package moe.nea.firmament.rei

import io.github.moulberry.repo.constants.PetNumbers
import me.shedaniel.rei.api.client.entry.renderer.EntryRenderer
import me.shedaniel.rei.api.common.entry.EntrySerializer
import me.shedaniel.rei.api.common.entry.EntryStack
import me.shedaniel.rei.api.common.entry.comparison.ComparisonContext
import me.shedaniel.rei.api.common.entry.type.EntryDefinition
import me.shedaniel.rei.api.common.entry.type.EntryType
import me.shedaniel.rei.api.common.entry.type.VanillaEntryTypes
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack
import net.minecraft.registry.tag.TagKey
import net.minecraft.text.Text
import net.minecraft.util.Formatting
import net.minecraft.util.Identifier
import moe.nea.firmament.rei.FirmamentReiPlugin.Companion.asItemEntry
import moe.nea.firmament.repo.ExpLadders
import moe.nea.firmament.repo.ItemCache
import moe.nea.firmament.repo.ItemCache.asItemStack
import moe.nea.firmament.repo.RepoManager
import moe.nea.firmament.util.FirmFormatters
import moe.nea.firmament.util.HypixelPetInfo
import moe.nea.firmament.util.LegacyFormattingCode
import moe.nea.firmament.util.SkyblockId
import moe.nea.firmament.util.appendLore
import moe.nea.firmament.util.item.displayNameAccordingToNbt
import moe.nea.firmament.util.petData
import moe.nea.firmament.util.skyBlockId
import moe.nea.firmament.util.withColor

// TODO: add in extra data like pet info, into this structure
data class PetData(
    val rarity: Rarity,
    val petId: String,
    val exp: Double,
    val isStub: Boolean = false,
) {
    companion object {
        fun fromHypixel(petInfo: HypixelPetInfo) = PetData(
            petInfo.tier, petInfo.type, petInfo.exp,

        fun forLevel(petId: String, rarity: Rarity, level: Int) = PetData(
            rarity, petId, ExpLadders.getExpLadder(petId, rarity).getPetExpForLevel(level).toDouble()

    val levelData by lazy { ExpLadders.getExpLadder(petId, rarity).getPetLevel(exp) }

data class SBItemStack constructor(
    val skyblockId: SkyblockId,
    val neuItem: NEUItem?,
    private var stackSize: Int,
    private var petData: PetData?,
    val extraLore: List<Text> = emptyList(),
    // TODO: grab this star data from nbt if possible
    val stars: Int = 0,
) {

    fun getStackSize() = stackSize
    fun setStackSize(newSize: Int) {
        this.stackSize = newSize
        this.itemStack_ = null

    fun getPetData() = petData
    fun setPetData(petData: PetData?) {
        this.petData = petData
        this.itemStack_ = null

    constructor(skyblockId: SkyblockId, petData: PetData) : this(

    constructor(skyblockId: SkyblockId, stackSize: Int = 1) : this(

    private fun injectReplacementDataForPetLevel(
        petInfo: PetNumbers,
        level: Int,
        replacementData: MutableMap<String, String>
    ) {
        val stats = petInfo.interpolatedStatsAtLevel(level) ?: return
        stats.otherNumbers.forEachIndexed { index, it ->
            replacementData[index.toString()] = FirmFormatters.formatCommas(it, 1)
        stats.statNumbers.forEach { (t, u) ->
            replacementData[t] = FirmFormatters.formatCommas(u, 1)

    private fun injectReplacementDataForPets(replacementData: MutableMap<String, String>) {
        val petData = this.petData ?: return
        val petInfo = RepoManager.neuRepo.constants.petNumbers[petData.petId]?.get(petData.rarity) ?: return
        if (petData.isStub) {
            val mapLow = mutableMapOf<String, String>()
            injectReplacementDataForPetLevel(petInfo, petInfo.lowLevel, mapLow)
            val mapHigh = mutableMapOf<String, String>()
            injectReplacementDataForPetLevel(petInfo, petInfo.highLevel, mapHigh)
            mapHigh.forEach { (key, highValue) ->
                mapLow.merge(key, highValue) { a, b -> "$a → $b" }
            replacementData["LVL"] = "${petInfo.lowLevel} → ${petInfo.highLevel}"
        } else {
            injectReplacementDataForPetLevel(petInfo, petData.levelData.currentLevel, replacementData)
            replacementData["LVL"] = petData.levelData.currentLevel.toString()

