diff options
-rw-r--r-- | .classpath | 1 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | config/CodeChickenLib.cfg | 2 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | config/GregTech/Recipes.cfg | 1 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | config/IC2.ini | 336 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | config/ThaumicTinkerer.cfg | 114 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | config/splash.properties | 2 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | libs/ThaumicTinkerer-1.7.10 2.5-1.7.10-555-deobf.jar | bin | 0 -> 2158646 bytes | |||
-rw-r--r-- | src/main/java/common/Recipes.java | 56 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | src/main/java/common/tileentities/GTMTE_FluidMultiStorage.java | 11 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | src/main/java/kekztech/KekzCore.java | 4 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | src/main/resources/assets/kekztech/lang/en_US.lang | 7 |
11 files changed, 334 insertions, 200 deletions
diff --git a/.classpath b/.classpath index 111cbd5319..750113a02f 100644 --- a/.classpath +++ b/.classpath @@ -11,5 +11,6 @@ <classpathentry kind="lib" path="libs/joml-1.9.18.jar"/> <classpathentry kind="lib" path="libs/CodeChickenCore-1.7.10-"/> <classpathentry kind="lib" path="libs/Thaumcraft-1.7.10-" sourcepath="libs/Thaumcraft-1.7.10-"/> + <classpathentry kind="lib" path="libs/ThaumicTinkerer-1.7.10 2.5-1.7.10-555-deobf.jar" sourcepath="libs/ThaumicTinkerer-1.7.10 2.5-1.7.10-555-deobf-src.zip"/> <classpathentry kind="output" path="bin"/> </classpath> diff --git a/config/CodeChickenLib.cfg b/config/CodeChickenLib.cfg index 94d4c170a5..947513c59e 100644 --- a/config/CodeChickenLib.cfg +++ b/config/CodeChickenLib.cfg @@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ dump_asm=true #Path to directory holding packaged.srg, fields.csv and methods.csv for mcp remapping -mappingDir=C:\Users\Kekzdealer\.gradle\caches\minecraft\net\minecraftforge\forge\1.7.10-\unpacked\conf +mappingDir=/home/kekzdealer/.gradle/caches/minecraft/net/minecraftforge/forge/1.7.10- textify=true diff --git a/config/GregTech/Recipes.cfg b/config/GregTech/Recipes.cfg index 27ded6ad3d..638597391f 100644 --- a/config/GregTech/Recipes.cfg +++ b/config/GregTech/Recipes.cfg @@ -15272,6 +15272,7 @@ fuel_5 { I:item.appleGold_6400=6400 I:item.expBottle_10=10 I:item.ghastTear_50=50 + I:item.kamiResource_720=720 I:plateAmber_3=3 I:plateEnderEye_10=10 I:plateInfusedAir_160=160 diff --git a/config/IC2.ini b/config/IC2.ini index 73738c3b53..6dc2fe06e0 100644 --- a/config/IC2.ini +++ b/config/IC2.ini @@ -1,168 +1,168 @@ -; ic2 general config
-; created Apr 25, 2020 9:51:28 PM
-; Enable generation of rubber trees in the world.
-rubberTree = true
-; Enable generation of copper in the world.
-copperOre = true
-; Enable generation of tin in the world.
-tinOre = true
-; Enable generation of uranium in the world.
-uraniumOre = true
-; Enable generation of Lead in the world.
-leadOre = true
-; Factor scaling the IC2 ore generation quantity.
-oreDensityFactor = 1.0
-; Enable logging of players when they remove a machine using a wrench.
-wrenchLogging = true
-; Maximum Explosion power of a nuke, where TNT is 4.
-nukeExplosionPowerLimit = 60
-; Maximum explosion power of a nuclear reactor, where TNT is 4.
-reactorExplosionPowerLimit = 45
-; Enable the nuke
-enableNuke = true
-; Maximum battery tier usable by the miner.
-; 1 = batteries, 2 = lead batteries, 3 = energy crystals, 4 = lapotron crystals
-minerDischargeTier = 1
-; Increase the energy use by the player's inventory weight when going through a teleporter.
