package import com.mojang.brigadier.arguments.IntegerArgumentType import me.shedaniel.math.Color import net.fabricmc.fabric.api.client.command.v2.FabricClientCommandSource import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable import kotlinx.serialization.encodeToString import kotlin.collections.component1 import kotlin.collections.component2 import kotlin.collections.set import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.hours import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.seconds import net.minecraft.command.argument.BlockPosArgumentType import net.minecraft.server.command.CommandOutput import net.minecraft.server.command.ServerCommandSource import net.minecraft.text.Text import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos import net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3d import moe.nea.firmament.Firmament import moe.nea.firmament.annotations.Subscribe import moe.nea.firmament.commands.get import moe.nea.firmament.commands.thenArgument import moe.nea.firmament.commands.thenExecute import moe.nea.firmament.commands.thenLiteral import import import import import import moe.nea.firmament.features.FirmamentFeature import moe.nea.firmament.gui.config.ManagedConfig import moe.nea.firmament.util.ClipboardUtils import moe.nea.firmament.util.MC import moe.nea.firmament.util.TimeMark import moe.nea.firmament.util.render.RenderInWorldContext import object Waypoints : FirmamentFeature { override val identifier: String get() = "waypoints" object TConfig : ManagedConfig(identifier, Category.MINING) { // TODO: add to misc val tempWaypointDuration by duration("temp-waypoint-duration", 0.seconds, 1.hours) { 30.seconds } val showIndex by toggle("show-index") { true } val skipToNearest by toggle("skip-to-nearest") { false } // TODO: look ahead size } data class TemporaryWaypoint( val pos: BlockPos, val postedAt: TimeMark, ) override val config get() = TConfig val temporaryPlayerWaypointList = mutableMapOf<String, TemporaryWaypoint>() val temporaryPlayerWaypointMatcher = "(?i)x: (-?[0-9]+),? y: (-?[0-9]+),? z: (-?[0-9]+)".toPattern() val waypoints = mutableListOf<BlockPos>() var ordered = false var orderedIndex = 0 @Serializable data class ColeWeightWaypoint( val x: Int, val y: Int, val z: Int, val r: Int = 0, val g: Int = 0, val b: Int = 0, ) @Subscribe fun onRenderOrderedWaypoints(event: WorldRenderLastEvent) { if (waypoints.isEmpty()) return RenderInWorldContext.renderInWorld(event) { if (!ordered) { waypoints.withIndex().forEach { block(it.value, 0x800050A0.toInt()) if (TConfig.showIndex) withFacingThePlayer(it.value.toCenterPos()) { text(Text.literal(it.index.toString())) } } } else { orderedIndex %= waypoints.size val firstColor = Color.ofRGBA(0, 200, 40, 180) color(firstColor) tracer(waypoints[orderedIndex].toCenterPos(), lineWidth = 3f) waypoints.withIndex().toList() .wrappingWindow(orderedIndex, 3) .zip( listOf( firstColor, Color.ofRGBA(180, 200, 40, 150), Color.ofRGBA(180, 80, 20, 140), ) ) .reversed() .forEach { (waypoint, col) -> val (index, pos) = waypoint block(pos, col.color) if (TConfig.showIndex) withFacingThePlayer(pos.toCenterPos()) { text(Text.literal(index.toString())) } } } } } @Subscribe fun onTick(event: TickEvent) { if (waypoints.isEmpty() || !ordered) return orderedIndex %= waypoints.size val p = MC.player?.pos ?: return if (TConfig.skipToNearest) { orderedIndex = (waypoints.withIndex().minBy { it.value.getSquaredDistance(p) }.index + 1) % waypoints.size } else { if (waypoints[orderedIndex].isWithinDistance(p, 3.0)) { orderedIndex = (orderedIndex + 1) % waypoints.size } } } @Subscribe fun onProcessChat(it: ProcessChatEvent) { val matcher = temporaryPlayerWaypointMatcher.matcher(it.unformattedString) if (it.nameHeuristic != null && TConfig.tempWaypointDuration > 0.seconds && matcher.find()) { temporaryPlayerWaypointList[it.nameHeuristic] = TemporaryWaypoint( BlockPos(,,, ), ) } } @Subscribe fun onCommand(event: CommandEvent.SubCommand) { event.subcommand("waypoint") { thenArgument("pos", BlockPosArgumentType.blockPos()) { pos -> thenExecute { val position = pos.get(this).toAbsoluteBlockPos(source.asFakeServer()) waypoints.add(position) source.sendFeedback( Text.stringifiedTranslatable( "firmament.command.waypoint.added", position.x, position.y, position.z ) ) } } } event.subcommand("waypoints") { thenLiteral("clear") { thenExecute { waypoints.clear() source.sendFeedback(Text.translatable("firmament.command.waypoint.clear")) } } thenLiteral("toggleordered") { thenExecute { ordered = !ordered if (ordered) { val p = MC.player?.pos ?: Vec3d.ZERO orderedIndex = waypoints.withIndex().minByOrNull { it.value.getSquaredDistance(p) }?.index ?: 0 } source.sendFeedback(Text.translatable("firmament.command.waypoint.ordered.toggle.