package import io.github.moulberry.repo.constants.Islands import net.minecraft.text.Text import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos import net.minecraft.util.math.Position import net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3i import moe.nea.firmament.annotations.Subscribe import import import import moe.nea.firmament.repo.RepoManager import moe.nea.firmament.util.MC import moe.nea.firmament.util.SBData import moe.nea.firmament.util.SkyBlockIsland import moe.nea.firmament.util.WarpUtil import moe.nea.firmament.util.render.RenderInWorldContext object NavigationHelper { var targetWaypoint: NavigableWaypoint? = null set(value) { field = value recalculateRoute() } var nextTeleporter: Islands.Teleporter? = null private set val Islands.Teleporter.toIsland get() = SkyBlockIsland.forMode(this.getTo()) val Islands.Teleporter.fromIsland get() = SkyBlockIsland.forMode(this.getFrom()) val Islands.Teleporter.blockPos get() = BlockPos(x.toInt(), y.toInt(), z.toInt()) @Subscribe fun onWorldSwitch(event: SkyblockServerUpdateEvent) { recalculateRoute() } fun recalculateRoute() { val tp = targetWaypoint val currentIsland = SBData.skyblockLocation if (tp == null || currentIsland == null) { nextTeleporter = null return } val route = findRoute(currentIsland, tp.island, mutableSetOf()) nextTeleporter = route?.get(0) } private fun findRoute( fromIsland: SkyBlockIsland, targetIsland: SkyBlockIsland, visitedIslands: MutableSet<SkyBlockIsland> ): MutableList<Islands.Teleporter>? { var shortestChain: MutableList<Islands.Teleporter>? = null for (it in RepoManager.neuRepo.constants.islands.teleporters) { if (it.toIsland in visitedIslands) continue if (it.fromIsland != fromIsland) continue if (it.toIsland == targetIsland) return mutableListOf(it) visitedIslands.add(fromIsland) val nextRoute = findRoute(it.toIsland, targetIsland, visitedIslands) ?: continue nextRoute.add(0, it) if (shortestChain == null || shortestChain.size > nextRoute.size) { shortestChain = nextRoute } visitedIslands.remove(fromIsland) } return shortestChain } @Subscribe fun onMovement(event: TickEvent) { // TODO: add a movement tick event maybe? val tp = targetWaypoint ?: return val p = MC.player ?: return if (p.squaredDistanceTo(tp.position.toCenterPos()) < 5 * 5) { targetWaypoint = null } } @Subscribe fun drawWaypoint(event: WorldRenderLastEvent) { val tp = targetWaypoint ?: return val nt = nextTeleporter RenderInWorldContext.renderInWorld(event) { if (nt != null) { waypoint(nt.blockPos, Text.literal("Teleporter to " + nt.toIsland.userFriendlyName), Text.literal("(towards " + + "§f)")) } else if (tp.island == SBData.skyblockLocation) { waypoint(tp.position, Text.literal( } } } fun tryWarpNear() { val tp = targetWaypoint if (tp == null) { MC.sendChat(Text.literal("Could not find a waypoint to warp you to. Select one first.")) return } WarpUtil.teleportToNearestWarp(tp.island, tp.position.asPositionView()) } } fun Vec3i.asPositionView(): Position { return object : Position { override fun getX(): Double { return this@asPositionView.x.toDouble() } override fun getY(): Double { return this@asPositionView.y.toDouble() } override fun getZ(): Double { return this@asPositionView.z.toDouble() } } }