-teleporterUseInventoryWeight = true
-; Ratio of energy retained inside energy storage block Items when wrenched.
-; 0 (nothing) ... 1 (100%), default 0.8 (80 %)
-energyRetainedInStorageBlockDrops = 0.8
-; Factor to scale the UU-Matter production energy requirement.
-uuEnergyFactor = 1.0
-; Disable the vanilla ender chest, removing existing ones from the world as well.
-disableEnderChest = false
-; Comma separated list of blocks and items which should not be turned into scrap by the recycler.
-; Format: <name>[@metadata], metadata * matches any.
-; Ore dictionary entries can be specified with OreDict:<ore dict name> as the name.
-recyclerBlacklist = minecraft:glass_pane, minecraft:stick, minecraft:snowball, minecraft:snow_layer, minecraft:snow, IC2:blockScaffold
-; Whitelist for blocks/items allowed to be recycled.
-; The whitelist will be used instead of the blacklist approach if it's non-empty, disallowing everything else.
-; The format is the same as the blacklist.
-recyclerWhitelist =
-; Allow to pick blocks up using just a pickaxe instead of needing a wrench.
-ignoreWrenchRequirement = false
-; Base energy generation factors - increase for higher energy yield.
-[balance / energy / generator]
-generator = 1.0
-geothermal = 1.0
-; Deprecated, because of Kinetic Watermill
-water = 1.0
-solar = 1.0
-; Deprecated, because of Kinetic Windmill
-wind = 1.0
-nuclear = 1.0
-semiFluidOil = 1.0
-semiFluidFuel = 1.0
-semiFluidBiomass = 1.0
-semiFluidBioethanol = 1.0
-semiFluidBiogas = 1.0
-Stirling = 1.0
-Kinetic = 1.0
-radioisotope = 1.0
-; Base heat generation factors - increase for higher heat yield.
-[balance / energy / heatgenerator]
-semiFluidOil = 1.0
-semiFluidFuel = 1.0
-semiFluidBiomass = 1.0
-semiFluidBioethanol = 1.0
-semiFluidBiogas = 1.0
-solid = 1.0
-radioisotope = 1.0
-electric = 1.0
-; Base kinetic generation factors - increase for higher kinetic energy yield.
-[balance / energy / kineticgenerator]
-water = 1.0
-wind = 1.0
-manual = 1.0
-steam = 1.0
-electric = 1.0
-; Basically the amount of hU the conversion of one mB of Liquid takes/gives
-[balance / energy / fluidconversion]
-; Lava -> PahoehoeLava
-heatExchangerLava = 1.0
-; Hot Coolant <-> Cold Coolant
-heatExchangerHotCoolant = 1.0
-; Hot Water <- Water
-heatExchangerWater = 1.0
-; Base Coolant conversion rate for FluidReactors.
-[balance / energy / FluidReactor]
-outputModifier = 1.0
-; Balace Value for Turbine Livetime in sec. Default 86400sec = 24h
-[balance / SteamKineticGenerator]
-rotorlivetime = 86400
-; Balace Values for calcification default 100.000mB Water -> to failure
-[balance / steamgenerator / calcification]
-maxcalcification = 100000
-; Balance Values for Fermenter
-[balance / fermenter]
-need_amount_biomass_per_run = 10
-output_amount_biogas_per_run = 200
-hU_per_run = 8000
-biomass_per_fertilizier = 500
-; Additional initial uu values, a value of 1 equals cobblestone.
-; Recipes may cause the final value be lower than the one specified here.
-; Format: <name>[@metadata] = <value>
-[balance / uu-values / predefined]
-IC2:itemOreIridium = 12000
-; To modify recipes or add custom recipes, copy the corresponding .ini file to
-; "minecraft/config/ic2" and modify it.
-; Disable IC2 crafting recipes with the specified output, comma separated list.
-; Recipes in the additional section below aren't affected.
-; Format: <name>[@metadata], e.g. minecraft:bucket to disable IC2's bucket recipe from tin.
