package moe.nea.firmament.repo import com.mojang.serialization.Codec import com.mojang.serialization.codecs.RecordCodecBuilder import io.github.moulberry.repo.constants.PetNumbers import import import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack import import import import net.minecraft.text.Style import net.minecraft.text.Text import net.minecraft.text.TextColor import net.minecraft.util.Formatting import moe.nea.firmament.repo.ItemCache.asItemStack import moe.nea.firmament.repo.ItemCache.withFallback import moe.nea.firmament.util.FirmFormatters import moe.nea.firmament.util.LegacyFormattingCode import moe.nea.firmament.util.MC import moe.nea.firmament.util.ReforgeId import moe.nea.firmament.util.SkyblockId import import moe.nea.firmament.util.directLiteralStringContent import moe.nea.firmament.util.extraAttributes import moe.nea.firmament.util.getReforgeId import moe.nea.firmament.util.getUpgradeStars import moe.nea.firmament.util.grey import import import import import moe.nea.firmament.util.modifyExtraAttributes import moe.nea.firmament.util.petData import moe.nea.firmament.util.prepend import moe.nea.firmament.util.reconstitute import moe.nea.firmament.util.removeColorCodes import moe.nea.firmament.util.skyBlockId import moe.nea.firmament.util.skyblock.ItemType import moe.nea.firmament.util.skyblock.Rarity import moe.nea.firmament.util.skyblockId import moe.nea.firmament.util.unformattedString import moe.nea.firmament.util.useMatch import moe.nea.firmament.util.withColor data class SBItemStack constructor( val skyblockId: SkyblockId, val neuItem: NEUItem?, private var stackSize: Int, private var petData: PetData?, val extraLore: List = emptyList(), val stars: Int = 0, val fallback: ItemStack? = null, val reforge: ReforgeId? = null, ) { fun getStackSize() = stackSize fun setStackSize(newSize: Int) { this.stackSize = newSize this.itemStack_ = null } fun getPetData() = petData fun setPetData(petData: PetData?) { this.petData = petData this.itemStack_ = null } companion object { val PACKET_CODEC: PacketCodec = PacketCodec.tuple( SkyblockId.PACKET_CODEC, { it.skyblockId }, PacketCodecs.VAR_INT, { it.stackSize }, { id, count -> SBItemStack(id, count) } ) val CODEC: Codec = RecordCodecBuilder.create { SkyblockId.CODEC.fieldOf("skyblockId").forGetter { it.skyblockId }, Codec.INT.fieldOf("count").forGetter { it.stackSize }, ).apply(it) { id, count -> SBItemStack(id, count) } } val EMPTY = SBItemStack(SkyblockId.NULL, 0) private val BREAKING_POWER_REGEX = "Breaking Power (?[0-9]+)".toPattern() operator fun invoke(itemStack: ItemStack): SBItemStack { val skyblockId = itemStack.skyBlockId ?: SkyblockId.NULL return SBItemStack( skyblockId, RepoManager.getNEUItem(skyblockId), itemStack.count, petData = itemStack.petData?.let { PetData.fromHypixel(it) }, stars = itemStack.getUpgradeStars(), reforge = itemStack.getReforgeId() ) } operator fun invoke(neuIngredient: NEUIngredient): SBItemStack? { if (neuIngredient.skyblockId == SkyblockId.SENTINEL_EMPTY) return null // TODO: better fallback, maybe? if (neuIngredient.skyblockId == SkyblockId.COINS) { // TODO: specially handle coins to include the decimals } return SBItemStack(neuIngredient.skyblockId, neuIngredient.amount.toInt()) } fun passthrough(itemStack: ItemStack): SBItemStack { return SBItemStack(SkyblockId.NULL, null, itemStack.count, null, fallback = itemStack) } fun parseStatBlock(itemStack: ItemStack): List { return itemStack.loreAccordingToNbt .map { parseStatLine(it) } .takeWhile { it != null } .filterNotNull() } fun appendEnhancedStats( itemStack: ItemStack, reforgeStats: Map, buffKind: BuffKind, ) { val namedReforgeStats = reforgeStats .mapKeysTo(mutableMapOf()) { statIdToName(it.key) } val