    private var itemStack_: ItemStack? = null

    private val itemStack: ItemStack
        get() {
            val itemStack = itemStack_ ?: run {
                if (skyblockId == SkyblockId.COINS)
                    return@run ItemCache.coinItem(stackSize).also { it.appendLore(extraLore) }
                val replacementData = mutableMapOf<String, String>()
                return@run neuItem.asItemStack(idHint = skyblockId, replacementData)
                    .also { it.appendLore(extraLore) }
                    .also { enhanceStatsByStars(it, stars) }
            if (itemStack_ == null)
                itemStack_ = itemStack
            return itemStack

    private fun starString(stars: Int): Text {
        if (stars <= 0) return Text.empty()
        val tiers = listOf(
        val maxStars = 5
        if (stars > tiers.size * maxStars) return Text.literal(" ${stars}✪").withColor(Formatting.RED)
        val starBaseTier = (stars - 1) / maxStars
        val starBaseColor = tiers[starBaseTier]
        val starsInCurrentTier = stars - starBaseTier * maxStars
        val starString = Text.literal(" " + "✪".repeat(starsInCurrentTier)).withColor(starBaseColor.modern)
        if (starBaseTier > 0) {
            val starLastTier = tiers[starBaseTier - 1]
            val starsInLastTier = 5 - starsInCurrentTier
        return starString

    private fun enhanceStatsByStars(itemStack: ItemStack, stars: Int) {
        if (stars == 0) return
        // TODO: increase stats and add the star level into the nbt data so star displays work
        itemStack.displayNameAccordingToNbt = itemStack.displayNameAccordingToNbt.copy()

    fun asImmutableItemStack(): ItemStack {
        return itemStack

    fun asItemStack(): ItemStack {
        return itemStack.copy()

object SBItemEntryDefinition : EntryDefinition<SBItemStack> {
    override fun equals(o1: SBItemStack, o2: SBItemStack, context: ComparisonContext): Boolean {
        return o1.skyblockId == o2.skyblockId && o1.getStackSize() == o2.getStackSize()

    override fun cheatsAs(entry: EntryStack<SBItemStack>?, value: SBItemStack): ItemStack {
        return value.asItemStack()

    override fun getValueType(): Class<SBItemStack> =
    override fun getType(): EntryType<SBItemStack> = EntryType.deferred(FirmamentReiPlugin.SKYBLOCK_ITEM_TYPE_ID)

    override fun getRenderer(): EntryRenderer<SBItemStack> = NEUItemEntryRenderer

    override fun getSerializer(): EntrySerializer<SBItemStack> {
        return NEUItemEntrySerializer

    override fun getTagsFor(entry: EntryStack<SBItemStack>?, value: SBItemStack?): Stream<out TagKey<*>>? {
        return Stream.empty()

    override fun asFormattedText(entry: EntryStack<SBItemStack>, value: SBItemStack): Text {
        return VanillaEntryTypes.ITEM.definition.asFormattedText(entry.asItemEntry(), value.asItemStack())

    override fun hash(entry: EntryStack<SBItemStack>, value: SBItemStack, context: ComparisonContext): Long {
        // Repo items are immutable, and get replaced entirely when loaded from disk
        return value.skyblockId.hashCode() * 31L

    override fun wildcard(entry: EntryStack<SBItemStack>?, value: SBItemStack): SBItemStack {
        return value.copy(stackSize = 1, petData = RepoManager.getPotentialStubPetData(value.skyblockId),
                          stars = 0, extraLore = listOf())

    override fun normalize(entry: EntryStack<SBItemStack>?, value: SBItemStack): SBItemStack {
        return wildcard(entry, value)

    override fun copy(entry: EntryStack<SBItemStack>?, value: SBItemStack): SBItemStack {
        return value

    override fun isEmpty(entry: EntryStack<SBItemStack>?, value: SBItemStack): Boolean {
        return value.getStackSize() == 0

    override fun getIdentifier(entry: EntryStack<SBItemStack>?, value: SBItemStack): Identifier {
        return value.skyblockId.identifier

    fun getEntry(sbItemStack: SBItemStack): EntryStack<SBItemStack> =
        EntryStack.of(this, sbItemStack)

    fun getEntry(skyblockId: SkyblockId, count: Int = 1): EntryStack<SBItemStack> =
        getEntry(SBItemStack(skyblockId, count))

    fun getEntry(ingredient: NEUIngredient): EntryStack<SBItemStack> =
        getEntry(SkyblockId(ingredient.itemId), count = ingredient.amount.toInt())

    fun getEntry(stack: ItemStack): EntryStack<SBItemStack> =
                stack.skyBlockId ?: SkyblockId.NULL,
                RepoManager.getNEUItem(stack.skyBlockId ?: SkyblockId.NULL),
                petData = stack.petData?.let { PetData.fromHypixel(it) }