathHelper.floor(offsetX / 20F) * 20 offsetY = MathHelper.floor(offsetY / 20F) * 20 } return AnchoredCoords(anchorRight, anchorBottom, offsetX, offsetY) } override fun mouseClicked(mouseX: Double, mouseY: Double, button: Int): Boolean { if (super.mouseClicked(mouseX, mouseY, button)) return true val clickedButton = buttons.firstOrNull { it.getBounds(lastGuiRect).contains(Point(mouseX, mouseY)) } if (clickedButton != null) { lastDraggedButton = clickedButton initialDragMousePosition = Vec2f(mouseX.toFloat(), mouseY.toFloat()) return true } val mx = mouseX.toInt() val my = mouseY.toInt() val (anchorRight, anchorBottom, offsetX, offsetY) = getCoordsForMouse(mx, my) ?: return true buttons.add(InventoryButton(offsetX, offsetY, anchorRight, anchorBottom, null, null)) justPerformedAClickAction = true return true } }