-disable =
-; Purge crafting recipes with the specified output, including vanilla and mod ones, comma separated list.
-; Recipes in the additional section below aren't affected.
-; Format: <name>[@metadata], e.g. minecraft:tnt to disable crafting tnt.
-purge =
-; Enable crafting of IC2 coins, otherwise they have to be spawned in and are thus limited.
-allowCoinCrafting = true
-; Allow only IC2 circuits to be used in IC2's recipes.
-requireIc2Circuits = false
-; Adjust smelting recipes to always output IC2 items if available.
-smeltToIc2Items = false
-; Ignore invalid recipes.
-ignoreInvalidRecipes = false
-; Enable IC2's custom sound system.
-enableIc2Audio = true
-; Maximum number of active audio sources, only change it if you know what you're doing.
-maxAudioSourceCount = 32
-; Enable hiding of secret recipes in CraftGuide/NEI.
-hideSecretRecipes = true
-; Enable activation of the quantum leggings' speed boost when sprinting instead of holding the boost key.
-quantumSpeedOnSprint = true
-; Enable burning of scrap in a generator.
-allowBurningScrap = true
-; Comma separated list with ores the miner should harvest.
-; Format: <name>[@metadata], e.g. minecraft:torch, minecraft:chest
-; The metadata * will match any, e.g. minecraft:log@*.
-; Ore dictionary entries can be specified with OreDict:<ore dict name> as the name.
-additionalValuableOres =
-; Use the new highly experimental current + voltage energy net model with energy loss.
-; Only set this to true if you know what you are doing.
-useLinearTransferModel = false
-; Potion ID of radiation potion.
-; Do not change this after you created a world...
-radiationPotionID = 24
+; ic2 general config +; created Apr 26, 2020 1:45:57 AM +;--- + +[worldgen] +; Enable generation of rubber trees in the world. +rubberTree = true +; Enable generation of copper in the world. +copperOre = true +; Enable generation of tin in the world. +tinOre = true +; Enable generation of uranium in the world. +uraniumOre = true +; Enable generation of Lead in the world. +leadOre = true +; Factor scaling the IC2 ore generation quantity. +oreDensityFactor = 1.0 + +[protection] +; Enable logging of players when they remove a machine using a wrench. +wrenchLogging = true +; Maximum Explosion power of a nuke, where TNT is 4. +nukeExplosionPowerLimit = 60 +; Maximum explosion power of a nuclear reactor, where TNT is 4. +reactorExplosionPowerLimit = 45 +; Enable the nuke +enableNuke = true + +[balance] +; Maximum battery tier usable by the miner. +; 1 = batteries, 2 = lead batteries, 3 = energy crystals, 4 = lapotron crystals +minerDischargeTier = 1 +; Increase the energy use by the player's inventory weight when going through a teleporter. +teleporterUseInventoryWeight = true +; Ratio of energy retained inside energy storage block Items when wrenched. +; 0 (nothing) ... 1 (100%), default 0.8 (80 %) +energyRetainedInStorageBlockDrops = 0.8 +; Factor to scale the UU-Matter production energy requirement. +uuEnergyFactor = 1.0 +; Disable the vanilla ender chest, removing existing ones from the world as well. +disableEnderChest = false +; Comma separated list of blocks and items which should not be turned into scrap by the recycler. +; Format: <name>[@metadata], metadata * matches any. +; Ore dictionary entries can be specified with OreDict:<ore dict name> as the name. +recyclerBlacklist = minecraft:glass_pane, minecraft:stick, minecraft:snowball, minecraft:snow_layer, minecraft:snow, IC2:blockScaffold +; Whitelist for blocks/items allowed to be recycled. +; The whitelist will be used instead of the blacklist approach if it's non-empty, disallowing everything else. +; The format is the same as the