package moe.nea.firmament.repo.item import kotlin.collections.forEach import import net.minecraft.text.Style import net.minecraft.text.Text import net.minecraft.text.TextColor import net.minecraft.util.Formatting import moe.nea.firmament.repo.SBItemStack.Companion.BuffKind import moe.nea.firmament.repo.SBItemStack.Companion.StatFormatting import moe.nea.firmament.util.FirmFormatters import moe.nea.firmament.util.directLiteralStringContent import moe.nea.firmament.util.grey import moe.nea.firmament.util.useMatch import moe.nea.firmament.util.withColor data class StatBlock( val indexedByName: Map, val startIndex: Int, val endIndex: Int, private val modifiedLines: MutableMap = mutableMapOf() ) { /** * Note that the returned stat line must be created by copying from the original stat line (to keep indexes in sync). */ fun modify(statName: String, mod: (StatLine) -> StatLine) { val existing = modifiedLines[statName] ?: indexedByName[statName] ?: StatLine(findStatFormatting(statName), 0.0) modifiedLines[statName] = mod(existing) } fun applyModifications(lore: MutableList) { if (modifiedLines.isEmpty()) return var nextAppendIndex = endIndex if (startIndex < 0) // No existing stat block, insert the after space. lore.add(0, Text.literal("")) modifiedLines.values.forEach { line -> val loreLine = if (line.loreIndex < 0) { lore.add(nextAppendIndex, Text.literal("")) nextAppendIndex++ } else line.loreIndex lore[loreLine] = line.reconstitute() } } companion object { fun fromLore(lore: List): StatBlock { val map = mutableMapOf() var start = -1 var end = 0 for ((index, text) in lore.withIndex()) { val statLine = parseStatLine(text) ?.copy(loreIndex = index) if (statLine == null) { if (start < 0) continue else break } map[statLine.statName] = statLine if (start < 0) start = index end = index + 1 } return StatBlock(map, start, end) } val allFormattingOverrides = listOf( StatFormatting("Sea Creature Chance", "%", Formatting.RED), StatFormatting("Strength", "", Formatting.RED), StatFormatting("Damage", "", Formatting.RED), StatFormatting("Bonus Attack Speed", "%", Formatting.RED), StatFormatting("Shot Cooldown", "s", Formatting.GREEN, false), StatFormatting("Ability Damage", "%", Formatting.RED), StatFormatting("Crit Damage", "%", Formatting.RED), StatFormatting("Crit Chance", "%", Formatting.RED), StatFormatting("Ability Damage", "%", Formatting.RED), StatFormatting("Trophy Fish Chance", "%", Formatting.GREEN), StatFormatting("Health", "", Formatting.GREEN), StatFormatting("Defense", "", Formatting.GREEN), StatFormatting("Fishing Speed", "", Formatting.GREEN), StatFormatting("Double Hook Chance", "%", Formatting.GREEN), StatFormatting("Mining Speed", "", Formatting.GREEN), StatFormatting("Mining Fortune", "", Formatting.GREEN), StatFormatting("Heat Resistance", "", Formatting.GREEN), StatFormatting("Swing Range", "", Formatting.GREEN), StatFormatting("Rift Time", "", Formatting.GREEN), StatFormatting("Speed", "", Formatting.GREEN), StatFormatting("Farming Fortune", "", Formatting.GREEN), StatFormatting("True Defense", "", Formatting.GREEN), StatFormatting("Mending", "", Formatting.GREEN), StatFormatting("Foraging Wisdom", "", Formatting.GREEN), StatFormatting("Farming Wisdom", "", Formatting.GREEN), StatFormatting("Foraging Fortune", "", Formatting.GREEN), StatFormatting("Magic Find", "", Formatting.GREEN), StatFormatting("Ferocity", "", Formatting.GREEN), StatFormatting("Bonus Pest Chance", "%", Formatting.GREEN), StatFormatting("Cold Resistance", "", Formatting.GREEN), StatFormatting("Pet Luck", "", Formatting.GREEN), StatFormatting("Fear", "", Formatting.GREEN), StatFormatting("Mana Regen", "%", Formatting.GREEN), StatFormatting("Rift Damage", "", Formatting.GREEN), StatFormatting("Hearts", "", Formatting.GREEN), StatFormatting("Vitality", "", Formatting.GREEN), // TODO: make this a repo json ) val formattingOverrides = allFormattingOverrides.associateBy { } fun findStatFormatting(name: String) = formattingOverrides[name] ?: StatFormatting(name, "", Formatting.GREEN) private val statLabelRegex = "(?.*): ".toPattern() private fun parseStatLine(line: Text): StatLine? { val sibs = line.siblings val stat = sibs.firstOrNull() ?: return null if ( != TextColor.fromFormatting(Formatting.GRAY)) return null val statLabel = stat.directLiteralStringContent ?: return null val statName = statLabelRegex.useMatch(statLabel) { group("statName") } ?: return null return StatLine(findStatFormatting(statName), sibs[1]?.directLiteralStringContent?.trim(' ', 's', '%', '+')?.toDoubleOrNull() ?: 0.0, sibs.subList(2, sibs.size)) } } data class StatLine( val stat: StatFormatting, val value: Double, val modifiers: List = listOf(), val loreIndex: Int = -1, ) { fun formatValue() = Text.literal(FirmFormatters.formatCommas( value, 1, includeSign = true) + stat.postFix + " ") .setStyle(Style.EMPTY.withColor(stat.color)) val statName get() = fun reconstitute(abbreviateTo: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE): Text = Text.literal("").setStyle(Style.EMPTY.withItalic(false)) .append(Text.literal("${abbreviate(abbreviateTo)}: ").grey()) .append(formatValue()) .also { modifiers.forEach(it::append) } fun addStat(amount: Double, buffKind: BuffKind): StatLine { val formattedAmount = FirmFormatters.formatCommas(amount, 1, includeSign = true) return copy( value = value + amount, modifiers = modifiers + if (buffKind.isHidden) emptyList() else listOf( Text.literal( buffKind.prefix + formattedAmount + stat.postFix + buffKind.postFix + " ") .withColor(buffKind.color))) } private fun abbreviate(abbreviateTo: Int): String { if (abbreviateTo >= statName.length) return statName val segments = statName.split(" ") return segments.joinToString(" ") { it.substring(0, maxOf(1, abbreviateTo / segments.size)) } } } }