@file:UseSerializers(DashlessUUIDSerializer::class) package moe.nea.firmament.util import com.mojang.serialization.Codec import io.github.moulberry.repo.data.NEUIngredient import io.github.moulberry.repo.data.NEUItem import io.github.moulberry.repo.data.Rarity import java.util.Optional import java.util.UUID import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable import kotlinx.serialization.UseSerializers import kotlinx.serialization.json.Json import kotlin.jvm.optionals.getOrNull import net.minecraft.component.DataComponentTypes import net.minecraft.component.type.NbtComponent import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack import net.minecraft.item.Items import net.minecraft.nbt.NbtCompound import net.minecraft.network.RegistryByteBuf import net.minecraft.network.codec.PacketCodec import net.minecraft.network.codec.PacketCodecs import net.minecraft.util.Identifier import moe.nea.firmament.repo.ItemCache.asItemStack import moe.nea.firmament.repo.set import moe.nea.firmament.util.collections.WeakCache import moe.nea.firmament.util.json.DashlessUUIDSerializer /** * A SkyBlock item id, as used by the NEU repo. * This is not exactly the format used by HyPixel, but is mostly the same. * Usually this id splits an id used by HyPixel into more sub items. For example `PET` becomes `$PET_ID;$PET_RARITY`, * with those values extracted from other metadata. */ @JvmInline @Serializable value class SkyblockId(val neuItem: String) { val identifier get() = Identifier.of("skyblockitem", neuItem.lowercase().replace(";", "__") .replace(":", "___") .replace(illlegalPathRegex) { it.value.toCharArray() .joinToString("") { "__" + it.code.toString(16).padStart(4, '0') } }) override fun toString(): String { return neuItem } /** * A bazaar stock item id, as returned by the HyPixel bazaar api endpoint. * These are not equivalent to the in-game ids, or the NEU repo ids, and in fact, do not refer to items, but instead * to bazaar stocks. The main difference from [SkyblockId]s is concerning enchanted books. There are probably more, * but for now this holds. */ @JvmInline @Serializable value class BazaarStock(val bazaarId: String) { fun toRepoId(): SkyblockId { bazaarEnchantmentRegex.matchEntire(bazaarId)?.let { return SkyblockId("${it.groupValues[1]};${it.groupValues[2]}") } return SkyblockId(bazaarId.replace(":", "-")) } } companion object { val COINS: SkyblockId = SkyblockId(NEUIngredient.NEU_SENTINEL_COINS) val SENTINEL_EMPTY: SkyblockId = SkyblockId(NEUIngredient.NEU_SENTINEL_EMPTY) private val bazaarEnchantmentRegex = "ENCHANTMENT_(\\D*)_(\\d+)".toRegex() val NULL: SkyblockId = SkyblockId("null") val PET_NULL: SkyblockId = SkyblockId("null_pet") private val illlegalPathRegex = "[^a-z0-9_.-/]".toRegex() val CODEC = Codec.STRING.xmap({ SkyblockId(it) }, { it.neuItem }) val PACKET_CODEC: PacketCodec = PacketCodecs.STRING.xmap({ SkyblockId(it) }, { it.neuItem }) } } val NEUItem.skyblockId get() = SkyblockId(skyblockItemId) val NEUIngredient.skyblockId get() = SkyblockId(itemId) fun NEUItem.guessRecipeId(): String? { if (!skyblockItemId.contains(";")) return skyblockItemId val item = this.asItemStack() val (id, extraId) = skyblockItemId.split(";") if (item.item == Items.ENCHANTED_BOOK) { return "ENCHANTED_BOOK_${id}_${extraId}" } if (item.petData != null) return id return null } @Serializable data class HypixelPetInfo( val type: String, val tier: Rarity, val exp: Double = 0.0, val candyUsed: Int = 0, val uuid: UUID? = null, val active: Boolean = false, ) { val skyblockId get() = SkyblockId("${type.uppercase()};${tier.ordinal}") } private val jsonparser = Json { ignoreUnknownKeys = true } val ItemStack.extraAttributes: NbtCompound get() { val customData = get(DataComponentTypes.CUSTOM_DATA) ?: run { val component = NbtComponent.of(NbtCompound()) set(DataComponentTypes.CUSTOM_DATA, component) component } return customData.nbt } val ItemStack.skyblockUUIDString: String? get() = extraAttributes.getString("uuid")?.takeIf { it.isNotBlank() } val ItemStack.skyblockUUID: UUID? get() = skyblockUUIDString?.let { UUID.fromString(it) } private val petDataCache = WeakCache.memoize>("PetInfo") { val jsonString = it.extraAttributes.getString("petInfo") if (jsonString.isNullOrBlank()) return@memoize Optional.empty() runCatching { jsonparser.decodeFromString(jsonString) } .getOrElse { null }.intoOptional() } val ItemStack.petData: HypixelPetInfo? get() = petDataCache(this).getOrNull() fun ItemStack.setSkyBlockFirmamentUiId(uiId: String) = setSkyBlockId(SkyblockId("FIRMAMENT_UI_$uiId")) fun ItemStack.setSkyBlockId(skyblockId: SkyblockId): ItemStack { this.extraAttributes["id"] = skyblockId.neuItem return this } val ItemStack.skyBlockId: SkyblockId? get() { return when (val id = extraAttributes.getString("id")) { "" -> { null } "PET" -> { petData?.skyblockId ?: SkyblockId.PET_NULL } "RUNE", "UNIQUE_RUNE" -> { val runeData = extraAttributes.getCompound("runes") val runeKind = runeData.keys.singleOrNull() if (runeKind == null) SkyblockId("RUNE") else SkyblockId("${runeKind.uppercase()}_RUNE;${runeData.getInt(runeKind)}") } "ABICASE" -> { SkyblockId("ABICASE_${extraAttributes.getString("model").uppercase()}") } "ENCHANTED_BOOK" -> { val enchantmentData = extraAttributes.getCompound("enchantments") val enchantName = enchantmentData.keys.singleOrNull() if (enchantName == null) SkyblockId("ENCHANTED_BOOK") else SkyblockId("${enchantName.uppercase()};${enchantmentData.getInt(enchantName)}") } // TODO: PARTY_HAT_CRAB{,_ANIMATED,_SLOTH},POTION else -> { SkyblockId(id) } } }