blacklist. +recyclerWhitelist = +; Allow to pick blocks up using just a pickaxe instead of needing a wrench. +ignoreWrenchRequirement = false + +; Base energy generation factors - increase for higher energy yield. +[balance / energy / generator] +generator = 1.0 +geothermal = 1.0 +; Deprecated, because of Kinetic Watermill +water = 1.0 +solar = 1.0 +; Deprecated, because of Kinetic Windmill +wind = 1.0 +nuclear = 1.0 +semiFluidOil = 1.0 +semiFluidFuel = 1.0 +semiFluidBiomass = 1.0 +semiFluidBioethanol = 1.0 +semiFluidBiogas = 1.0 +Stirling = 1.0 +Kinetic = 1.0 +radioisotope = 1.0 + +; Base heat generation factors - increase for higher heat yield. +[balance / energy / heatgenerator] +semiFluidOil = 1.0 +semiFluidFuel = 1.0 +semiFluidBiomass = 1.0 +semiFluidBioethanol = 1.0 +semiFluidBiogas = 1.0 +solid = 1.0 +radioisotope = 1.0 +electric = 1.0 + +; Base kinetic generation factors - increase for higher kinetic energy yield. +[balance / energy / kineticgenerator] +water = 1.0 +wind = 1.0 +manual = 1.0 +steam = 1.0 +electric = 1.0 + +; Basically the amount of hU the conversion of one mB of Liquid takes/gives +[balance / energy / fluidconversion] +; Lava -> PahoehoeLava +heatExchangerLava = 1.0 +; Hot Coolant <-> Cold Coolant +heatExchangerHotCoolant = 1.0 +; Hot Water <- Water +heatExchangerWater = 1.0 + +; Base Coolant conversion rate for FluidReactors. +[balance / energy / FluidReactor] +outputModifier = 1.0 + +; Balace Value for Turbine Livetime in sec. Default 86400sec = 24h +[balance / SteamKineticGenerator] +rotorlivetime = 86400 + +; Balace Values for calcification default 100.000mB Water -> to failure +[balance / steamgenerator / calcification] +maxcalcification = 100000 + +; Balance Values for Fermenter +[balance / fermenter] +need_amount_biomass_per_run = 10 +output_amount_biogas_per_run = 200 +hU_per_run = 8000 +biomass_per_fertilizier = 500 + +; Additional initial uu values, a value of 1 equals cobblestone. +; Recipes may cause the final value be lower than the one specified here. +; Format: <name>[@metadata] = <value> +[balance / uu-values / predefined] +IC2:itemOreIridium = 12000 + +[recipes] +; To modify recipes or add custom recipes, copy the corresponding .ini file to +; "minecraft/config/ic2" and modify it. +; +; Disable IC2 crafting recipes with the specified output, comma separated list. +; Recipes in the additional section below aren't affected. +; Format: <name>[@metadata], e.g. minecraft:bucket to disable IC2's bucket recipe from tin. +disable = +; Purge crafting recipes with the specified output, including vanilla and mod ones, comma separated list. +; Recipes in the additional section below aren't affected. +; Format: <name>[@metadata], e.g. minecraft:tnt to disable crafting tnt. +purge = +; Enable crafting of IC2 coins, otherwise they have to be spawned in and are thus limited. +allowCoinCrafting = true +; Allow only IC2 circuits to be used in IC2's recipes. +requireIc2Circuits = false +; Adjust smelting recipes to always output IC2 items if available. +smeltToIc2Items = false +; Ignore invalid recipes. +ignoreInvalidRecipes = false + +[misc] +; Enable IC2's custom sound system. +enableIc2Audio = true +; Maximum number of active audio sources, only change it if you know what you're doing. +maxAudioSourceCount = 32 +; Enable hiding of secret recipes in CraftGuide/NEI. +hideSecretRecipes = true +; Enable activation of the quantum leggings' speed boost when sprinting instead of holding the boost key. +quantumSpeedOnSprint = true +; Enable burning of scrap in a generator. +allowBurningScrap = true +; Comma separated list with ores the miner should harvest. +; Format: <name>[@metadata], e.g. minecraft:torch, minecraft:chest +; The metadata * will match any, e.g. minecraft:log@*. +; Ore dictionary entries can be specified with OreDict:<ore dict name> as the name. +additionalValuableOres = +; Use the new highly experimental current + voltage energy net model with energy loss. +; Only set this to true if you know what you are doing. +useLinearTransferModel = false +; Potion ID of radiation potion. +; Do not change this after you created a world... +radiationPotionID = 24 + diff --git a/config/ThaumicTinkerer.cfg b/config/ThaumicTinkerer.cfg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d6519044b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/ThaumicTinkerer.cfg @@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ +# Configuration file + +enchantments { + I:"id_enchant.ttinkerer:ascentBoost"=220 + I:"id_enchant.ttinkerer:autoSmelt"=222 + I:"id_enchant.ttinkerer:desintegrate"=223 + I:"id_enchant.ttinkerer:dispersedStrike"=166 + I:"id_enchant.ttinkerer:finalStrike"=168 + I:"id_enchant.ttinkerer:focusedStrike"=169 + I:"id_enchant.ttinkerer:pounce"=170 + I:"id_enchant.ttinkerer:quickDraw"=224 + I:"id_enchant.ttinkerer:shatter"=167 + I:"id_enchant.ttinkerer:shockwave"=171 + I:"id_enchant.ttinkerer:slowFall"=221 + I:"id_enchant.ttinkerer:tunnel"=172 + I:"id_enchant.ttinkerer:valiance"=173 + I:"id_enchant.ttinkerer:vampirism"=225 +} + + +general { + # The number of vertical veins of ore per chunk. Default: 1 [range: 0 ~ 1023, default: 1] + I:"Bedrock Dimension ore density"=1 + + # These blocks will be disallowed for Focus of Dislocation [default: [avaritiaddons:CompressedChest], [avaritiaddons:InfinityChest]] + S:"Focus of Dislocation Blacklist" < + avaritiaddons:CompressedChest + avaritiaddons:InfinityChest + > + + # Disallow Bottomless Pouch inventory for certain dimension ID's [default: []] + S:"Forbidden Dimensions" < + + > + + # Allows crops to be grown using bonemeal. Useful for debug purposes. [default: false] + B:cropsAllowBonemeal.enabled=false + + # Set to true to enable debugging commands. [default: false] + B:debugCommands.enabled=false + + # Set to false to disable imbued fire making cake. For those people who don't like cake [default: true] + B:imbuedFire.cake.enabled=true + + # Set to false to disable imbued fire. [default: true] + B:imbuedFire.enabled=true + + # Set to false to disable imbued fire spreading/acting mechanism. [default: true] + B:imbuedFireSpread.enabled=true + + # Set to true to enable all KAMI stuff [default: true] + B:kami.forceenabled=true + + # Set to true to enable flight in this mod. [default: true] + B:modFlight.enabled=true + + # Set to false to disable usage of ore dictionary metals (tin and copper). [default: true] + B:oreDictMetal.enabled=true + + # Can Thaumic Tinkerer repair Tinkers Construct tools. [default: false] + B:repairTconTools.enabled=false + + # Set to false to disable the crafting recipe for the Tome of Research Sharing. [default: true] + B:shareTome.survival.enabled=true + + # The height of the Soul Heart bar. You can change this if you have a mod that adds a bar in that spot. [range: 0 ~ 256, default: 49] + I:soulHeart.height=49 + + # Set to false to disable the [TT] tooltips in the thauminomicon. [default: true] + B:tooltipIndicators.enabled=true + + ########################################################################################################## + # kami + #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# + # These will only be used if KAMI is enabled. + ########################################################################################################## + + kami { + # Set to the dimension id wished for bedrock