package moe.nea.firmament.repo.item import kotlin.collections.runningFold import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack import moe.nea.firmament.repo.RepoManager class SBItemData { private var itemCache: ItemStack? = null private val data: MutableMap, Any> = mutableMapOf() fun getData(prop: SBItemProperty): T? { return data[prop] as T? } fun , T> set(property: Prop, data: T) { if (data != null) { ( as MutableMap)[property] = data } else { } itemCache = null } private fun enhanceStack(stack: ItemStack, property: SBItemProperty.State): ItemStack { val data = getData(property) return property.applyToStack(stack, this, data) } private fun createStack(): ItemStack { return SBItemProperty.allStates.fold(ItemStack.EMPTY) { stack, prop -> enhanceStack(stack, prop) } } fun debugStackCreation(): List> { fun combinedEnhanceStack(previous: PartialStack<*>, mod: SBItemProperty.State): PartialStack { val nextStack = enhanceStack(previous.stack.copy(), mod) return PartialStack(mod, getData(mod), nextStack) } return SBItemProperty.allStates .runningFold( PartialStack(null, null, ItemStack.EMPTY)) { stack: PartialStack<*>, prop -> combinedEnhanceStack(stack, prop) } } /** * Creates an [ItemStack] based on the current properties. The returned item stack must not be modified by the * caller. */ fun toImmutableStack(): ItemStack { var cached = itemCache if (cached == null) { cached = createStack() itemCache = cached } return cached } data class PartialStack( val lastAppliedModifier: SBItemProperty?, val data: T?, val stack: ItemStack, ) companion object { /** * Create an [SBItemData] from only the given characteristica. Any unspecified characteristica will be non-existent. * If you want to compute all other properties based on the given properties, use [roundtrip]. */ fun fromCharacteristica( vararg char: SBItemProperty.BoundState<*> ): SBItemData { val store = SBItemData() char.forEach { it.applyTo(store) } return store } fun fromStack(itemStack: ItemStack): SBItemData { val store = SBItemData() store.loadFrom(itemStack) return store } } /** * Creates a new [SBItemData] from the item stack this [SBItemData] produces. This will initialize all properties. */ fun roundtrip(): SBItemData { return fromStack(toImmutableStack()) } /** * Creates a new [SBItemData] with cheap inferences completed only by using data available in []. This is a cheaper version of [roundtrip], that does not create any [ItemStack]s, and preserves all properties already provided. Check if the property you need overrides [SBItemProperty.fromNeuItem]. */ fun cheapInfer(): SBItemData { val neuItem = getData(SBItemId)?.let { RepoManager.getNEUItem(it) } ?: return this val store = SBItemData() SBItemProperty.allProperties.forEach { it.fromNeuItem(neuItem, this) } return store } private fun loadFrom(stack: ItemStack) { SBItemProperty.allProperties.forEach { loadModifier(stack, it) } } private fun loadModifier( stack: ItemStack, modifier: SBItemProperty ) { val data = modifier.fromStack(stack, this) ?: return set(modifier, data) } }