package moe.nea.firmament.util import java.util.Optional import net.minecraft.text.ClickEvent import net.minecraft.text.HoverEvent import net.minecraft.text.MutableText import net.minecraft.text.OrderedText import net.minecraft.text.PlainTextContent import net.minecraft.text.StringVisitable import net.minecraft.text.Style import net.minecraft.text.Text import net.minecraft.text.TextColor import net.minecraft.text.TranslatableTextContent import net.minecraft.util.Formatting val formattingChars = "kmolnrKMOLNR".toSet() fun CharSequence.removeColorCodes(keepNonColorCodes: Boolean = false): String { var nextParagraph = indexOf('§') if (nextParagraph < 0) return this.toString() val stringBuffer = StringBuilder(this.length) var readIndex = 0 while (nextParagraph >= 0) { stringBuffer.append(this, readIndex, nextParagraph) if (keepNonColorCodes && nextParagraph + 1 < length && this[nextParagraph + 1] in formattingChars) { readIndex = nextParagraph nextParagraph = indexOf('§', startIndex = readIndex + 1) } else { readIndex = nextParagraph + 2 nextParagraph = indexOf('§', startIndex = readIndex) } if (readIndex > this.length) readIndex = this.length } stringBuffer.append(this, readIndex, this.length) return stringBuffer.toString() } fun OrderedText.reconstitute(): MutableText { val base = Text.literal("") base.setStyle(Style.EMPTY.withItalic(false)) var lastColorCode = Style.EMPTY val text = StringBuilder() this.accept { index, style, codePoint -> if (style != lastColorCode) { if (text.isNotEmpty()) base.append(Text.literal(text.toString()).setStyle(lastColorCode)) lastColorCode = style text.clear() } text.append(codePoint.toChar()) true } if (text.isNotEmpty()) base.append(Text.literal(text.toString()).setStyle(lastColorCode)) return base } fun StringVisitable.reconstitute(): MutableText { val base = Text.literal("") base.setStyle(Style.EMPTY.withItalic(false)) var lastColorCode = Style.EMPTY val text = StringBuilder() this.visit({ style, string -> if (style != lastColorCode) { if (text.isNotEmpty()) base.append(Text.literal(text.toString()).setStyle(lastColorCode)) lastColorCode = style text.clear() } text.append(string) Optional.empty() }, Style.EMPTY) if (text.isNotEmpty()) base.append(Text.literal(text.toString()).setStyle(lastColorCode)) return base } val Text.unformattedString: String get() = string.removeColorCodes() // TODO: maybe shortcircuit this with .visit val Text.directLiteralStringContent: String? get() = (this.content as? PlainTextContent)?.string() fun Text.getLegacyFormatString() = run { val sb = StringBuilder() for (component in iterator()) { sb.append( ?: "§r") sb.append(component.directLiteralStringContent) sb.append("§r") } sb.toString() } private val textColorLUT = Formatting.entries .mapNotNull { formatting -> formatting.colorValue?.let { it to formatting } } .toMap() fun TextColor.toChatFormatting(): Formatting? { return textColorLUT[this.rgb] } fun Text.iterator(): Sequence { return sequenceOf(this) + siblings.asSequence() .flatMap { it.iterator() } // TODO: in theory we want to properly inherit styles here } fun Text.allSiblings(): List = listOf(this) + siblings.flatMap { it.allSiblings() } fun MutableText.withColor(formatting: Formatting): MutableText = this.styled { it.withColor(formatting) .withItalic(false) .withBold(false) } fun = withColor(Formatting.BLUE) fun MutableText.aqua() = withColor(Formatting.AQUA) fun MutableText.lime() = withColor(Formatting.GREEN) fun MutableText.darkGreen() = withColor(Formatting.DARK_GREEN) fun MutableText.purple() = withColor(Formatting.DARK_PURPLE) fun = withColor(Formatting.LIGHT_PURPLE) fun MutableText.yellow() = withColor(Formatting.YELLOW) fun = withColor(Formatting.GOLD) fun MutableText.grey() = withColor(Formatting.GRAY) fun MutableText.darkGrey() = withColor(Formatting.DARK_GRAY) fun = withColor(Formatting.RED) fun MutableText.white() = withColor(Formatting.WHITE) fun MutableText.bold(): MutableText = styled { it.withBold(true) } fun MutableText.hover(text: Text): MutableText = styled {it.withHoverEvent(HoverEvent(HoverEvent.Action.SHOW_TEXT, text))} fun MutableText.clickCommand(command: String): MutableText { require(command.startsWith("/")) return this.styled { it.withClickEvent(ClickEvent(ClickEvent.Action.RUN_COMMAND, command)) } } fun MutableText.prepend(text: Text): MutableText { siblings.addFirst(text) return this } fun Text.transformEachRecursively(function: (Text) -> Text): Text { val c = this.content if (c is TranslatableTextContent) { return Text.translatableWithFallback(c.key, c.fallback, * { (if (it is Text) it else Text.literal(it.toString())).transformEachRecursively(function) }.toTypedArray()).also { new -> = new.siblings.clear() this.siblings.forEach { child -> new.siblings.add(child.transformEachRecursively(function)) } } } return function(this.copy().also { it.siblings.clear() }).also { tt -> this.siblings.forEach { tt.siblings.add(it.transformEachRecursively(function)) } } } fun tr(key: String, default: String): MutableText = error("Compiler plugin did not run.") fun trResolved(key: String, vararg args: Any): MutableText = Text.stringifiedTranslatable(key, *args)