dimension, or 0 to disable [range: -1023 ~ 1023, default: -19] + I:"Bedrock dimension id"=-19 + + # These ores will not be spawned in the bedrock dimension [default: [oreFirestone]] + S:"Bedrock dimension ore Blacklist" < + oreFirestone + > + + # The Dimension ID for the End, leave at 1 if you don't modify it with another mod/plugin. [range: -1023 ~ 1023, default: 1] + I:dimension.end.id=1 + + # The Dimension ID for the Nether, leave at -1 if you don't modify it with another mod/plugin. [range: -1023 ~ 1023, default: -1] + I:dimension.nether.id=-1 + + # Set to false to remove the phantom blocks displayed by the Worldshaper's Seeing Glass. [default: true] + B:placementMirror.blocks.show=true + } + +} + + +potions { + # Set to the potion id for air potion [range: 30 ~ 1023, default: 86] + I:"Air Potion id"=86 + + # Set to the potion id for earth potion [range: 30 ~ 1023, default: 87] + I:"Earth Potion id"=87 + + # Set to the potion id for fire potion [range: 30 ~ 1023, default: 88] + I:"Fire Potion id"=88 + + # Set to the potion id for water potion [range: 30 ~ 1023, default: 89] + I:"Water Potion id"=89 +} + + diff --git a/config/splash.properties b/config/splash.properties index 581433d8e2..a918283a20 100644 --- a/config/splash.properties +++ b/config/splash.properties @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ #Splash screen properties -#Sat Apr 25 21:51:10 CEST 2020 +#Sun Apr 26 01:45:46 CEST 2020 logoTexture=textures/gui/title/mojang.png background=0xFFFFFF font=0x0 diff --git a/libs/ThaumicTinkerer-1.7.10 2.5-1.7.10-555-deobf.jar b/libs/ThaumicTinkerer-1.7.10 2.5-1.7.10-555-deobf.jar Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000000..73ac970fd4 --- /dev/null +++ b/libs/ThaumicTinkerer-1.7.10 2.5-1.7.10-555-deobf.jar diff --git a/src/main/java/common/Recipes.java b/src/main/java/common/Recipes.java index 1509be113c..15516ecc88 100644 --- a/src/main/java/common/Recipes.java +++ b/src/main/java/common/Recipes.java @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ public class Recipes { registerRecipes_SOFC(); registerRecipes_Nuclear(); //registerRecipes_ItemServer(); - //registerRecipes_Jars(); + registerRecipes_Jars(); System.out.println("Finished registering recipes"); } @@ -373,28 +373,22 @@ public class Recipes { } private static void registerRecipes_Jars() { - final Object[] recipe_jarthaumiumreinforced = { - "PJP", "JCJ", "PJP", - 'P', OrePrefixes.plateDense.get(Materials.Thaumium), - 'J', ItemApi.getBlock("blockJar", 0), - 'C', GameRegistry.makeItemStack("Thaumcraft:ItemResource", 15, 1, null) - }; - final AspectList aspects_jarthaumiumreinforced = new AspectList() - .add(Aspect.ORDER, 80) - .add(Aspect.WATER, 80) - .add(Aspect.AIR, 10); - arcaneRecipes.put("THAUMIUMREINFORCEDJAR", - ThaumcraftApi.addArcaneCraftingRecipe("THAUMIUMREINFORCEDJAR", new ItemStack(Blocks.jarThaumiumReinforced, 1), - aspects_jarthaumiumreinforced, recipe_jarthaumiumreinforced)); final ItemStack[] recipe_jarichor = { - GameRegistry.makeItemStack("ThaumicTinkerer:KamiResource", 0, 1, null), - GameRegistry.makeItemStack("ThaumicTinkerer:KamiResource", 6, 1, null), - GameRegistry.makeItemStack("Thaumcraft:EldritchObject", 3, 0, null), - GameRegistry.makeItemStack("ThaumicTinkerer:KamiResource", 7, 1, null) + GT_ModHandler.getModItem("ThaumicTinkerer", "kamiResource", 1, 0), + GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.plate, Materials.Diamond, 1), + new ItemStack(net.minecraft.init.Blocks.glass_pane), + GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.plate, Materials.Diamond, 1), + new ItemStack(net.minecraft.init.Blocks.glass_pane), + GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.gemExquisite, Materials.Diamond, 1), + GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.plate, Materials.Diamond, 1), + new ItemStack(net.minecraft.init.Blocks.glass_pane), + GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.plate, Materials.Diamond, 1), + new ItemStack(net.minecraft.init.Blocks.glass_pane), }; final AspectList aspects_jarichor = new AspectList() .add(Aspect.ARMOR, 256) + .add(Aspect.ELDRITCH, 128) .add(Aspect.ORDER, 128) .add(Aspect.WATER, 128) .add(Aspect.GREED, 64) @@ -402,8 +396,30 @@ public class Recipes { .add(Aspect.AIR, 32); infusionRecipes.put("ICHORJAR", ThaumcraftApi.addInfusionCraftingRecipe("ICHORJAR", new ItemStack(Blocks.jarIchor, 1), - 20, aspects_jarichor, ItemApi.getBlock("blockJar", 0), recipe_jarichor)); + 15, aspects_jarichor, ItemApi.getBlock("blockJar", 0), recipe_jarichor)); + + final ItemStack[] recipe_jarthaumiumreinforced = { + GameRegistry.makeItemStack("Thaumcraft:ItemResource", 15, 0, null), + GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.plateDense, Materials.Thaumium, 1), + new ItemStack(net.minecraft.init.Blocks.glass_pane), + GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.plateDense, Materials.Thaumium, 1), + new ItemStack(net.minecraft.init.Blocks.glass_pane), + GameRegistry.makeItemStack("Thaumcraft:ItemResource", 15, 0, null), + GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.plateDense, Materials.Thaumium, 1), + new ItemStack(net.minecraft.init.Blocks.glass_pane), + GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.plateDense, Materials.Thaumium, 1), + new ItemStack(net.minecraft.init.Blocks.glass_pane), + }; + final AspectList aspects_jarthaumiumreinforced = new AspectList() + .add(Aspect.ARMOR, 64) + .add(Aspect.ORDER, 32) + .add(Aspect.WATER, 32) + .add(Aspect.GREED, 16) + .add(Aspect.VOID, 16) + .add(Aspect.AIR, 8); + infusionRecipes.put("THAUMIUMREINFORCEDJAR", + ThaumcraftApi.addInfusionCraftingRecipe("THAUMIUMREINFORCEDJAR", new ItemStack(Blocks.jarThaumiumReinforced, 1), + 5, aspects_jarthaumiumreinforced, ItemApi.getBlock("blockJar", 0), recipe_jarthaumiumreinforced)); } - } diff --git a/src/main/java/common/tileentities/GTMTE_FluidMultiStorage.java b/src/main/java/common/tileentities/GTMTE_FluidMultiStorage.java index 98e0fabe80..b794306b6e 100644 --- a/src/main/java/common/tileentities/GTMTE_FluidMultiStorage.java +++ b/src/main/java/common/tileentities/GTMTE_FluidMultiStorage.java @@ -31,9 +31,8 @@ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet;
public class GTMTE_FluidMultiStorage extends GT_MetaTileEntity_MultiBlockBase {
- private final static String glassNameAE2 = "tile.appliedenergistics2.BlockQuartzGlass";
- private final static String glassNameStained = "tile.stainedGlass";
+ private final static String glassNameIC2Reinforced = "blockAlloyGlass";
private final static Block CASING = Blocks.tfftCasing;
private final static Block_TFFTStorageFieldBlockT1 STORAGE_FIELD1 = (Block_TFFTStorageFieldBlockT1) Blocks.tfftStorageField1;
private final static Block_TFFTStorageFieldBlockT2 STORAGE_FIELD2 = (Block_TFFTStorageFieldBlockT2) Blocks.tfftStorageField2;
@@ -355,8 +354,7 @@ public class GTMTE_FluidMultiStorage extends GT_MetaTileEntity_MultiBlockBase { // Corner allows only glass or casings
if (X == -2 && Y == -2 || X == 2 && Y == 2 || X == -2 && Y == 2 || X == 2 && Y == -2) {
- if (!(thisController.getBlockOffset(offset.x(), offset.y(), offset.z()).getUnlocalizedName().equals(glassNameAE2)
- || thisController.getBlockOffset(offset.x(), offset.y(), offset.z()).getUnlocalizedName().equals(glassNameStained)
+ if (!(thisController.getBlockOffset(offset.x(), offset.y(), offset.z()).getUnlocalizedName().equals(glassNameIC2Reinforced)