loreMut = itemStack.loreAccordingToNbt.toMutableList() var statBlockLastIndex = -1 for (i in loreMut.indices) { val statLine = parseStatLine(loreMut[i]) if (statLine == null && statBlockLastIndex >= 0) { break } if (statLine == null) { continue } statBlockLastIndex = i val statBuff = namedReforgeStats.remove(statLine.statName) ?: continue loreMut[i] = statLine.addStat(statBuff, buffKind).reconstitute() } if (namedReforgeStats.isNotEmpty() && statBlockLastIndex == -1) { loreMut.add(0, Text.literal("")) } // If there is no stat block the statBlockLastIndex falls through to -1 // TODO: this is good enough for some items. some other items might have their stats at a different place. for ((statName, statBuff) in namedReforgeStats) { val statLine = StatLine(statName, null).addStat(statBuff, buffKind) loreMut.add(statBlockLastIndex + 1, statLine.reconstitute()) } itemStack.loreAccordingToNbt = loreMut } data class StatFormatting( val postFix: String, val color: Formatting, val isStarAffected: Boolean = true, ) val formattingOverrides = mapOf( "Sea Creature Chance" to StatFormatting("%", Formatting.RED), "Strength" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.RED), "Damage" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.RED), "Bonus Attack Speed" to StatFormatting("%", Formatting.RED), "Shot Cooldown" to StatFormatting("s", Formatting.GREEN, false), "Ability Damage" to StatFormatting("%", Formatting.RED), "Crit Damage" to StatFormatting("%", Formatting.RED), "Crit Chance" to StatFormatting("%", Formatting.RED), "Ability Damage" to StatFormatting("%", Formatting.RED), "Trophy Fish Chance" to StatFormatting("%", Formatting.GREEN), "Health" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN), "Defense" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN), "Fishing Speed" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN), "Double Hook Chance" to StatFormatting("%", Formatting.GREEN), "Mining Speed" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN), "Mining Fortune" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN), "Heat Resistance" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN), "Swing Range" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN), "Rift Time" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN), "Speed" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN), "Farming Fortune" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN), "True Defense" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN), "Mending" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN), "Foraging Wisdom" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN), "Farming Wisdom" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN), "Foraging Fortune" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN), "Magic Find" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN), "Ferocity" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN), "Bonus Pest Chance" to StatFormatting("%", Formatting.GREEN), "Cold Resistance" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN), "Pet Luck" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN), "Fear" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN), "Mana Regen" to StatFormatting("%", Formatting.GREEN), "Rift Damage" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN), "Hearts" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN), "Vitality" to StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN), // TODO: make this a repo json ) private val statLabelRegex = "(?.