$ordered")) } } thenLiteral("skip") { thenExecute { if (ordered && waypoints.isNotEmpty()) { orderedIndex = (orderedIndex + 1) % waypoints.size source.sendFeedback(Text.translatable("firmament.command.waypoint.skip")) } else { source.sendError(Text.translatable("firmament.command.waypoint.skip.error")) } } } thenLiteral("remove") { thenArgument("index", IntegerArgumentType.integer(0)) { indexArg -> thenExecute { val index = get(indexArg) if (index in waypoints.indices) { waypoints.removeAt(index) source.sendFeedback(Text.stringifiedTranslatable( "firmament.command.waypoint.remove", index)) } else { source.sendError(Text.stringifiedTranslatable("firmament.command.waypoint.remove.error")) } } } } thenLiteral("export") { thenExecute { val data = Firmament.tightJson.encodeToString<List<ColeWeightWaypoint>>( { ColeWeightWaypoint(it.x, it.y, it.z) }) ClipboardUtils.setTextContent(data) source.sendFeedback(tr("firmament.command.waypoint.export", "Copied ${waypoints.size} waypoints to clipboard")) } } thenLiteral("exportrelative") { thenExecute { val playerPos = MC.player!!.blockPos val x = playerPos.x val y = playerPos.y val z = playerPos.z val data = Firmament.tightJson.encodeToString<List<ColeWeightWaypoint>>( { ColeWeightWaypoint(it.x - x, it.y - y, it.z - z) }) ClipboardUtils.setTextContent(data) source.sendFeedback(tr("firmament.command.waypoint.export.relative", "Copied ${waypoints.size} relative waypoints to clipboard. Make sure to stand in the same position when importing.")) } } thenLiteral("import") { thenExecute { source.sendFeedback( importRelative(BlockPos.ORIGIN) ?: Text.stringifiedTranslatable("firmament.command.waypoint.import", waypoints.size), ) } } thenLiteral("importrelative") { thenExecute { source.sendFeedback( importRelative(MC.player!!.blockPos) ?: tr("firmament.command.waypoint.import.relative", "Imported ${waypoints.size} relative waypoints from clipboard. Make sure you stand in the same position as when you exported these waypoints for them to line up correctly."), ) } } } } fun importRelative(pos: BlockPos): Text? { val contents = ClipboardUtils.getTextContents() val data = try { Firmament.tightJson.decodeFromString<List<ColeWeightWaypoint>>(contents) } catch (ex: Exception) { Firmament.logger.error("Could not load waypoints from clipboard", ex) return (Text.translatable("firmament.command.waypoint.import.error")) } waypoints.clear() data.mapTo(waypoints) { BlockPos(it.x + pos.x, it.y + pos.y, it.z + pos.z) } return null } @Subscribe fun onRenderTemporaryWaypoints(event: WorldRenderLastEvent) { temporaryPlayerWaypointList.entries.removeIf { it.value.postedAt.passedTime() > TConfig.tempWaypointDuration } if (temporaryPlayerWaypointList.isEmpty()) return RenderInWorldContext.renderInWorld(event) { temporaryPlayerWaypointList.forEach { (player, waypoint) -> block(waypoint.pos, 0xFFFFFF00.toInt()) } temporaryPlayerWaypointList.forEach { (player, waypoint) -> val skin = MC.networkHandler?.listedPlayerListEntries?.find { == player } ?.skinTextures ?.texture withFacingThePlayer(waypoint.pos.toCenterPos()) { waypoint(waypoint.pos, Text.stringifiedTranslatable("firmament.waypoint.temporary", player)) if (skin != null) { matrixStack.translate(0F, -20F, 0F) // Head front texture( skin, 16, 16, 1 / 8f, 1 / 8f, 2 / 8f, 2 / 8f, ) // Head overlay texture( skin, 16, 16, 5 / 8f, 1 / 8f, 6 / 8f, 2 / 8f, ) } } } } } @Subscribe fun onWorldReady(event: WorldReadyEvent) { temporaryPlayerWaypointList.clear() } } fun <E> List<E>.wrappingWindow(startIndex: Int, windowSize: Int): List<E> { val result = ArrayList<E>(windowSize) if (startIndex + windowSize < size) { result.addAll(subList(startIndex, startIndex + windowSize)) } else { result.addAll(subList(startIndex, size)) result.addAll(subList(0, minOf(windowSize - (size - startIndex), startIndex))) } return result } fun FabricClientCommandSource.asFakeServer(): ServerCommandSource { val source = this return ServerCommandSource( object : CommandOutput { override fun sendMessage(message: Text?) { source.player.sendMessage(message, false) } override fun shouldReceiveFeedback(): Boolean { return true } override fun shouldTrackOutput(): Boolean { return true } override fun shouldBroadcastConsoleToOps(): Boolean { return true } }, source.position, source.rotation, null, 0, "FakeServerCommandSource", Text.literal("FakeServerCommandSource"), null, source.player ) }