|| thisController.getBlockOffset(offset.x(), offset.y(), offset.z()) == CASING)) {
formationChecklist = false; // do nothing yet
@@ -378,8 +376,7 @@ public class GTMTE_FluidMultiStorage extends GT_MetaTileEntity_MultiBlockBase { thisController.getYCoord() + offset.y(),
thisController.getZCoord() + offset.z());
- } else if (!thisController.getBlockOffset(offset.x(), offset.y(), offset.z()).getUnlocalizedName().equals(glassNameAE2)
- && !thisController.getBlockOffset(offset.x(), offset.y(), offset.z()).getUnlocalizedName().equals(glassNameStained)) {
+ } else if (!thisController.getBlockOffset(offset.x(), offset.y(), offset.z()).getUnlocalizedName().equals(glassNameIC2Reinforced)) {
formationChecklist = false;
diff --git a/src/main/java/kekztech/KekzCore.java b/src/main/java/kekztech/KekzCore.java index cec9300812..ff677a3296 100644 --- a/src/main/java/kekztech/KekzCore.java +++ b/src/main/java/kekztech/KekzCore.java @@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ import thaumcraft.api.research.ResearchPage; dependencies =
"required-after:IC2; "
+ "required-after:gregtech;"
+ + "required-after:Thaumcraft;"
+ + "required-after:ThaumicTinkerer;"
+ "after:bartworks"
public class KekzCore {
@@ -100,7 +102,7 @@ public class KekzCore { final ResearchItem jar_thaumiumreinforced = new ResearchItem("THAUMIUMREINFORCEDJAR", "ALCHEMY", new AspectList(), 3, -4, 2, new ItemStack(Blocks.jarThaumiumReinforced, 1));
jar_thaumiumreinforced.setPages(new ResearchPage[] {
new ResearchPage("kekztech.research_page.THAUMIUMREINFORCEDJAR"),
- new ResearchPage(Recipes.arcaneRecipes.get("THAUMIUMREINFORCEDJAR"))
+ new ResearchPage(Recipes.infusionRecipes.get("THAUMIUMREINFORCEDJAR"))
jar_thaumiumreinforced.setParents(new String[] {"JARLABEL"});
diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/kekztech/lang/en_US.lang b/src/main/resources/assets/kekztech/lang/en_US.lang index cb37880cd0..69ed77ae42 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/assets/kekztech/lang/en_US.lang +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/kekztech/lang/en_US.lang @@ -106,5 +106,8 @@ tile.kekztech_ichorjar_block.name=Ichor Jar item.kekztech_ichorjarfilled_item.name=Ichor Jar with Essentia
item.kekztech_ichorjarfilled_item.void.name=Ichor Void Jar with Essentia
-research_page.THAUMIUMREINFORCEDJAR=Lorem ipsum
-research_page.ICHORJAR=Lorem ipsum
\ No newline at end of file +tc.research_name.THAUMIUMREINFORCEDJAR=Thaumium Reinforced Jars
+kekztech.research_page.THAUMIUMREINFORCEDJAR=You have heard your fellow Thaumaturges talk about the benefits of digitized Essentia Storage.<BR><BR> Storing enough Essentia for your advanced infusions has indeed been an issue for you too, however those jars are simply too pleasing to look at to even consider the idea of replacing them with some compact technological construct.<BR><BR>Thanks to this new discovery, you have managed to quadruple the capacity of your jars by improving them with a thick Thaumium lining. This should buy you some more time to come up with a better solution. You imagine that you could get even more out of your jars if only you had some kind of material harder then even diamond or any of the other magical metal you have seen so far.
+tc.research_name.ICHORJAR=Ichor Jars
+kekztech.research_page.ICHORJAR=This is it!<BR><BR>By infusing a jar with just a single piece of Ichor you have created something to rival digitized Essentia storage without sacrificing any of the beauty that your array of warded jars offer.<BR><BR>Ichor Jars can hold an astounding 4096 Essentia and fit nicely into your recently aquired set of Ichor based achievements.