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1 files changed, 21 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/glease/ggfab/mte/MTE_AdvAssLine.java b/src/main/java/net/glease/ggfab/mte/MTE_AdvAssLine.java
index 7bdba48995..9bb97a0f76 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/glease/ggfab/mte/MTE_AdvAssLine.java
+++ b/src/main/java/net/glease/ggfab/mte/MTE_AdvAssLine.java
@@ -644,6 +644,14 @@ public class MTE_AdvAssLine extends GT_MetaTileEntity_ExtendedPowerMultiBlockBas
return itemInputsCurBatch[index];
+ private FluidStack getInputHatchContent(int index) {
+ GT_MetaTileEntity_Hatch_Input tInputHatch = mInputHatches.get(index);
+ if (!tInputHatch.isValid()) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return tInputHatch.mFluid;
+ }
private GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_AssemblyLine findRecipe(ItemStack tDataStick) {
GT_AssemblyLineUtils.LookupResult tLookupResult = GT_AssemblyLineUtils
.findAssemblyLineRecipeFromDataStick(tDataStick, false);
@@ -813,11 +821,19 @@ public class MTE_AdvAssLine extends GT_MetaTileEntity_ExtendedPowerMultiBlockBas
// Note that we skip this entirely if the time for each slice is more than
// BATCH_MODE_DESIRED_TICKS_PER_SLICE ticks, since in this case the amount of batches will always be 1
if (super.isBatchModeEnabled() && timePerSlice < BATCH_MODE_DESIRED_TICKS_PER_SLICE) {
- // Calculate parallel based on time per slice, and the amount of items in the first slot.
- // If there is not enough fluid, no batching will be done.
- ItemStack firstItemSlot = getInputBusContent(0);
- int recipesAvailable = Math.floorDiv(firstItemSlot.stackSize, recipe.mInputs[0].stackSize);
+ // Calculate parallel based on time per slice, and the amount of fluid in the first fluid slot.
+ // We use fluid, since this way players can limit parallel by controlling how much fluid
+ // ends up in each AAL. This way, batch mode will not slow down setups where multiple AAL
+ // are connected to the same set of input items. Note that this will still suffer from the same
+ // issue if using stocking hatch, but in this case increasing pattern size can help.
+ // Note that every assline recipe has a fluid ingredient.
+ FluidStack firstFluidSlot = getInputHatchContent(0);
+ if (firstFluidSlot == null) {
+ // No input hatch, no valid recipe - this should be impossible.
+ break;
+ }
+ int recipesAvailable = Math.floorDiv(firstFluidSlot.amount, recipe.mFluidInputs[0].amount);
// Divide recipes available by the amount of slices in the recipe. This will prevent the AAL from
// batching instead of parallelizing, which would make it effectively slower.
recipesAvailable = Math.floorDiv(recipesAvailable, recipe.mInputs.length);