*): ".toPattern() enum class BuffKind( val color: Formatting, val prefix: String, val postFix: String, val isHidden: Boolean, ) { REFORGE(Formatting.BLUE, "(", ")", false), STAR_BUFF(Formatting.RESET, "", "", true), CATA_STAR_BUFF(Formatting.DARK_GRAY, "(", ")", false), ; } data class StatLine( val statName: String, val value: Text?, val rest: List = listOf(), val valueNum: Double? = value?.directLiteralStringContent?.trim(' ', 's', '%', '+')?.toDoubleOrNull() ) { fun addStat(amount: Double, buffKind: BuffKind): StatLine { val formattedAmount = FirmFormatters.formatCommas(amount, 1, includeSign = true) return copy( valueNum = (valueNum ?: 0.0) + amount, value = null, rest = rest + if (buffKind.isHidden) emptyList() else listOf( Text.literal( buffKind.prefix + formattedAmount + statFormatting.postFix + buffKind.postFix + " ") .withColor(buffKind.color))) } fun formatValue() = Text.literal(FirmFormatters.formatCommas(valueNum ?: 0.0, 1, includeSign = true) + statFormatting.postFix + " ") .setStyle(Style.EMPTY.withColor(statFormatting.color)) val statFormatting = formattingOverrides[statName] ?: StatFormatting("", Formatting.GREEN) private fun abbreviate(abbreviateTo: Int): String { if (abbreviateTo >= statName.length) return statName val segments = statName.split(" ") return segments.joinToString(" ") { it.substring(0, maxOf(1, abbreviateTo / segments.size)) } } fun reconstitute(abbreviateTo: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE): Text = Text.literal("").setStyle(Style.EMPTY.withItalic(false)) .append(Text.literal("${abbreviate(abbreviateTo)}: ").grey()) .append(value ?: formatValue()) .also { rest.forEach(it::append) } } fun statIdToName(statId: String): String { val segments = statId.split("_") return segments.joinToString(" ") { it.replaceFirstChar { it.uppercaseChar() } } } private fun parseStatLine(line: Text): StatLine? { val sibs = line.siblings val stat = sibs.firstOrNull() ?: return null if ( != TextColor.fromFormatting(Formatting.GRAY)) return null val statLabel = stat.directLiteralStringContent ?: return null val statName = statLabelRegex.useMatch(statLabel) { group("statName") } ?: return null return StatLine(statName, sibs[1], sibs.subList(2, sibs.size)) } } constructor(skyblockId: SkyblockId, petData: PetData) : this( skyblockId, RepoManager.getNEUItem(skyblockId), 1, petData ) constructor(skyblockId: SkyblockId, stackSize: Int = 1) : this( skyblockId, RepoManager.getNEUItem(skyblockId), stackSize, RepoManager.getPotentialStubPetData(skyblockId) ) private fun injectReplacementDataForPetLevel( petInfo: PetNumbers, level: Int, replacementData: MutableMap ) { val stats = petInfo.interpolatedStatsAtLevel(level) ?: return stats.otherNumbers.forEachIndexed { index, it -> replacementData[index.toString()] = FirmFormatters.formatCommas(it, 1) } stats.statNumbers.forEach { (t, u) -> replacementData[t] = FirmFormatters.formatCommas(u, 1) } } private fun injectReplacementDataForPets(replacementData: MutableMap) { val petData = this.petData ?: return val petInfo = RepoManager.neuRepo.constants.petNumbers[petData.petId]?.get(petData.rarity) ?: return if (petData.isStub) { val mapLow = mutableMapOf() injectReplacementDataForPetLevel(petInfo, petInfo.lowLevel, mapLow) val mapHigh = mutableMapOf() injectReplacementDataForPetLevel(petInfo, petInfo.highLevel, mapHigh) mapHigh.forEach { (key, highValue) -> mapLow.merge(key, highValue) { a, b -> "$a → $b" } } replacementData.putAll(mapLow) replacementData["LVL"] = "${petInfo.lowLevel} → ${petInfo.highLevel}" } else { injectReplacementDataForPetLevel(petInfo, petData.levelData.currentLevel, replacementData) replacementData["LVL"] = petData.levelData.currentLevel.toString() } } private fun appendReforgeInfo( itemStack: ItemStack, ) { val rarity = Rarity.fromItem(itemStack) ?: return val reforgeId = this.reforge ?: return val reforge = ReforgeStore.modifierLut[reforgeId] ?: return val reforgeStats = reforge.reforgeStats?.get(rarity) ?: mapOf() itemStack.displayNameAccordingToNbt = itemStack.displayNameAccordingToNbt.copy() .prepend(Text.literal(reforge.reforgeName + " ").formatted(Rarity.colourMap[rarity] ?: Formatting.WHITE)) val data = itemStack.extraAttributes.copy() data.putString("modifier", itemStack.extraAttributes = data appendEnhancedStats(itemStack, reforgeStats, BuffKind.REFORGE) reforge.reforgeAbility?.get(rarity)?.let { reforgeAbility -> val formattedReforgeAbility = ItemCache.un189Lore(reforgeAbility) .grey() itemStack.modifyLore { val lastBlank = it.indexOfLast { it.unformattedString.isBlank() } val newList = mutableListOf() newList.addAll(it.subList(0, lastBlank)) newList.add(Text.literal("")) newList.add(Text.literal("${reforge.reforgeName} Bonus").blue()) MC.font.textHandler.wrapLines(formattedReforgeAbility, 180, Style.EMPTY).mapTo(newList) { it.reconstitute() } newList.addAll(it.subList(lastBlank, it.size)) return@modifyLore newList } } } // TODO: avoid instantiating the item stack here val itemType: ItemType? get() = ItemType.fromItemStack(asImmutableItemStack()) val rarity: Rarity? get() = Rarity.fromItem(asImmutableItemStack()) private var itemStack_: ItemStack? = null val breakingPower: Int get() = BREAKING_POWER_REGEX.useMatch(neuItem?.lore?.firstOrNull()?.removeColorCodes()) { group("power").toInt() } ?: 0 private val itemStack: ItemStack get() { val itemStack = itemStack_ ?: run { if (skyblockId == SkyblockId.COINS) return@run ItemCache.coinItem(stackSize).also { it.appendLore(extraLore) } if (stackSize == 0) return@run ItemStack.EMPTY val replacementData = mutableMapOf() injectReplacementDataForPets(replacementData) val baseItem = neuItem.asItemStack(idHint = skyblockId, replacementData) .withFallback(fallback) .copyWithCount(stackSize) val baseStats = parseStatBlock(baseItem) appendReforgeInfo(baseItem) baseItem.appendLore(extraLore) enhanceStatsByStars(baseItem, stars, baseStats) return@run baseItem } if (itemStack_ == null) itemStack_ = itemStack return itemStack } private fun starString(stars: Int): Text { if (stars <= 0) return Text.empty() // TODO: idk master stars val tiers = listOf( LegacyFormattingCode.GOLD, LegacyFormattingCode.LIGHT_PURPLE, LegacyFormattingCode.AQUA, ) val maxStars = 5 if (stars > tiers.size * maxStars) return Text.literal(" ${stars}✪").withColor(Formatting.RED) val starBaseTier = (stars - 1) / maxStars val starBaseColor = tiers[starBaseTier] val starsInCurrentTier = stars - starBaseTier * maxStars val starString = Text.literal(" " + "✪".repeat(starsInCurrentTier)).withColor(starBaseColor.modern) if (starBaseTier > 0) { val starLastTier = tiers[starBaseTier - 1] val starsInLastTier = 5 - starsInCurrentTier starString.append(Text.literal("✪".repeat(starsInLastTier)).withColor(starLastTier.modern)) } return starString } private fun enhanceStatsByStars(itemStack: ItemStack, stars: Int, baseStats: List) { if (stars == 0) return // TODO: increase stats and add the star level into the nbt data so star displays work itemStack.modifyExtraAttributes { it.putInt("upgrade_level", stars) } itemStack.displayNameAccordingToNbt = itemStack.displayNameAccordingToNbt.copy() .append(starString(stars)) val isDungeon = ItemType.fromItemStack(itemStack)?.isDungeon ?: true val truncatedStarCount = if (isDungeon) minOf(5, stars) else stars appendEnhancedStats(itemStack, baseStats .filter { it.statFormatting.isStarAffected } .associate { it.statName to ((it.valueNum ?: 0.0) * (truncatedStarCount * 0.02)) }, BuffKind.STAR_BUFF) } fun asImmutableItemStack(): ItemStack { return itemStack } fun asCopiedItemStack(): ItemStack { return itemStack.copy() } }